Tag Archives: Keshi

Keshi’s Future In Doubt As Eagles Crash To Sudan In Khartoum.

Our man Joel Musa takes a look at the Afcon 2015 Qualifier between Sudan and Nigeria.

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Nigeria Super Eagles starting 11 With Babatunde Micheal at the 2014 World Cup photo credit Reuters
Nigeria Super Eagles starting 11 With Babatunde Micheal at the 2014 World Cup photo credit Reuters

It was the ultimate humiliation, the sort you wouldn’t wish for your fiercest foe, the Super Eagles faced another defeat in their bid to qualify for the continental showpiece at Morocco next year.

The loss in Calabar to Congo was seen as an upset, the draw at South Africa was seen as a step out of the mire but there’s no positive spin for the dross Keshi’s charges served up against Sudan.

Granted, the pitch had more plastic than a Lego factory, the weather was sweltering and the animosity of the fans could be felt from a reasonable distance but this was the lifeline they had to take.

Earlier in the day, South Africa had won away at Congo to move to the top of the log and inadvertently made room for the Champions to claw themselves out of the doldrums.

The Eagles started the game looking assured but a lack of a cogent game plan was visible as they literally became clueless when they approached the final third, the lack of innovation and quality saw Sudan grow in confidence to take charge of the game at the half hour mark and just before the break, their No. 10, a charismatic libero, carved out a chance, sliding a ball to the left, Echiejile was left for dead and a strong cross was met by Bacary Elgadir’s determined header from close range.


Emenike and Mikel had speculative efforts and Musa missed a golden chance from a quality thru pass.

The Second Half.

The ineffective Nosa Igiebor was withdrawn. Sudan’s confidence wasn’t going to fizzle out in front of their vociferous supporters and disjointed opposition.

They continued to create half chances while staying compact at the back. Keshi responded by sending in rookie subs in the form of Sunday Emmanuel and Raheem Lawal who predictably didn’t have any noteworthy impact on the match.

Chelsea’s Mikel Obi seemed to have grabbed a draw on the 87th minute but his effort was ruled offside. Sudan held out for a memorable win over the faltering Champions of Africa.

Maigari: Why I Can Never Work Against Keshi, Eagles…

Maigari: Why I Can Never Work Against Keshi, Eagles…Cautions Internet Rabble Rousers


NFF President, Alhaji Aminu Maigari, has described as puerile and a dagger in the back claims in some quarters that he was working against the success of the national team, the Super Eagles ahead of Mundial 2014 in Brazil.

He further lambasted a section of the sporting media that have the belief that he wants the failure of national team handler, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi, so that he can be fired for a foreign handler. Speaking in Abuja, Maigari, declared that it will be foolhardy for him to destroy what he has built.

Hear him:“ When the former Coach Samson Siasia left the stage for obvious reasons, how many of those who are fronting for Keshi today wanted him as the Nigerian coach.

But in my wisdom and after talking to our executive committee members, he was appointed the Head Coach and he will agree with the whole world that we have been supporting him.

Some people just want to create sensation of publicity for themselves and use perceived disagreement with Keshi to insult us and win public acclaim. For the records I can never work against a man that we collectively made the highest paid Nigerian alive today”.

The NFF President also had harsh words for internet journalists who have been feasting on the supposed rift in the football family.

He said most of them write without facts and have been damaging the reputation of Nigerian football and that of the coaching crew of the national team rather than building it. “If anyone is in doubt they should ask questions but they will never do that, they go on facebook, twitter and use all other manner of media to damage the reputation of the leadership of Nigerian football without asking questions.

Henceforth, such flagrant abuse of the media will no longer be acceptable to us. I don’t want to mention names but those concerned know themselves and for the last time I want to appeal to them to allow us concentrate on preparations for the World Cup rather than causing all manner of distractions”, he said.

FCT SWAN WEEK: NOA, say do the right thing as NAFDAC seek drug-free Super Eagles ahead of World Cup

The Director General of Nigeria Orientation Agency, NOA, Mike Omeri says the most challenges faced by sports men and women including sports writers is attitudinal and argued them to “do the right things to keep sports alive”

The Director General who was represented by Mr. Moses Aba , made the statement at a seminar organized by the Sports Writers Association of Nigeria, SWAN, FCT chapter in Abuja, to mark the second year in office of the Kayode Adeniyi led board, and further clarified that “do the right things to keep sports alive” presupposes that the wrong things are being done in various aspects of sports and positive changes must take place for Nigeria to perform well at sporting mundials especially at the FIFA world cup in Brazil.
Omeri however acknowledged the positive role the sports writers have been playing in the development of sports in Nigeria
“Without the sports writers and without the Sports Writers Association of Nigeria, SWAN, in particular, it is doubtful if we would have progressed to the level we have reached in this country today.

I commend the Kayode Adeniyi led SWAN, FCT chapter for the noble role they have played in keeping sports alive in Nigeria.” Omeri said.

The Sports Writers Association of Nigeria, SWAN, FCT chapter event continues on Wednesday with a football match against FCT Coaches Association while it will also hold a green carpet night on Thursday.

NAFDAC seek drug free Super Eagles ahead of World Cup

The Director General National Agency For Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), Dr. Paul Orhii, said plans are being made to sensitize the players of the Super Eagles of Nigeria on the need to be drug-free ahead of the 2014 world cup in Brazil.

The DG NAFDAC who made this known in Abuja on Tuesday at a seminar organized by the Sports Writers Association of Nigeria, SWAN, FCT chapter to mark the second year in office of the Kayode Adeniyi led board, said athletes who engage in the use of banned drugs get undue advantages over their competitors and hence the use of banned drugs by sports men and women should be discouraged.

The DG who was represented by the Director Special Duties, Abubakar Jimoh, also stressed that NAFDAC intends to use the Super Eagles coach Stephen Keshi, who is a role model to a lot of youths across the country in promoting its fight against drug counterfeiting.

“We know sports, especially football in Nigeria is a unifying factor, that is, when the Super Eagles are playing, Nigerians forget all their differences and come together as one.

This is very unique, because no other sector can boast of this great tool, hence NAFDAC has concluded plans to delve into sports as a tool to sensitize the people about the dangers of drug counterfeiting.

But in summary, people need to be aware that fake drugs respect nobody and it affects everyone in one way or the other, hence the need to fight this menace together.” Orhii stated.

The Super Eagles will play Iran, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Argentina in the group H of the FIFA world cup Brazil 2014
We have identified sports

Eagles Coordinator Digs In On Okpala…Says Team Needs Concentration Not Controversies

Super Eagles Coordinator for nearly a decade now, Emmanuel Danjuma Attah, has described as worrisome and unbelievable claims by former Assistant Coach of the team, Sylvanus Okpala, that Nigeria Football Federation officials shared from gifts given to the team by individuals and state governments.

Speaking in Abuja on the matter, Attah said Okpala’s claim smacks of either lack of information or mischief and he should be called to order, especially as he has already gone to court over his dismissal by the NFF. “Those of us who are insiders of the team know how we handle our affairs when it comes to gifts to the team. Decisions are normally taken by the team’s skipper in conjunction with the team administrator and at the end of the day all of those concerned are briefed.

The NFF never even have ideas of how we share our money or who gets what and Okpala knows this. It’s surprising that he can come out to say monies were shared with NFF officials, it’s share desperation and it won’t help his case”.

Team’s Media Officer, Ben Alaiya, quotes Attah, as saying that what the team needs at the moment if full concentration for the World Cup in Brazil not distraction from those who are supposed to be patriots whether they are with the team or not. “Time on our hands is rather short and all we need now is to focus on the World Cup where we think we can make an impact not debating whether monies was shared, which has never happened before. Otherwise the players should have been the first to react to any deduction no matter how rich Nigerians think they are.”

Enyeama: Champions League Spot Will Boost Brazil Readiness…Seeks Truce In Nigerian Football

Super Eagles deputy skipper, Vincent Enyeama, has sensationally declared that most players of all qualified nations for the Brazil 2014 World Cup are not thinking of the championship at the moment but the fate of their various clubsides across the globe.

“We are talking of top professionals who are heavily rewarded for what their clubs get during the season, some are fighting for a place in the Champions League, like my club, Lille Metropol, others are fighting to get Europa league positions and some very good players are even fighting against relegations for their clubs.”

So to many of us, we don’t want to discuss the World Cup at the moment, what we want is good placing for our club sides and then we can shift focus to the World Cup. If my club gets a Champions League spot for instance, it will help me focus properly for the World Cup and I know Nigeria will do well, trust me”, he said.

Enyeama, who has been the regular skipper of the national team in the absence of Joseph Yobo, also called on football authorities to refocus and let sleeping dogs lie for the good of the game in the country.

“We read a lot about happenings in Nigeria, which most times are not palatable but we are the African Champions and we must let ourselves enjoy the moment while it lasts so that we can take a very determined spirit to the World Cup and I trust the NFF people will listen and help concentrate on better preparation for the World Cup. In essence we don’t want to hear any story of disagreement in the football family, please.

Balogun For Surgery In Germany…Vows To Bounce Back For Mundial 2014

Newly invited Fortuna Dusseldorf of Germany right back, Leon Balogun, will undergo surgery in Germany, when he returns to his base by this weekend after he suffered a fractured foot in the highly explosive international friendly between Nigeria and Mexico on Wednesday in Atlanta Georgia, United States.

Super Eagles doctor , Ibrahim Gyaran told Head Coach Stephen Keshi, that it was the best option open to the young defender and the surgery will effectively rule him out for up to 8weeks. That may give him enough time to quickly bounce back and rejoin the national team ahead of preparation for the World Cup in May if invited.

The medics explained that they if he does not carry out any surgery, it will take him a longer time to return to action (up to 4months) hence the surgery option. His club medics have already been briefed about the development even as Keshi says his immediate concern for the player is about his health.


Balogun was involved in a horrific fall with a Mexican striker near the dug house of the El Tri midway into the second half of the encounter and hit his legs against objects in the technical area, forcing the Nigerian bench to replace him even when he came on only in the second half of the game.

The player himself said it was painful that he copped the injury but added that he has no regret making a decision to play for Nigeria. “I am a Nigerian, my father is from Ijebu Ode and my mother is half Italian and half German so I chose to play for my fatherland and I am enjoying it so far. The only thing at the moment is that I don’t understand Pidgin English, which many speak in camp but I will soon catch up because I like the atmosphere in the Eagles camp”.

The players who bonded faster with Balogun in camp include John Mikel Obi, Emmanuel Emenike, Victor Moses and Shola Ameobi. “But am in tune with all my teammates and I’m happy the way I was received as if I have been with them for a very long time meanwhile I never met any of them till now. I pray my injury heals on time so that I can return to playing football for my club and country”.

Eagles Get Conduct Code Booklet …Team Returns Friday

The Nigeria Football Federation is taken nothing to chance as it seeks a decent performance at this year’s World Cup in Brazil and better conduct by players and officials of all national team in the future.

Towards this end the federation during the week in faraway, Atlanta Georgia, United States handed out the much-hyped hand book on code of conduct while in the national team to players and officials of the Super Eagles. The 18page document clearly outlines what is expected of players, officials and even the federation during camping and major tournaments.

NFF President, Alhaji Aminu Maigari, in the company of Chairman, Technical Committee Barr Chris Green and NFF Director, Technical, Dr Emmanuel Ikpeme came with the documents and handed them over to the team through Team Adminstrator, Dayo Enebi Achor, who has since distributed them to the players and officials of the team. “The document is done in good faith and to ensure that players and officials know their obligations and how to properly conduct themselves, while the NFF will ensure that it also fulfils its own part of the bargain during major tournaments”, Maigari said.

The Nigerian delegation to the United States is expected back in Nigeria on Friday evening after playing a goalless draw against the El Tri of Mexico in an international friendly preparatory to Mundial 2014 in Brazil. The team will arrive through the Murtala Mohammed International Airport in Lagos.

Eagles Players Arrive Atlanta For Mexico Friendly as Mikel, Echejile Headline Arrivals

Eagles Arrive Atlanta For Mexico Friendly as Mikel, Echejile Headline Arrivals

…Nigerian Envoy Wants Victory

Wednesday’s international friendly between Nigeria’s Super Eagles and their Mexican counterparts is the talk of the town here in Atlanta city as both teams and their officials arrived the American city for the World Cup preparatory game.

The Nigerian delegation which left Lagos on Sunday night arrived the Atlanta International airport at about 5:05 am local time, which is 12:05pm in Nigeria. After airport formalities, the team of officials and four players were taken to the W. Hotels in the city centre where they will stay for the encounter.

At the hotel, the Nigerian Ambassador/Consul General, Ambassador Geoffrey I. Teneilabe, was on hand to receive the team and assured that the Nigerian community will come out to back the team on Wednesday against Mexico. He believes the team has the ability to overcome the opposition.

Head Coach, Stephen Keshi joined the team at lunch time and to his delight most of his foreign based invited players for the encounter had arrived. First to arrive Atlanta, was John Mikel Obi of Chelsea of England who was soon joined by Monaco of France new boy, Elderson Echejile and Emmanuel Emenike. All invited players were being expected before the team departs for training. The team will have its first training session on Monday evening at 8pm local time which will be 2am in Nigeria.

On Tuesday, the team will have a feel of the Atlanta Dome in its last training session before the game on Wednesday at the same venue. At 8 degrees celcius , the weather in Atlanta is rather cold for those who came from Nigeria but the foreign based stars seem to like it that way.

Nigerian President host CHAN Eagles


President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan yesterday hosted the bronze winning Home Based Super Eagles in Abuja, the team coached by Stephen Okechukwu Keshi made it all the way to the Semi-final of the recently concluded Orange CAF CHAN 2014 in South Africa.

This is the first time the Nigerian Home based Eagles would make it to the CHAN tourney after two previous failed attempts. The team however didn’t Leave Abuja empty handed as the President announced cash rewards for the entire team including the back room staff. Chief coach Stephen Keshi was given – N1.5million Naira, his assistant coaches were given N1 million Naira each, the players also got a million Naira, while the back room staff got N500,000 thousand Naira each.

This writer believes that the Presidents’ gesture is greatly appreciated and hopes it will go a long way in motivating not only the CHAN Eagles but also other teams representing Nigeria in the other sports.

Sola Rogers

Photo courtesy Reuben Abati on twitter

Maigari lambasts speculators of Keshi’s ‘foreign assistant’


President of Nigeria Football Federation, Alhaji Aminu Maigari, on Thursday lampooned those who invented the talk of a ‘foreign technical assistant’ for Super Eagles’ Head Coach, Stephen Keshi, and then took their imagination to the public space to deceive the generality of Nigerians.

“At no time did anyone in the NFF, whether myself, the Executive Committee or the Management, contemplated, suggested, recommended or even tried to impose the idea of a ‘foreign technical assistant,’ ‘foreign technical adviser,’ ‘expatriate assistant,’ or whatever, on Mr. Keshi.

“Some idle souls with fertile imagination invented this, sold it to their friends in the media and those chaps took it up with aplomb. It
is a shame. The NFF made it clear long ago that it would not impose anyone on Keshi, and that will remain so. It is even more shameful that a number of disco critics had gone further to hurl insults at the NFF for this speculation that we know nothing about,” Maigari said in Abuja.


Insisting that the present NFF administration deserves credit for the way it has stuck by indigenous Coaches and for the successes it has recorded to regain Nigeria’s pride of place in the international game, the NFF President called on football-loving Nigerians at home and in the diaspora to discountenance the silly campaign and treat it for what it is – idle speculation of opponents of Nigeria football.

“The present NFF has, in thick and thin, kept faith with indigenous Coaches. It is the first administration in the history of the NFF to
do so. And over time, we have pledged full support to Keshi and the squad for them to make a very big impact at the FIFA World Cup finals in Brazil.

“Nothing has changed. Our full support will be available for Keshi and the team at all times and since he has not mentioned the issue of a ‘foreign technical assistant’ or ‘expatriate expert,’ no one in the NFF is thinking along that line.

Keshi picks Yobo, 22 others for Mexico friendly


Super Eagles’ Head Coach, Stephen Keshi, has listed Skipper Joseph Yobo in his squad of 23 for the international friendly against Mexico in Atlanta, USA on Wednesday, 5th March.

Yobo, who is back in the keenly-followed English Premiership, this time with Norwich City, on loan from Fenerbahce FC of Turkey, last played for the African champions at the 29th Africa Cup of Nations in South Africa, which Nigeria won.

Also returning are Israel-based defender Juwon Oshaniwa, 2014 African Nations Championship Most Valuable Player Ejike Uzoenyi and Canada-based striker Bright Dike.

New faces include former junior internationals Ramon Azeez and Shehu Abdullahi, and Belgium-based strikers Imoh Ezekiel and Michael Uchebo. Centre – back Kunle Odunlami, who made CAF’s list of Best Eleven at the recent African Nations Championship in South Africa, is also called.

Usual suspects like goalkeepers Vincent Enyeama and Austin Ejide, defenders Elderson Echiejile, Efe Ambrose, Godfrey Oboabona, Azubuike Egwuekwe and Kenneth Omeruo, midfielders John Mikel Obi and Ogenyi Onazi, and forwards Ahmed Musa, Shola Ameobi, Victor Moses, Emmanuel Emenike and Obinna Nsofor will also fly to America.


Goalkeepers: Vincent Enyeama (Lille FC, France); Austin Ejide (Hapoel
Be’er Sheva, Israel)

Defenders: Elderson Echiejile (Monaco FC, France); Efe Ambrose (Celtic FC, Scotland); Godfrey Oboabona (Rizespor, Turkey); Azubuike Egwuekwe (Warri Wolves); Kenneth Omeruo (Middlesbrough FC, England); Juwon Oshaniwa (Ashdod FC, Israel); Joseph Yobo (Norwich City, England) Kunle Odunlami (Sunshine Stars)

Midfielders: John Mikel Obi (Chelsea FC, England); Ogenyi Onazi (SS Lazio, Italy); Ramon Azeez (Almeria FC, Spain); Shehu Abdullahi (Kano Pillars); Ejike Uzoenyi (Enugu Rangers)

Forwards: Ahmed Musa (CSKA Moscow, Russia); Shola Ameobi (Newcastle United, England); Victor Moses (Liverpool FC, England); Emmanuel Emenike (Fenerbahce FC. Turkey); Obinna Nsofor (Chievo Verona, Italy);
Bright Dike (Toronto FC, Canada), Imoh Ezekiel (Standard Liege, Belgium); Michel Uchebo (Cercle Brugge, Belgium)

Technical Committee dispels ‘foreign assistant’ rumours …recommends Manu Garba for U20 job


Technical Committee dispels ‘foreign assistant’ rumours

The Technical and Development Committee of the Nigeria Football Federation rose from its 22nd meeting on Wednesday, 12th February, 2014, slamming the speculations of a planned ‘foreign technical assistant’ for Super Eagles’ Head Coach, Stephen Keshi.

The Committee also recommended to the Executive Committee, the appointment of a new technical crew for the U-20 boys’ team, Flying Eagles, while also recommending that all indigenous Coaches must obtain a Nigeria Football Federation Coaching License.

1) The Technical and Development Committee would want to restate its stand that at no time did it contemplate, approve or recommend for the appointment of any foreign Technical Assistant to Head Coach of Super Eagles, Mr. Stephen Keshi.

2) Committee reiterates the fact that it has given, and will continue to give, its unflinching support to Mr. Keshi and the team to do
Nigeria proud at the 20th FIFA World Cup finals, Brazil 2014.

3) The Committee recommended to the Executive Committee the following persons to make up the technical crew of the U-20 Men National Team, Flying Eagles: Manu Garba (Head Coach); Nduka Ugbade (Assistant Coach); Fancy Ewulu (Goalkeepers’ Trainer)

4) Committee recommended to the Executive Committee to make it compulsory for all indigenous Coaches to obtain a Nigeria Football Federation Coaching License.


2014 World Cup: Lagos SWAN charges Keshi, NFF on teamwork


Fred Edoreh, Lagos SWAN Chairman

2014 World Cup: Lagos SWAN charges Keshi, NFF on teamwork

The Sports Writers Association of Nigeria, (SWAN) Lagos chapter, has called on the Nigeria Football Federation, NFF, and Super Eagles coach, Stephen Keshi, to close ranks and uphold the spirit of teamwork in order to steady-foot Nigeria’s preparation for the Brazil 2014 World Cup.

The call by Lagos SWAN is in reaction to on-going conflict on the appointment of an assistant coach in addition to Daniel Amokachi and Ike Shorunmi to beef up the technical crew of team.

SWAN observed in the statement signed by its chairman, Fred Edoreh, and secretary, Emma Njoku, that “whereas Keshi is insisting on the reinstatement of Sylvanus Okpalla while the NFF is insisting that Okpalla remains sacked as a matter of disciplinary action for alleged insubordination, what is required is for both bench and management to approach the matter with sobriety and not grandstanding.”

Stephen Keshi

SWAN pointed out that the nation is disturbed about this discourse and how it will rub off on our World Cup campaign and urged the parties to listen to each other. “We are informed that both Keshi and the NFF agree on the need for an assistant especially in the area of training. We are further assured that Keshi has been given liberty to seek the assistant, local or foreign, by himself but within the prisms of affordability and acceptability. The contention is whether the NFF should reverse itself on the issue of discipline with regards to Sylvanus Okpalla as Keshi is said to be insisting. We believe that the conflict can be resolved with a sense of mutual understanding and respect between employee and employer.

We are in no doubt that the NFF would and should give Keshi all necessary support to succeed but it is also crucial that the institutional authority and discipline within the organisation of the NFF be respected and maintained without which it will be condemned to a house corrosive disorder with potential ripples into other grades of our male and female national teams. We therefore advise both parties to understand each other and work out a common ground before it is too late and do not allow the issue to degenerate into a major distraction.”

According to SWAN, there are basic assurances which makes the matter a lot simpler to resolve. “While there have been fears that talks about a foreign technical assistant might just be a ploy on the part of the NFF to bring in a foreign technical adviser above Keshi, we are assured from our inquiries that the football house is not contemplating any such thing which they very well know holds no guarantee and have amounted to no reasonable effect over the years. With this fear satisfactorily assuaged, the issue of seeking an assistant coach can not therefore become another bone in our neck.”

Eagles Abandonment Story A Ruse …Inyama, Keshi React


NFF Media Committee Chairman, Chief Emeka Inyama and Super Eagles Head Coach, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi have reacted with shock a story in a national daily that the Super Eagles were abandoned by Sports Minister, Mallam Bolaji Abdulahi, NFF Presient, Alhaji Aminu Maigari and the leadership of football in the run-up to the third place match against Zimbabwe last Saturday in South Africa.

Inyama, who spoke first said the report was not only a calculated mischief by the reporter but one designed to downplay the huge impact the Super Eagles made at its maiden outing at the CHAN African Nations Tourney.

“I am shocked to read such a report from a respected medium, who should know better, because the Sports Minister in the company of the NFF President did not only host the team in Bloemfontein, but also redeemed his pledge to the team and even when the team did not win against Ghana, he gave the amount he promised for a win because he was impressed by the team. Does that translate to abandonment?, he asked rhetorically.

The former Editor-in-Chief of SportsLink and former Abia State Sports Commissioner further declared that NFF President, Aminu Maigari has been with the team nearly all of the tourney and was addressing the team regularly, which was widely reported in the media adding that it was shocking that a newspaper will at the end of the championship now report that the team was abandoned by very responsible public office holders.

“We hope this rather tragic report is withdrawn by those concerned in the interest of sports growth”, he declared.

On his part, Keshi, who spoke through team’s Media Officer, Ben Alaiya, said he does not understand what is meant by the word abandoned, because the Sports Minister, NFF President and several top members of the sports fraternity were with the team throughout the duration of the tournament.


“We may not have seen much of the Supporters Club in the third place but the Minster and NFF were always with the team throughout the tournament”.

He added that the Minister and the NFF President even addressed the team in a widely publicized event, wondering what the team needs to reach its goals in crucial encounters in major competitions.

“I was shocked when I read the story and I think we should always respect those in authority without blackmail”, he said.