Tag Archives: Akwa Utd

GLO NPL Media Officer’s Forum Elects New Officers


China Acheru

The Media Officer’s Forum (MOF) of the Glo Premier League in a special meeting held in Abuja on Tuesday 28th January 2014 discussed the way forward for the 2013 / 2014 Glo Premier League season and other salient issues affecting the Forum and it was resolved as follows.

The Forum elected seven members to man the affairs of the body for a period of two years.

China Acheru of Dolphins FC was elected as Chairman of the forum to be assisted by Kano Pillars’ Media-Officer Idris Malikawa who was elected Vice Chairman of the Forum.

Cajetan Nkwopara of Heartland FC is the Secretary of the body, while Musa Elayo of Nasarawa Utd was elected as the Assistant Secretary

Sunshine FC of Akure’s Media-Officer Adewumi Ayodele Johnson is now the Treasurer.

Uwem Ekoh of Akwa Utd was also elected as the PRO of the MOF and last but not the least Mark Agbo of Lobi Stars will serve as Welfare Officer.

The Forum commended the League Management Company (LMC) led by Hon Nduka Irabor for putting machineries in motion for the smooth take off and success of the league.

The Forum also appealed to Chairmen/Boards of various clubs to pay serious attention to their Media Officers by giving them good incentives and good working environment to enhance their performance. This we at Newfanzone believe will go a long way towards enhancing the coverage of the League.

The MOF also talked about Security issues and other logistic challenges its members face in the process carry out their duties and this challenges can be met

The forum also commended members of the Nigerian team currently flying the Nigerian flag in South Africa.