Refereee Mike Usie during the session

FIFA Referee Tutors Golden Eaglets

Golden Eaglets pay rapt attention
Golden Eaglets pay rapt attention

Michael Usie, FIFA Licensed referee, has availed the Under-17 national team, Golden Eaglets benefits of his experience with a lecture on the stipulated laws of the game.

At an interactive session at the team’s Princeville Hotel Camp in Calabar on Tuesday, Usie a Nigeria Premier League referee and International referee since 2008 dwelled on the vexed Law 11 and 12
which respectively emphasised on offside rules and; fouls and misconduct.

“It is very necessary that you know the rules guiding the game because you make the referees’ job easier when you understand the rules,” stated 37-year-old Usie.

Usie who incidentally officiated the Golden Eaglets’ goalless draw against Nationwide Division Two side, Anantigha Stars on Saturday, used the opportunity to address glaring errors committed by the

He warned the players against taking the law into their hands since the only constituted authority is the centre referee and his assistants.

“Both the centre referee and the assistants work hand-in-hand and you must respect them,” he admonished.” In fact, the referee mostly rely on the assistants in determining off side position and irrespective of what you think, the assistant referee is as powerful as the referee.”

He equally warned the players against committing fouls since safety is the foremost priority of FIFA during and after matches even as he reminded that it was the responsibility of the captain to ensure
proper behaviour of his team.

Refereee Mike Usie during the session
Refereee Mike Usie during the session

He added: “The law says there is decent by words or action as such; you must refrain from bad behaviour and displaying unnecessary anger against the referee.

“Of course, there is sanction for careless, reckless and violent conduct and you must refrain from any of these,” he warned.

Officials and players thanked Usie for the instructive session which has opened their eyes to gray arrears about the rules governing the game and has promised to use the knowledge gained positively in the days ahead.

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