Arturo Vidal

The Arturo Vidal Poser: Is He Worth £34million Or Much More?

Usually When a football club is not willing to part with a top player they make it known that the said individual is not leaving at any price.

When a club don’t want to be seen as willing to sell their priced asset, they utter a public statement while making their actual stance known to the interested club, as it was in the case of Atletico Bilbao during the Anders Herrera saga.

But in the case of Vidal, Juventus haven’t “toed the line” of Atletico Bilbao, they seem willing to sell at the right price.

So the big question is Arturo Vidal worth £34million or more?

The answer is YES, he is worth it in my opinion:

Arturo Vidal is an awesome box to box player, he is also very good with both feet and he is a proven goal scoring midfielder (he scored 18times for Juventus last season)

If Vidal can replicate is Juventus form for the former English Champions, then Old Trafford faithful’s are in for a feel good atmosphere, the kind they have missed for some years in the midfield; Vidal can be described as a hybrid of Roy Keane, Paul Scholes and Bryan Robson.

So I strongly believe that it’s time Man United’s CEO Edward Woodward enhanced his credentials by getting the man millions of Manchester United fans are yearning for, if the Reds are seriously willing to compete with the “Big Boys” this season.

Arturo Vidal
Arturo Vidal

The strength of the Manchester Club has just been re-affirmed with the signing of Mega Million pound deals with With General Motors and Sportswear Giants Adidas, in-spite of a lacklustre performance last season.

The Chilean is one of the best midfielders in the world and his signing would be a huge statement of intent to the rest of the league and would take the Reds up another notch as they bid to return to the money-spinning UEFA Champions league.

Van Gaal would not want to enter the first season of his campaign at Old Trafford with doubts over how his team will control games and dominate possession.

Ed Woodward can solve that problem for him by signing Vidal for £34million, otherwise Louis van Gaal and all Man United fans could look back at one moment of needless thriftiness wondering ‘what if’?

Paul Ayorinde

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