Tag Archives: Stephen Keshi

Keshi, Osaze Say Eagles Best Yet To Come…

Keshi, Osaze Say Eagles Best Yet To Come…WC Debut Excites Ejike

Stephen Keshi - Super Eagles Coach
Stephen Keshi – Super Eagles Coach

Super Eagles coach, Stephen Keshi and striker, Peter Osaze Odemwingie have reviewed the 1-0 win over Bosnia-Hezergovina on last Saturday and came away with the submission that the team was still yet to play to its full potentials in the Mundial.

Osaze said at the post match media parley that the team has what it takes to reach the very final if all of the players play to full potential. “I saw a Brazilian on the street who told he foresaw Nigeria playing the final against Brazil and I said to myself why not, going by the level of our players and the fact that they are yet to peak”.

Osaze Odenwingie goalscorer, Nigeria vs Bosnia-Herzegovinia
Osaze Odenwingie goalscorer, Nigeria vs Bosnia-Herzegovinia

The Stoke City forward who scored Nigeria’s only goal in the encounter said the goal also served as a compensation for his missing out of last year’s Nations Cup in South Africa. “But mark my words we have a very resilient defence, a creative midfield and an attack force that can trouble any defence in the world if we play to our potentials we can go all the way”, he declared.

Keshi on his part, said he will not relent at ensuring that he gets the team in the right mood for the championship but said the players are just gradually coming up. “The annoying thing is that they get criticized unnecessarily back home. When that comes from the man on the street you can understand but when people who should know like ex-footballers criticize the team, I don’t enjoy it at all but the players have showed that they are good enough for the World Cup but they are yet to play to full potential”.

Winger Ejike Uzoenyi, who played his first World Cup game against Bosnia, said he was excited at his debut. “It was like a dream but I thank God, the NFF and the coaches for making me realize the dream of playing at the world’s biggest stage in football. I am a fulfilled man”.

Imoke, Unicem Rovers Hail Eagles…Says Maigari Is History Maker

Cross River State Governor, Senator Liyel Imoke, says he has been enjoying the performance of the Super Eagles and believes that the team has the potential to go all the way. Imoke, whose government hosted all the team’s qualifying games was also in Brazil prior to the start of the championship.

“This team has the potential of making Nigeria one of the biggest football super powers in the world and I also believe that the NFF President, Alhaji Aminu Maigari and his board are on the verge of also becoming the best football administrators that the country ever produced”, he was quoted as saying by Sports Commissioner, Hon Patrick Ugbe.

Also newly appointed Chairman of Unicem Rovers FC of Calabar, Maurice Inok, says the entire team and its officials are backing the team to lift the World Cup adding that the club has a bunch of youthful players that he will invite the national team technical crew to come and pick from for the future.

“We are behind the NFF, Keshi and his entire crew and I can promise that when he returns to a garland of celebration we won’t be behind because the team has raised the bar of football in Africa and the world”, Inok said in a statement from Calabar.

Nigeria Police Force
Nigeria Police Force

Nigeria Police Shines In Brazil 2014

The Nigeria Police Force has been one of the strong ambassadors here in Brazil representing the country in various categories of the competition and they have been turning out in flying colours.

Apart from national team Chief Security Officer, ACP Abubakar Baba, there are eight other top officers here and carrying out various World Cup task and they could be seen in the different centres of the championship.

Led by the Officer in charge of Sports in the Nigeria Police, Commissioner of Police, Sani Mohammed, the team includes another CP Abimbola Marcaulay, SP Gabriel Alobo DSP Femi Okunowo, Inspector Kikelomo Ajayi, herself a former skipper of the Women National team, the Super Falcons and Inspector Wakili Isah Shall.

They have been everywhere and helping to ensure that the flag of Nigerian is flown in the security circle very high, even preventing a former top sports administrators from Nigeria from being arrested over branding in the stadium. Nigeria is really going places in Brazil.

Photo Credit: Super Eagles Google+ page

Eagles Arrive Cuiaba For Bosnia…,It’s the Game Of My Life-Onazi

Nigeria’s national team, the Super Eagles arrived Cuiaba, in Central Brazil, venue of its next group encounter against Bosnia Herzegovina on Thursday afternoon, for the game scheduled for Saturday evening in the city.

The team which left the Campinas Airport at about 12:15 local time arrived Cuiaba at exactly 1:10 pm after a one hour and 45minutes flight. Cuiaba operates a different time zone from Sao Paulo, which is an hour ahead. The city was warm at the arrival of the team, with temperatures standing at 33 degrees celcius. Pockets of soccer loving Brazilians dotted the route and the front of the hotel to welcome the African champions.

The team was immediately checked into its Hits Pantanal Hotel, which is less than ten minutes drive from the airport. On the team’s entourage were some members of the Nigerian National Assembly, noticeable among them, Alhaja (Hon) Ayo Omidiran, who is the Deputy Chairman of the House Of Representatives Committee on Sports and a former Executive Committee member of the Nigeria Football Association.

Speaking on arrival in Cuiaba, Lazio of Italy midfielder, Ogenyi Onazi, said he can’t wait for Saturday to show how important the game is to him. “One of the players of the Bosnian side is my teammate at Lazio, he plays from the left side of the attack and I want to prove to him that I am a great player at the world stage”, he said with Head Coach, Stephen Keshi, beaming with smiles.

The team will have its first training session in Cuiaba later on Thursday at 5:30pm local time, before taking a rest and preparing for the activities of Friday.

Super Eagles Training
Super Eagles Training

Keshi Pins Hope On Oboabona’s Recovery…Players Handed Afcon Land Papers

Keshi Pins Hope On Oboabona’s Recovery…Team Heads For Cuiaba

Super Eagles coach, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi says despite the two deep cuts that defence ace, Godfrey Oboabona has, which has since been stitched, he still has hopes that the Turkey based defender will be ready for the game against Bosnia-Herzegovina.

The player was hit on his feet with sharp studs by an Iranian attacker in the goalless draw against the Persian Stars and medics immediately took him for a scan which shows that he had deep cuts on his limbs but there were no fractures. “Yes, I have received the medical reports on Godfrey and we are still very hopeful that before the d-day he may still make it. Let’s just be hopeful because he is an important player in the team”, he said.

The Nigerian side will head for Cuiaba on Thursday morning for its second game against Bosnia-Herzegovina, after drawing goalless in its opener against Iran. Team Skipper, Joseph Yobo, said the focus should be on the game instead of talking about the past game against Iran. “We are all disappointed that we didn’t win against Iran but we must refocus on the immediate task of winning our next game.

Stephen Keshi - Super Eagles Coach
Stephen Keshi – Super Eagles Coach

Eagles Will Eclipse Bosnia-Maigari, Yobo Boast …,Players Handed Afcon Land Papers

NFF President, Alhaji Aminu Maigari made a morale boosting visit to the Super Eagles Campinas camp on Wednesday afternoon to assure the team that the federation is solidly behind them and that he was sure that the team will make it to the next round of the championship.

He was accompanied on the visit by Chairman Technical Committee, Barr Chris Green, Chairman, Media and Publicity of the NFF, High Chief Emeka Inyama, Executive Committee member and Enyimba Fc boss, Chief Felix Anyansi Agwu, Assistant Director Media NFF, Demola Olajire, with soccer Ambassador and immediate past skipper of the national team Nwankwo Kanu as well as PA to NFF President, Jubril Nasir in tow.

Maigari said he came to reassure the team that majority of Nigerians still believe in them to deliver and the NFF board has a special place for the team ahead of their game against Bosnia Herzegovina on Saturday. “We have heard the barrage of criticisms against you by the same people who say you are the best in the world only a few days ago, but we know that it was the same thing that happened at the Nations Cup and helped to rejuvenate the team. I am certain that those who have criticized you today, will be the same people that will join to celebrate you in the coming weeks and it will be to the glory of God and the greatness of Nigeria”, he declared.

Team Skipper, Joseph Yobo, said he was aware of the criticisms especially in the social media but declared that the team remains undaunted and will once again prove critics wrong in their next match. “We know the football family is behind us, we know the NFF is behind us and we will not let the nation down when the time comes for us to be counted among great football nations”.

The NFF President thereafter presented the papers of the landed properties given to the team by President Goodluck Jonathan following their triumph at the last Nations Cup in South Africa. Team Administrator, Dayo Enebi Achor, received the papers for onward distribution to the players.

photo credit:Super eagles google+ page

NFF, Eagles Debunk Row Over Appearance Fee, Bonuses As Team Focuses On Iranian Test

Super Eagles Starting 11 Vs USA

NFF, Eagles Debunk Row Over Appearance Fee Bonuses As Team Focuses On Iranian Test…No Stopping Us-Enyeama

As the Super Eagles step out against Iran in their opening game of the 2014 Brazil World Cup, Nigeria Football Federation officials and those of the Super Eagles have pleaded with the media and mischief makers to allow peace reign, so that the players can concentrate on the task at hand.

NFF Technical Committee Chairman, Barr. Chris Green, who is in Curitiba with the team, alongside Federation President Alhaji Aminu Maigari and other board members said it was disheartening to learn that some people were still hammering on the long settled issue of bonuses and appearance fees for the players.

“When the Senate President, Dr David Mark came here to meet with us and the players, he was totally convinced at our sincerity with the players and what we have on board as the team progresses but some people are just hell bent on ensuring that they raise issues that don’t even exist”, he said.

Green explained that the NFF has agreed with the players to pay $10,000 winning bonus for first round games, $12,500 for second round game, $15,000 for quarter final and $20,000 for semi-final. That will also increase marginally to $25,000 if the team wins the trophy.

The percentage earnings from monies that may accrue to the players from what FIFA gives to the NFF was also put at 30 percent for the group stages, 40 for the second round, 50 for the quarter final, 60 for the semi-final and 70 percent for the final. “When we unveiled this before the President of the Senate who represented President Goodluck Jonathan, he was full of praises for us and promised that he will add a special bonus from government to the players and promised further surprises if the team goes far in the tourney”.

Team Coach Stephen Keshi also warned against distracting the team from its set goals, declaring that his players are focused on the game against Iran and will not tolerate any form of distraction. “The players may have issues but I think they have been settled amicably, so let them allow us to play.

Assistant Skipper, Vincent Enyeama said his teammates know what is at stake in the World Cup and will not allow personal need or greed to override national interest. “We are ready for Iran and that is what is on our minds at the moment, every other thing will be settled after this competition”.

Campinas Mayor, Club President Back Eagles For Trophy As Team Completes Accreditation

Campinas Mayor, Club President Back Eagles For Trophy As Team Completes Accreditation, FIFA Briefing

The Super Eagles stay in Campinas, on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, has turned out to be one of the best decisions taken by the Nigeria Football Federation for Mundial 2014, as not only inhabitants of the area have been pouring out to catch a glimpse of the Nigerian side but government officials and club owners.

On Wednesday evening the Mayor of Campinas, Mr Donas Donizete, visited the team’s hotel, with top government officials after dinner to felicitate with the squad. Before then, owner of the oldest and famous club in Campinas, which incidentally owns the Estadio Brinco de Ouro da Princesa, the pitch where the Eagles have been training visited the team during the evening training session.

The Club President, Alvaro Negrao, said he came to wish the team well and made a special request for the Super Eagles to beat Argentina in their last group game. “The whole of Brazil will be cheering you in that game”, he said. He thereafter presented players and officials of the Nigerian side with green jerseys, which incidentally is the colour of the Guarani Football Club, which was founded in 1911.

In his address, the Campinas Mayor, thanked Nigeria for choosing the city which is home to over one million people as their camp base. He said he foresees Nigeria going all the way but said he would be torn between his love for Nigeria and his home country Brazil if both countries were to meet in the course of the championship.

In a symbolic gesture he brought an African brother to tell the story of how several Nigerians through slave trade help build Campinas and several other cities across Portugal, thanking them for their heroics of yesteryears.

He then presented the Nigerian side with beautiful flowers and an encased World Cup football that were received by team skipper, Joseph Yobo from a beautiful damsel that came with the Mayor, who left many players and officials mouth agape. “Its our own way of showing you and the other country that chose Campinas as their team base (Portugal), that we love you and we hope you go all the way and do your country and Campinas proud”.

Also on Thursday all the players and officials completed their accreditation process for the World Cup in the presence of top FIFA officials. The team was also taken through grills on new goal line technology, match fixing, security, media responsibilities and general conduct in an even that lasted for about two hours.

Campinas Mayor, Club President With Super Eagles
Campinas Mayor, Club President With Super Eagles

Ejike Celebrates Eagles Return.…Wishes Echejile Quick Recovery

Rangers International of Enugu winger, Ejike Uzoenyi, who will be heading to the South African PSL after the World Cup, has said his joy new no bounds when he was recalled into the team for the mundial after being initially dropped from the squad.

“The way my colleagues in the team received me was wonderful and I was short of words, my only pain is that I had to come back to the team because one of our team members was injured. It would have been sweeter if I had been chosen on merit, which I think I deserve. But I wish Elderson Echejile quick recovery and hopefully he will return before the start of next season in Europe”.

He said contrary to reports he was not disappointed when he was not named in the initial 23 man squad because he has total confidence in the judgment of Coach Stephen Keshi. “From the beginning Keshi has been with me, treated me like a father will his son, and I have been everywhere with him, even if he asks me to leave now I will still respect his decision but I thank God that I am back in the team and will do my best in the World Cup.

Uzoenyi resumed training with the rest of the squad on Thursday evening after a rousing welcome from his mates on Wednesday evening.

Rousing Welcome For Eagles In Brazil…Minister, NFF Lead Reception…

Nigerian Football FederationLogo
NFF Logo

…Capinas Residents Turn Out Enmasse …American Airlines Give Team Special Treat

The Super Eagles arrived Sao Paulo, Brazil on Tuesday night at about 10:40pm to a rousing welcome from Miami, United States, where they equally got a rousing send forth from staff of American Airlines, which flew the team to Brazil.

The staffers were brandishing various posters wishing the Eagles goodluck and were led by their station Manager, who also ensured that the team had easy immigration passage to the airline. It was a very emotional scene for the players who were not expecting such from the airline staff but there were still more to come.

After eight hours of flight, the plane finally touched down at the Sao Paulo International Airport, with Sports Minister, Hon Tammy Danagogo leading NFF President, Alhaji Aminu Maigari, to welcome the team. Maigari was to announce that the Federal Government delegation led by Senate President, David Mark, will arrive Sao Paulo later on Wednesday to deliver President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan’s address to the team and also wish the team the best in the Mundial.

After light entertainment at the airport the team drove to it camp base in Campinas, where they will train at the Estadio Brinco De Ouro da Princesa. Once there, residents of Campinas turned out in their hundreds to welcome the team also with posters wishing the team the best in the World Cup. “We are totally overwhelmed by this wonderful reception, Head Coach Stephen Okechukwu Keshi said while addressing journalists in front of the Vitoria Hotel, where the team is quartered.

The team will begin training on Wednesday by 4pm local time as it gears up for its first game against Iran next Monday.

Super Eagles Starting 11 Vs USA

Keshi Debunks Echejile Must Stay Report…Ejike Arrives Sao Paulo

Super Eagles Coach Stephen Keshi has debunked news making the rounds that he has insisted on keeping injured Elderson Echejile in camp against medical advise, adding that he never spoke to any Nigerian journalist on the matter.

Reacting to the story, Keshi said he was pained that Echejile, who is a very key member of the squad will be missing out after putting in so much but there was nothing he could do to hasten the healing process.

“We have spoken to the medical team and the NFF and we have agreed, so I was a bit shocked when I got a call from some of my friends back home that I insisted on an injured player. It’s a fallacy because I never spoke to anyone about Echejile”.

Ejike Uzoenyi, the Rangers International winger who was named by Keshi as replacement will arrive Brazil by 4pm local time from Nigeria.

Team Administrator, Dayo Enebi Achor, said all logistics to receive and reintegrate him into the team quickly have been made. “I guess when he arrives and start training Nigerians will finally come to the reality that we will miss Echejile in this World Cup”.

Brazil 2014: Akinbobola charges Eagles to remain focused

Chairman, Ondo State Football Agency (ODSFA), Akin Akinbobola has charged the handlers of the Super Eagles to remain focused as they begin the quest for glory at the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil.

Nigeria is drawn in Group F alongside Argentina, Iran and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Akinbobola feels the defeat to USA on Saturday night is an eye opener for the technical crew and players towards ensuring a better outing in Brazil.

“Keshi and his back room staff should watch their warm-up tapes especially against Greece and USA, correct their mistakes and get the team ready for the tournament.

“But at this point, we need to rally round the team and give our support to the Eagles to have a superlative outing in Brazil”, said the former Chairman, Publicity Committee, Nigeria Premier League (NPL).

The ODSFA boss however expressed joy in the inclusion of Sunshine Stars defender, Ebenezer Odunlami in the Eagles’ final 23-man list urging him to prove his worth in the team.

Nigeria’s defeat to USA was their first loss in their last three games having forced Scotland and Greece to a draw in the other World Cup matches.

Ondo State Football Agency (ODSFA), Chairman Akin Akinbobola
Ondo State Football Agency (ODSFA), Chairman Akin Akinbobola

Photo Credit: Ondo State Football Agency (ODSFA), website

Odegbami Joins Eagles Training Session…Team Departs For Brazil

Nigeria’s preparations for Mundial 2014 in Brazil peaked on Sunday evening in Jacksonville, Florida, USA, when ex-national team skipper and one of the pillars of the 1980 Nations Cup winning side, Mathematical Segun Odegbami (MON), visited the team’s hotel and later joined the team at its training ground.

Looking trim and boyish in his jeans top and trousers, Odegbami said he was motivated to come and join the team’s training because of the caliber of players and coaching crew that the team parades. He even threatened jokingly at a point while discussing with team skipper, Joseph Yobo and Coach Stephen Keshi, that he would have joined the session but for the lateness of his invitation letter. “That means we will need double ambulances here”, Keshi retorted.

At the end of the nearly two hours of training, he declared thus “I like what I saw at the training ground, the hunger of the boys, the confidence they displayed and the way and manner the coaching crew conducted themselves. Something tells me history is in the making with this team”.

The team had its last training session on Monday evening in the United States and will depart Tuesday morning for Miami, Florida, from where they will connect and American Airways airliner to Samba land Brazil. The flight from Miami to Sao Paulo is scheduled to be eight hours, according to Team Administrator, Dayo Enebi Achor.

Already, the NFF and FIFA have perfected plans to give the team a grand welcome at the airport, including a media press conference and reception by the city authorities in Sao Paulo, before the team will retire to its camp base in Brazil’s bustling commercial capital.

x-international Paul Okoku, Chief Segun Odegbami, Coach Keshi and Assistant Coach Valere at the Eagles training session on Sunday
x-international Paul Okoku, Chief Segun Odegbami, Coach Keshi and Assistant Coach Valere at the Eagles training session on Sunday

Eagles Await Second Opinion On Echejile…,

Eagles Await Second Opinion On Echejile…,

Coach Stephen Keshi speaking on the scan on Echejile, said it was not conclusive as he was waiting for a better medical opinion to enable him take a decision. “We don’t have to rush things, we are talking of the World Cup here, not just any other competition so we have to be careful what we say here regarding our top players”, Keshi said after Friday evening training.

Eagles In Action In Jacksonville
Eagles In Action In Jacksonville

Ejide’s Wife Delivers World Cup Baby

The Super Eagles camp in Jacksonville, United States was thrown into jubilation, Friday afternoon, when goalkeeper Austin Ejide, gleefully announced that his wife, Chito, has given birth to a bouncing baby girl in nearby Chicago City also in the United States.

Super Eagles boss, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi, promptly named the child, the World Cup baby of Nigeria, as she was delivered barely ten days to Nigeria’s opening World Cup game against Iran on June 16. Asked what name he will like to call the baby girl, Ejide beaming with smiles said her name will be called Chimamanda.

Eagles Didn’t Play To Style Against Greece-Keshi…Says Players Were Desperate To Impress

Eagles Didn’t Play To Style Against Greece-Keshi…Says Players Were Desperate To Impress… Team Will Play Better Against USA

Coach of the Super Eagles of Nigeria, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi
Coach of the Super Eagles of Nigeria, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi

Super Eagles Manager, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi came hard on his team when he said the team did not play to style in the international friendly against the Greece national side that ended goaless in Philadelphia USA on Tuesday night.

Keshi said at the post match that the team played unlike itself in the first half and only start to play to style 15 minutes to the end of the game. “It’s a game we should have won easily but here we are not playing to our style. We play possession football and press the opposition to give up but we didn’t do that till towards the end of the game but its part of the learning curve and we will get there before the World Cup starts.

On players output, Keshi said all the players picked were desperate to impress in the game against Greece but noted that when such happens, the manager has to understand the realities. Speaking specifically on Osaze Odemwingie, Keshi said the player wants to give what he thinks he has not given in the last two years and in the process made mistakes.

“Osaze is one of our versatile players who can play anywhere in the forward line and he tried to give his all against Greece, but it was simply not his day, even when I shifted him to the right wing he kept pushing but as a footballer myself I knew he has to rest and give his best at the World Cup.”

He also praised the output of Skipper Joseph Yobo, who played in the second half of the game describing him as sharp and ready to go. “Ofcourse that’s why he is the leader of the team.”

The Nigerian coach when asked about what to expect in the game against USA, declared that he expects a better game from his wards. “With Jurgen Klinsmann in charge we expect a little bit of German mentality but we have a Nigerian antidote and we hope to see a better game”.

The Super Eagles left for Jacksonville, Florida on Wednesday afternoon, with the Keshi promising that his wards will give their all in the game against the Yankees.

Osaze: I Want To Give My All In Brazil

Super Eagles striker, Peter Osaze Odemwingie says he has missed the team for the last two years and is desperate to make contribution to the team before he calls it quits with football. Describing the team as having raised its standards, which other countries especially in Africa will struggle to catch up with.

Speaking after the match against the Greek national side at the PPL Park In Philadelphia, USA, Odemwingie says without doubt the Keshi regime as coach has positively impacted on the team and he was desperate to be part of the success story.

“Luckily, I have been picked to go and do battle for the nation in Brazil and I can assure you that I will give my all to the team. The talent is there, the stars are here and we work as a family. Yes I have been away but now that I’m back I want to give my all and ensure that we do well in Brazil”, Eagles Media Officer Ben Alaiya quotes Osaze as saying.

The Stoke City striker took time off to thank fans in Nigeria and across the world who stood by him why he was away from national duties and promised that he will not fail them come Brazil 2014.

Super Eagles in Philly

Nigerians In USA Honour Eagles With Trophy

…Yobo Salutes NFF, Fans

It was party time at the PPL stadium in Philadelphia, USA after the goalless draw against Greece in a ‘Road To Brazil’ friendly as Nigerians in the United States under the aegis ‘Ikemba Organisation USA’ rolled out the drums for the national team; Super Eagles.

Nigerians in their hundreds turned out to party with the national team and wishing the team the best of luck when they go to Brazil for the World Cup. The occasion was attended by the Deputy Consul General of the Nigerian Embassy in New York, UJ Inyang. Who praised the Eagles for swift qualification for the World Cup and says with the caliber of players he saw in the friendly against Greece, the team will excel in Brazil.

The leader of the group, Okechukwu Onyeizu, said they organisation was motivated to organize the event because of the heroics of the national team in recent times. He said he was sure that the national team will make a statement in Brazil during the World Cup and called for support from all Nigerians all over the world.

After receiving a trophy from the team, Super Eagles coach Stephen Keshi called up skipper Joseph Yobo to address the gathering. Addressing the audience, Yobo, said he was delighted to be part of the current all-conquering Super Eagles, which he attributed to the support the team has received from the Alhaji Aminu Maigari led Nigeria Football Federation (NFF). “The assurance I want to give is that me and my teammates will not disappoint come Brazil 2014”, he said amidst thunderous ovation. The event was packaged by Mr Innocent Onwubiko for Ikemba USA.

World Cup 2014 Final 23: Keshi Convinced, Confused…List Out monday

Coach of the Super Eagles of Nigeria, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi
Coach of the Super Eagles of Nigeria, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi

Super Eagles coach, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi took his wards through another rigorous session Monday morning, one of the last before the announcement of the final 23 man list for the World Cup in Brazil later this month and came away with a damning conclusion, “these players have all convinced me of their abilities but they are also confusing me on who to or not to drop”.

He said so far all the players merit to go to the World Cup but there was nothing he can do to change the laws governing the World Cup. Adding that the players who will be dropped should take it in good faith and not conclude that they have been victimized.

He continued thus: “God, it’s a difficult decision to make regarding the naming of the final 23 but we have no choice but to do it, otherwise we will be failing in our duties. The players have been so committed, so professional that you feel like shedding a tear because some of them must just go home”.

The list of the final 23 players that will be taken to the World Cup is billed to be sent to the NFF for onward release to World football governing body, FIFA and the Nigerian and global soccer public.

Nigerian Stars In Philly Visit Eagles…Predict Brazil 2014 Win

Super Eagles Ejike Uzoenyi with towering Michael Bamiduro of the Philadellphia Eagles
Super Eagles Ejike Uzoenyi with towering Michael Bamiduro of the Philadellphia Eagles

Four Nigerian stars who play for the Philadelphia Eagles in the American Football League on Sunday paid a visit to the training session of the Super Eagles to urge them on in the coming FIFA Brazil World Cup 2014.

The four of them are Emmanuel Achor, towering Michael Bamiduro, Imeh Igwenagu and Ifeanyi Momah. They took time off to take pictures with the players as Coach Stephen Keshi assured them that the team will not fail in its task of doing Nigeria proud come Brazil 2014.

Igewnagu, who spoke on behalf of his mates said they came to pay homage to the African champions, who have been using their pitch for training so far and to wish them well in the World Cup. He praised the team for the professional manner they were received, declaring that they will not only be rooting for the team but was sure that the team will do Africa proud at the Mundial.

“We are very sure that this team will excel in Brazil and we will put them in prayers because at the end of the tournament we want to join all Nigerians in celebrating Nigeria’s triumph at the sundial”

FIFA Brazil World CUP – I have My List In My Head – Keshi

Super Eagles boss, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi has sensationally revealed that he has an idea of the players that will make the final 23 man list to the Brazil 2014 World Cup, but will still wait till the last minute before making it public.

Speaking after the national team had their first work -out at the Philadelphia Eagles Stadium in Philadelphia, Keshi said he was thrilled by the level of tactical and technical depth displayed by the players but there was need to be cautious. “Yes, I have an idea of those who will go with us to Brazil but we will still wait till the last minute before we announce the list”, he was quoted as saying by Team’s Media Officer Ben Alaiya.

Keshi said he was delaying naming the list so as to have a second look at those who are not measuring up. So when is the last minute we are looking at, he was asked?. “June 2 is the date we are looking at” he quipped.

The national team had their first training session on Tuesday morning in Philadelphia and were scheduled for another one later in the evening at 4:30 local time, which will be 9:30 Nigerian time.

Super Eagles in Philly
Super Eagles in Philly