Tag Archives: Rangers FC Media Officer


The Technical Crew of the Coal City Flying Antelopes, Rangers International FC Enugu says it has concluded plans to unleash
a killer squad of determined players aganist Warri Wolves FC in their match day three clash, on Wednesday in Warri.

In a statement released by, Rangers FC Media Officer, Foster Chime the technical Crew have affirmed that they are determined to replicate last seasons victory over Warri Wolves this season to show Rangers supremacy over the warri soccer lords.

Rangers players still basking in the euphoria of the two-straight home victories against Plateau United FC and Niger Tornadoes on Sunday, are poised to sustain the winning streak against Warri Wolves on Wednesday, in a mid-week Premier league cracker.

Rangers General Manager, Ozor Paul Chibuzor, said the financial incentives to the players by the State govt, Management and a philanthropist, Engr. Osy Ngwu was the needed tonic and motivation that has been propeling the players to record a string of recent victories including the superlative outing in Kano against Kano Pillars.

Enugu Rangers fc
Enugu Rangers fc

The clubs boss disclosed that the players and officials were paid their monthly salaries promptly save for the January salary
that came a bit late but which is to be paid by Wednesday this week, assuring that all monies approved by the State
executive, including some arrears of Sign-on fees, enhance salaries and players clearances will be paid soon.

He said that the Teams objectivews is to take every match as it comes, adding that Rangers will get stronger as the league progresses with the inclusion of new players that have been cleared inother to earn positive results from each game.

Ozor Chibuzor explained that the club has received the complete football kits of the players and Officials for
home and away matches from the clubs kits partners SELECT SPORTS of Holland, which he maintained will bosst the image
of the club.