Tag Archives: Olu Akoja

NFF Condoles NSC Over Olu Akoja’s Death

The Nigeria Football Federation has commiserated with the National Sports Commission over the death, last Friday, of a deputy director in the NSC’s Federations and Elite Athletes Departments, Mr. Olu Akoja.

Akoja died at the National Hospital, Abuja on Friday from complications that followed a medical operation.

NFF General Secretary, Dr. Mohammed Sanusi, led the NFF team that included Dr. Emmanuel Ikpeme (Deputy General Secretary), Mr. Bola Oyeyode (Ag. Director, Competitions), Mr. Ademola Olajire (Asst. Director, Communications), Mr. Abdulrafiu Yusuf (Asst. Director, Technical), Barr. Okey Obi (Chief Legal Officer), Mr. Nasiru Jibril (personal assistant to NFF President) and Daniel Musa (security officer). They were received by the Director of Federations and Elite Athletes Department, Mrs Hauwa Kulu-Akinyemi.

NFF Logo

Sanusi said: “We have come to express our sorrow over the death of Mr. Akoja. He was known to be very hardworking and a gentleman to the core. Allah knows best. We pray that God will be the father, Provider and Protector of those he has left behind, and also that He will grant the family and the National Sports Commission the fortitude to bear the big loss.”

Kulu-Akinyemi, who confessed that she is still finding it difficult to come to terms with the fact that Akoja was gone, thanked the NFF delegation for the condolence visit.

“Akoja’s death is most shocking. We still find it difficult to believe. The Almighty God has an answer for everything, so we would have to accept it that way. He was a very energetic and efficient person who loved to take on even greater responsibilities. The NSC and Nigeria sports will sorely miss him.”