Tag Archives: COFA

Golden Eaglets’ train hits Ilorin, Lagos…finally tackle COFA Friday

The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) has lined-up series of friendly matches for the Golden Eaglets as the team continue its build-up
towards the WAFU B Under-17 Tournament in Togo.

The team would depart Abuja for Ilorin on Saturday and are billed to play Kwara Football Academy on Sunday at the Ilorin Township Stadium.

They would later proceed to Lagos to face Pepsi Football Academy on Tuesday at the Agege Stadium before departing for Lome for the sub-regional competition for Under-17.

Head coach Emmanuel Amuneke (MON) said the series of matches ahead of the tournament would naturally toughen the players since some of them are gradually adjusting to the demand of playing for the national team.

“We appreciate the organisation of these matches by the NFF since it would help the players to be mentally strong and tactically disciplined,” he stated.

In a related development, the Golden Eaglets hopefuls would now face College of Football Abuja (COFA) in another trial match on Friday.

Both sides were to meet on Wednesday but the match was postponed to accommodate travelling Yuguda Boys of Bauchi. Friday’s game against COFA would be the third game for the Golden Eaglets’ recruits even as Amuneke stated that his team is still ‘work in progress.’ He said:”These test matches would build confidence of the players whether we win or lose is not important now. It would also give us the opportunity to look at other players in order to fortify the team for the challenges ahead.”