Tag Archives: Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello

Sunday Oliseh, The Bumbling Super Eagles Coach By Aderonke Bello

I have said it over and again, Oliseh is not the right choice for the Super Eagles job. So far the NFF said he is what they want, then, so be it!

Some weeks ago in Abuja, the Nigeria Football Federation appointed Sunday Oliseh, who does not have enough technical clue about coaching, he has however never been able to coach a top team in the history of his coaching career, and has obviously waited on the shelf for good seven years to get the eagles job.

Safe to say, his appointment was controversial because it lacked due process.

It is no longer news that he obtained the UEFA license coaching certificate, rather he is renowned for his excellent TV analysis and punditry which necessarily do not amount to good coaching and man management, on-field techniques amongst others.

It was widely reported that Oliseh called the security operatives in Belgium to get Vincent Enyeama out of the eagles camp, the legendary goalkeeper was ridiculed, Vincent is not a perfect human being like the rest of us but, no one deserves such treatment. He is the captain for God’s sake. What on earth was Oliseh thinking? This is just ridiculous. History will not forget him for the drama in far away Belgium.

The coach who is using the Super Eagles to test run his coaching career disgraced the most capped player in the history of Nigerian football, Oliseh records cannot touch Enyeama’s records in Nigeria.

Unfortunately, the NFF renowned for swift press releases to deny issues has however refused to make any comment on the issue.


Sunday Oliseh And NFF President Amaju Pinnick
Sunday Oliseh And NFF President Amaju Pinnick

Going through the social media, some Nigerians were of the opinion that Ahmed Musas appointment is political because’the Nigerian president is from the Northern part of the nation, why would anyone think about that, like really? That is a dumb thing to say, on the other hand, Musa is a great guy and lucky to be made a captain in a space of just three years with the team.

I recall, Enyeama had an issue with the NFF’s disciplinary committee some weeks ago when he refused to yield their invitation to appear before the committee for making comments about the team’s safety in Kaduna during the first leg of the 2017 cup of nations qualifier against Chad. Since then, he has been in hot soup and a target, it is an obvious pay back time and some people are using Oliseh to do their beat.

How wise can Oliseh get? No one should be treated that way, not even your dog. This is a low blow coming from Oliseh, his leadership skill is questionable, Nigerians should get set to see more of this coach who has temperament issues, as we all know him to be since his playing days. Enyeama could be rebellious too, but it takes a leader to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the people working under him and manage them well. How did Oliseh feel when he was booted out of the team and he missed the Korea/Japan world cup?


Vincent Enyeama of Nigeria Photo Credit: FIFA
Vincent Enyeama of Nigeria
Photo Credit: FIFA

I dont believe in Vincent Enyeama retiring, he cannot leave like that after his 13 years dedication to motherland. Carl Ikeme is the new messiah and you feel Enyeama is useless all of sudden, whatever happened to Austin Ejide who deserve to be part of the team?.

Oliseh is not what we need, he lacks the ability and capability, his leadership skills and man management is not good for chasing one of the greatest in the Super Eagles out in a way. Federal government, human right activists and Nigerians should rise and fight this injustice.

The goalkeeper lost his mother and a single message did not come from the NFF to share their condolence suddenly the picture of NFF President was sent out in a press relaease, he has done a great job isnt it, shaking my head. Do we call that, hypocrisy?

Oliseh said he did not inform him when his mother died, haba!!! We are talking about his mother here, to add salt to his injuries, and despite burying his mum just last weekend he went to camp and this happened. Enyeama please go home and mourn your mum. Work on yourself as well and I hope to see you back in the team, your instagram message on retirement as far as I am concerned is null and void.

Enyeama is still part of the team, as I conclude, I expect the NFF in their wisdom to wade in, it will be hypocritical of them to be mute at this stage.

Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello
Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello

Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello

*this piece was written before the Super Eagles Lost a friendly game by two goals to zero versus Congo DR in Belgium.

Football Business: Ifeanyi Ubah versus Aliko Dangote

Aliko Dangote
Aliko Dangote

They are two great men worthy of emulation by any upcoming or aspiring Billionaire and of course their wealth can be traced, no doubt.

In several ways, they have both shown interest in the round leather game and also, the most popular sports in Africa, if not in the globe. Billionaires in their own right, who have rightly invested home and abroad with visible achievements.

I remember Gabros Football club during my days as a Football administrator, their former team manager was a regular visitor at the then headquarters of the Nigeria Premier League in Abuja, and I recollect how hardworking and ambitious the club was. Just last year I heard they are back to the top flight under the name FC Ifeanyi Ubah. The Awka, Anambra state based club was bought over by Ifeanyi Ubah, the business mogul.

FC IfeanyiUbah

Ifeanyi Ubah employed a foreign coach, invested his money worth of millions of Naira on the team, so far, he attends all his team matches, obviously, he is supervising to know how monies voted are being expended and I wish him all the best.

This describes the ideal football club owner as having deep pockets, mercurial, and not faint-hearted. Not forgetting Ifeanyi Ubah was a footballer, unknown to many people, he was a player under Fanny Amun when he was the U17 coach before he was dropped.

He has invested heavily in football, just recently, news erupted that he is constructing a new football pitch for the team in Awka. Great news, it is all moving in the ways of football development and giving back to the society, also in a way to help players realise their dreams to play professional football in the Premiership.

I think Mr Ubah should also strive to develop grassroot football and discover talents and not only established players in the league. Ifeanyi Ubah has written his name on the sands of indigenous football club ownership like Moshood Abiola funded Abiola Babes, Emmanuel Iwuanyawu funded Iwuanyanwu Nationale.

Aliko Dangote
Aliko Dangote

Aliko Dangote on the other hand doesn’t deem it necessary to invest in Nigerian football as it is no way as profitable and appealing, he feels there is no need to develop football at home but better to invest in England. Of course it is his money and who am I to dictate to a hardworking billionaire how to channel his wealth? Will he have the time to monitor his chain of businesses because football requires adequate attention especially as a first timer? Football business is a different ball game, he has to be fully prepared.

Mr Dangote wants to make money by breaking into the European market, I wouldn’t fault him either, he is an Arsenal fan, and a well-known business mogul, but Baba should please put small money into the Nigerian league, you can still commercialize your involvement in the league, make consultations. Globacom is an indigenous company running the league and football in Nigeria profitably, maybe a leaf should be taken out of their book.

Chelsea FC is owned by Roman Abramovich, a Russian, however, my findings revealed that, Abramovich invested in football in his home country, Russia, and infact he constructed over 50 football pitches in his country, and also, sponsored coaches and sports related trainings amongst other ventures, long before he dabbled with Chelsea whilst some said he wants relevance in the British government, oh well…..

Arsenal Fc

Safe to say, Aliko Dangote is going into Arsenal purchase with business on his mind, and why not? It is a viable and most commercially rewarding and prospering football investments with global audience. But, there is a popular African saying that goes like this, “charity begins at home” Mr Dangote’s football history and involvement in Africa and Nigeria is nothing to write home about, he was at a time reported to have given money to the super eagles for their win at the 2013 African cup of nations.

That’s all that can be attributed to him in Nigerian football. Surely, empowering the country`s favourite sport for its betterment and growth cannot be a bad thing, in fact, as a virgin nation of over 160 million people, not to talk of the wider continent probabilities and potential global opportunities, it can only but turn out to be money well invested.
It won’t hurt to sponsor any of the lower football leagues, what about the women football league which is languishing in poverty, it is so poor and the girls go out there to play their hearts out week in, week out.

Of course, he can make money from Arsenal and unlike Nigeria football clubs, they are in the stock market, TV, commercialising, marketing, merchandising and it is not an English but a worldwide thing. Arsenal is a global brand and investing in it will make it practicable but what happens to the fate of football in Nigeria. He doesn’t seem to care. Haba Alhaji Dangote, Ke ya kuri (take it easy)

I will conclude by saying this, both men are after one thing, the unquestionable juicy fruits in football. Mr Ubah seem to be passionate about football, or has he other hidden agenda? as you cannot put anything past politicians, but so far his gesture is commendable, he has brought a lot of smiles to the faces of many in Nigeria.

Days of crisis in our football are long gone, the administrators are more stable with sponsors wooing the leagues. Good administration, articulate refereeing, coordinated fans and thousands turning up to watch league games at the stadium not forgetting the inclusion of live TV Coverage for matches.`

Patriotically, It can only make our millionaires/billionaires joyful and proud to put their money in football, the only tool that unites our already ethnically and religiously divided nation.

Thank You

Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello
Twitter: @AderonkeW

Thinking about John Mikel Obi by Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello

The question on everyones’ lips would be, why is she thinking about Mikel Obi. Surely, Mikel Obi’s girlfriend Olga’s eyes would pop out at the headline. Seriously, this is all about his dwindling career.

Mikel was that young lad, a delight of the nation when at the age of 12 he made it as a talented player to the prestigious Pepsi Football Academy.

He dazzled us with skills and humility and in no time, big clubs had to battle for his signature. He was prematurely unveiled by Manchester United before being gazumped by Chelsea. Indeed, It was a war between the English football mighty. Mikel was that superb.

Ten years after winning medals with Lionel Messi in the same tournament under different categories, he has not really progressed as Messi has done.

So far as a Chelsea player he has not done so well for his career but done superbly well for his bank accounts.

Mikel Obi
Mikel Obi

Truth be told, he has not been productive, his presence has not been felt at club and country. Till date, he is the biggest name and biggest player in the current squad of the super eagles.

Unfortunately, he is one of the less productive with minimal impact or contribution to the team, I wonder what went wrong.

Jose Mourinho recently showed his confidence in Mikel and insisted he will not be leaving. Great News he is staying back at Chelsea under Jose Mourinho, every player wants to play under a great Coach like him.

However, he was linked with a move to Fenerbahce and another team in Dubai, so you mean no club in the EPL wants to buy Mikel? That’s a confirmation of his regression.

As a prospective Super Eagles Captain, his leadership skills leaves a lot to be desired. Another super Eagles midfielder, John Ogu once said in an interview that he was inspired by Mikel Obi.

No doubt, Ogu might be one of many others, but how long has he carried on inspiring? Which of the upcoming players want to watch his video to learn, backpass or overlap? Judging by his recent contributions to club and country.

Mikel was suspended in 2007 by Berti Vogts and after apologies he was seen as deemed fit to adorn the Green and white jersey. This same player won the man of the match against Iran at the 2014 FIFA world cup in Brazil.

Mikel has won the English Premiership twice, FA Cup four times, UEFA, African Cup of Nations amongst others, but can he be proud of his personal contributions to this medals after his retirement?

Not forgetting, he played different roles for Nigeria and Chelsea, maybe he will be better served by playing for a team that can utilize and use him in a position where he is best at which is attacking midfield. Hanging around at Chelsea is not necessarily good for his own career progression or any positive impact he might make in the Nigerian team.

He seems to have lost his zeal/mojo, maybe because of the financial reward he is priviledged to be making at Chelsea which is synonymous with other players. He needs to rediscover what got him to this stage in the first place.

With the generation of new midfielders joining Chelsea and being one of the oldest Chelsea players, he should be celebrated in the team. Coming home now, Can Oliseh build his midfield around Mikel? Can we say he is the next in line to become the Super Eagles captain?

It seems Chelsea can’t wait to sell him off, even this past premier league season he didn’t appear much. Isn’t he worried himself. He is dispensable to Chelsea and looking like a matter of ‘for now’ and I am truly concerned about where he will end up in August.

Mikel Obi
Mikel Obi

Moreover, he is yet to be allocated a squad number for the upcoming season in Chelsea. Anything is still possible before the transfer window closes. Victor Moses we know for sure will be staying at Chelsea as he has gotten his squad number.

Mikel should still be on top of his career at age 28. My advise; He should get back his zeal and desire to be the best. It is never too late for him to work harder, The potentials are still there, he can still make more powerful effect in the team.

Nigerians are looking forward to him performing to the best of his abilities which can be better than recent years.

Gerrard at age 35 is still doing well, I picture another 10 years of active football career for Mikel if he wants it. He is certainly too skillful to be “bench-warming”

It is never too late. Mikel Obi should get back in the groove of enjoying his football, start working hard, look back and search for where he has gone wrong and make amends, we miss him.Nigerians missed his on-field skills.

Get back to basics. Please come back our dear Mikel Obi

Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello
Twitter @Aderonkew

Sunday Oliseh and the NFF Marriage of convenience

Few days ago on my facebook wall, and in my usual habit of dialogue with intellectuals on football matters in Nigeria, we discussed the appointment of Sunday Oliseh. It was full of mixed reactions as patriotic and passionate Nigerians bared their minds on the Super Eagles, their beloved team. My conclusion, Nigerians are desperate for a positive change.

Its been a shock jamboree this year at the NFF under the guise of propagating change and who says they are taking steps in the wrong directions. They have entertained us with more administrative drama than articulated football programmes. Its all about entertainment anyways.

It is no longer news that the NFF is getting set to unveil Sunday Oliseh. But the federation will unveil an inexperienced and jobless man. Realistically, he lacks the experience for such huge position. Ideally, he should have started with the junior team to garner the desired cognate experience like Samson Siasia who grew from the ranks to become the toast of many Nigerians with his successes with the Flying Eagles and Dream Team.

No doubt, Oliseh is eloquent and as an experienced and accomplished footballer, he appears to understand the game as a pundit and through his write-ups. In fairness to him, Oliseh has indeed proven to be knowledgeable and tactically astute.

Having said that, we can only wait and pray to see if all these talk can be translated into action. However, anyone who properly understands the game can discuss it. Being a good pundit doesn’t make one a good coach. In coaching, theorical experience is totally different from practical coaching ‘Enu dun rofo jare’ – Its easy to cook vegetable soup with verbal description like the Yoruba people would say.

Sunday Oliseh And NFF President Amaju Pinnick
Sunday Oliseh And NFF President Amaju Pinnick

Yes, Oliseh possesses the highest UEFA coaching license, abandoned on the shelve for a long time now, I equally hope that the knowledge acquired hasn’t eluded him. However, I will appeal we give him a trial and the benefit of the doubt. Let’s just say its a marriage of convenience between the NFF and Oliseh.

The questions are; why should the NFF appoint an inexperienced coach to oversee our dwindling Super Eagles. When last did Oliseh attend a refresher course? Can he work with the National Technical Director, Shuaibu Amodu and the NFF Cabal?

Why can’t NFF make it transparent enough by calling for applications like the Ivorians and other nations rightly did? Is there any iota of truth that NFF practically begged him to take the job? As an apostle of local coaches for the national teams, there is nothing wrong in hiring him, but everything is wrong when we circumvent or short circuit the recruitment standard.

If Oliseh should fail and I pray he doesn’t, Nigerians will come down hard on the NFF, with dangling hammers falling on them from many directions. The federation should get ready and immunize itself against the impending onslaught.

Before you tag me a prophetess of doom, history has proved that inexperience may not actually pose serious challenge to Oliseh succeeding since cases abound of such coaches succeeding in the past, Jurgen Klinsman of Germany belongs to this category of inexperienced but successful coaches. Frank Rikjaard and Lother Matheus are other great examples that come to mind.

However, Nigeria’s terrain is entirely different from Europe in terms of attitude and administration. They have a totally different mentality and attitude. Without our tribal sentiments. If their Coaches fail, they give them another opportunity to continue which is a rare possibility in Nigeria. If a Coach fails, we will call him all manners of derogatory names that might derail his ambition if such a Coach is not focused.

My greatest fear of this marriage and what poses as a threat to Oliseh are his would-be employers, the NFF. Oliseh is the beautiful bride now because they want someone out at all cost and to also satisfy Nigerians yearning for the appointment of a local coach.

Will the NFF in its characteristics give the necessary support to Oliseh to succeed? Will they be patient enough to stay by his side if he fails? And will their marriage end in war, like past coaches. What are the antecedents of his foreign assistants? Oh well, lets allow time to be the judge.

Undoubtedly, we will have it rough at first since he has not done this before. Even as someone who played football to the highest level, coaching is more practical than theoretical. My advice if you ask me, is that Oliseh should imperatively be mentally and psychologically strong and resilient to deal with the high expectations of many Nigerians.

During his playing days, he picked quarrels and insulted both the Federal Government and the NFF, before turning his back on the team. I hope such attitude will not come back to bite him on the foot. Oliseh will have to carefully work with the foreign coach to understudy the home front for a smooth transition.

I want to implore my colleagues in the media to sheath their sword and give him a chance. Nigerians should be patient, support Oliseh and see him to greater heights. There is a saying that there is time for everything’. Any position, relationship or office anyone is holding today is just temporal. Whatever you do in your tenure is what posterity will judge you by.

Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, I wish him a blissful marriage with the NFF.

Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello
Twitter: @Aderonkew

The NFF, Keshi and Enyeama Brouhaha by Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello

NFF Logo

Since the inception of the present board of the Nigeria Football Federation there have been different chronicles of crisis at different levels which is causing a great distraction for the players, Federation and football loving Nigerians.

In Nigerian history, and from my childhood to adulthood, I have never at a time come about or read anywhere that the Football Federation fined a Super Eagles player for the acquisition of a red card. Ogenyi Onazi who went all the way to buy the Super Eagles match tapes of the Chadian team football to help Nigerian football was sanctioned.

Call it criticism and I will say no, it is a simple analysis of the recent process and procedures of the activities of the NFF in terms of discipline and why not? It is good to be disciplined.

In my Yoruba local dialect – South West Nigeria, there is a saying that goes thus ‘Ilu tio s’ofin, eshe o si nibe’ meaning ‘you can never go wrong in a town without a rule of law’. Having said that, I am not against the discipline of any coach or player, but they didn’t go through the right processes before the fine of Ogenyi Onazi, he has not committed any offence to warrant such sanctioning; Do the right thing, come up with a ‘disciplinary clause’ for players.

The NFF took sides like an aggrieved stepmother who will get delight in the downfall of his rival’s children.

What confidence will that give to the NFF? After all, the said player has been issued a 2-match ban by CAF, it is expected of them as a body to appeal for the reduction of the ban. Instead, they ‘pour sand sand for Onazi garri’ (Add more to his troubles).

Neymar got a red card and a 4-match ban, and immediately the Brazilian FA was thinking of how to appeal the ban, so he can play. Apparently, they value and respect their players. In the game of football, anything can happen, tension rises, and, when it does it is a sign they are totally committed to the cause of the country.

Vincent Enyeama of Nigeria Photo Credit: FIFA
Vincent Enyeama of Nigeria
Photo Credit: FIFA

Eagles captain, Vincent Enyeama made ‘uncomplimentary remarks’ about the teams’ safety in Kaduna and, we no go hear word again, na wetin, why you make am captain? According to some feelers, a lot of players went to complain to Enyeama about their safety concerns. Let me digress a little, early this year Kano Pillars players were robbed and shot by armed bandits on their way to an away league game, what if they lose their lives? God forbid! Will Kano Pillars stop playing football?

As far as I am concerned, Enyeama was spot on and in his capacity as a captain of the team, he has the absolute right to express his concern about the safety of his team. Maybe, he ought to have addressed the issue internally.

If the NFF thinks he has also erred, why not call and speak to him. There is no code of conduct for them, so why crucify them, these are the players you still use for God’s sake. The Western world respects their players, they get pampered on a regular basis with five-star treatments, and if you can’t provide all these, then you shouldn’t knock them to the ground.

NFF President, Mr. Amaju Pinnick.
NFF President, Mr. Amaju Pinnick.

This week, the NFF President went on air to say there are mafias in the Super Eagles, that the Eagles are not friends with each other and so on, ‘haba presido’ he is not in the place to say such to the public and if that is true, why not address these with the players over dinner and in a more friendly environment, propagate peace.

Mr. Pinnick is as guilty as Enyeama who was alleged to have made a discretionary private matter public, so who will sanction the NFF President? Lol. You be the judge.

After a private interaction with some NFF board members, I discovered that they have made up their minds to sack Stephen Keshi in revenge for what happened in 2013 where they thought he was going to hold them to ransom, when he threatened to resign his post immediately after the Cup Of Nations, when in reality, they attempted to replace him with another coach in the midst of a competition, believing that, the team will be knocked out at the earlier stage of the competition which we later won.

Since then they have refused to forgive him. For how long are we going to allow petty sentiments override common sense at the expense of the Nation?


The way they are persecuting Keshi was how they persecuted Sylvanus Okpala at the 2013 AFCON where they sent him home from the competition unceremoniously, and knowing his right, he sued the NFF to CAS and he got judgement in his favour at the end of the day. NFF is indebted to pay Okpala to the tune of about 100m naira.

With the same scenario, feelers also said NFF is owing Keshi an outstanding two months’ salary which contravenes his contractual agreement. If this is true and Keshi is sacked and decides to go to CAS, it is certain they will lose the case to Keshi and may likely pay a heavy sums of money.

Egypt is preparing to play Nigeria home and away in the qualifiers and we are preparing to sack our coach and persecute our players. If they actually love Nigeria the board of the NFF should channel all its energy and resources towards ensuring we win all our games.

I think the raging issues may result to long term problems if the NFF does not act fast, players have their own minds, don’t push them into sabotaging the team.

A lot of people follow the Super eagles religiously. Take Enyeama, Onazi and Keshi to a private session and make it a family matter, it is not worth the noise. And if you must sack Keshi, let it be constructive rather than making it appear personal.

I believe we shall qualify for the 2017 African Cup of Nations in Gabon. God bless the Super Eagles of Nigeria.

Twitter @Aderonkew

Failure Attributes Of Nigerian Coaches By Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello

Poor coaching is a serious menace fiercely attacking football growth in the country. Nigeria is blessed with abundant football talents, untapped, raw and crude which are yet to be refined into good article due to the cluelessness of majority of our local coaches.

Football coaching as we all know has gone scientific and ‘not’ a little bit but much education is required to be able to keep up with the pace at which Global football coaching is moving. I think every player should help themselves too, get some self-guide, take some time out, and learn your art.

Practically, the Flying Eagles early exit from the 2015 FIFA U20 World Cup got a lot of people angry, but looking inwardly you cannot help but fault the entire technical crew, obviously the talents are there for all to see. People always raise their games against the champion and you cannot be successful all the time, but there is much more than winning laurels in coaching with sound technicality and ingenuity.

Nigeria has only graded 400 CAF ‘C’ License coaches, Ghana with lower population has graded more than 2000, Egypt more than 8000 and we are still here struggling in Nigeria, no doubt there are intelligent Coaches and why not, Coaches too should train themselves since that is what they do as a profession.

Rivers Angels Coach Edwin Okon
Coach Edwin Okon

Falcons Coach, Edwin Okon is the depiction of a typical Nigerian Coach without any foreign experience but took the team to the world cup, for those who watched the game against Sweden, Okon should have won but did not use the fresh attackers who sat on the bench all through, for reasons best known to him. While other attackers laboured, the substitution never came, of course I am not a coach but it is common sense. Like I said deeds, charisma, simple courteous attitude matters a lot in the life of a Coach.

Passionate Coaching without man-management is tantamount to a monumental failure.

Their major problems include and not limited to selection problems, inability to study opponents, inability to make right substitutions during competitive games, inflexibility when it comes to their mindset in making adjustments in the process of a game, often times they find it hard to give clear directives as to what a player is expected to do on the field of play.

Some coaches have been accused severally of taking bribes from football Agents to inject the players’ they want to sell into the team. Some also introduce players to agents and force players to sign for their Agent. It should stop or else better talents will not be given the chance at the expense of the national success.

Stephen Keshi as a Coach won a trophy and made it look like a fluke when we could not qualify for the same tournament barely 24months after, a team was built and right there and then, they were scattered making us to start all over again, it all goes back to the Coach. If you are a success your name will be attached to it and vice versa.

We have had enough abuse of the word ‘going back to the drawing board’ there is no drawing board, rather, draw yourself, and become useful.

Sentiments should be taken out of selection processes ‘this one no call me or greet me when my wife born I no go carry am for my team,’ literarily, a Coach saying, his player did not acknowledge him and he will not give him a chance, lame and useless excuses. It is bad for football.

By and large, the country is not deficient of talents but the deficient of technically experienced coaches, on their own part, when players make small money they become overly unbearable and it affects the entire team, it is left for a coach to curb such player or find a better alternative, you are the coach, you are in charge and why not take charge. As a Coach you lose it the moment you cannot man-manage your team and manage the ego of your players.

The League Management Company should make sure that all the head coaches of football clubs are CAF license graded, as it was indicated in the LMC rule book. When we have this in our football clubs players can be assured of good coaching.

Administrators have a lot of blames in the issues surrounding inefficiency of coaches, the Pinnick led NFF took some Coaches to England for Capacity training, commendable but not enough. The NFF should provide the enabling grounds, right facilities, atmosphere and resources to ensure coaches get the necessary badges for them because there is no shortcut to coaching. Get FIFA badged Coaches to join the technical crew of several football teams.

Finally, I hope all coaches can enrol for proper training and refresher courses; endeavour to acquire your coaching certificates and badges. A coach should not be talking as if he is in a Beer parlour, because they mould champions and are expected to be well behaved.

twitter @AderonkeW

Journalist Congratulates Oshoala On BBC Award

Nigeria and Liverpool FC striker, Asisat Oshoala has been congratulated on her deserving victory as the winner of the BBC women footballer of the year award by Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello, a Sports Journalist.

The Abuja based women’s football development advocate expressed her joy and satisfaction in the 20 year old for clinching the Award;

“I am full of Joy at her success, I can’t measure the joy in my heart on behalf of Asisat Oshoala, she is in a class of her own, infact I’m so happy she won it because she deserves to win” Ogunleye-Bello said.

Asisat Oshoala
Asisat Oshoala

Speaking further on the Award, the multiple Award winning Investigative journalist and Change Agent thanked meaningful Nigerians, Africans and those who voted from all over the Globe for their kind Gesture and also for believing in her;

“Sincerely speaking, I want to thank those who voted for Asisat, those in Africa and every part of the world for believing in her, it was indeed a collective effort which I’m happy with, thanks for your immeasurable support”

“This is the time for her to work hard with focus and efforts, she should not get carried away with all the accolades, she deserves the award and must also defend it, I wish her and her teammates all the best in Canada” she concluded

Oshoala won the BBC Award by defeating Spain’s Veronica Boquete, Germany’s Nadine Kessler and Scotland’s Kim Little and also Brazilian forward Marta.

She is the reigning African Champion in Women’s Football, and also the Youth football player of the Year.

Oshoala was also crowned Footballer of the Year in the Women’s category at last years edition of the Nigerian Sports Awards.

twitter @AderonkeW

Dear Nigerians, where Are Our men? By Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello

As the only daughter of my parents, house chores were shared between my brothers and I, mine was kitchen and sweeping related while the guys carried out the harder tasks, my brothers trimmed the grass on the mini football pitch in our house then, sadly, the pitch is long gone now when we all left the house, a mini flat sits on the football pitch today.

Men are stronger of the sexes but have disappeared from the Nigerian Athletics scene. With focus on the sprinters, all we have now is the likes of women like Blessing Okagbare, Ese Brume and so on, hence my query, where are our Men?

Nigeria Women's 4x100m Relay - Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games photo credit: Marc https://www.flickr.com/photos/sumofmarc/14645641979/in/photolist-cjYXBU-cjYYbN-ojbK7B-5mBoLk
Nigeria Women’s 4x100m Relay – Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games
photo credit: Marc

In the past, male athletes like Chidi Imoh, Olapade Adenikan, the Ezinwa brothers, Davidson and Osmond and lately Olusoji Fasuba, Francis Obikwelu, Umaru Mohammed, and so on did so well and brought honour to Nigeria.

That glorious era is now in the past, gone like a candle in the wind. we have been waiting for over a decade for replacements and it seem like an impossibility.

Gone are the days when primary/Secondary school Inter-house sports, NUGA, NIPOGA Games and the National Sports festival were used to discover young talents, some even said you can get a girlfriend or boyfriend during those periods when people come out to mingle and enjoy Athletics.

However, the National Youth Games that held in Abuja last year was not productive as none of the 8000 athletes has made it to the national team, so what is the problem, has interest of our men folk in athletics waned so much that a single athlete cannot be found?

The men are no longer dedicated to athletics, the question remains what happened, are they lazy or is it because of poor remunerations or the way they were handled by the AFN, some athletes in camp don’t even get paid, even ignored after injury. All I see are women, the performance of our men’s team at the last commonwealth games was not good enough, women on the other hand did a lot better.

It appears more sports like football has drawn away potential sprinters, given the frenzied following that has become the lot club football in recent times.

But it also seems the poor attention given by the AFN in keeping those that were discovered is a challenge.

Francis Obikwelu photo credit: André Zehetbauer https://www.flickr.com/photos/az1172/2271452848/in/photolist-4sHMN9-8nJaNR
Francis Obikwelu
photo credit: André Zehetbauer

“Man must survive” as the saying goes. He must also take responsibility and take care of his home, Francis Obikwelu, a former Nigeria Athlete left and naturalized in Portugal, he later won silver medal at the last Olympics for his adopted country. What is the way forward?

The veterans need to come out to mentor the younger generation, it is expected of them to be front-runners and with that they will inspire the talented and willing athletes, it is only natural for them to speak out.

The Athletics Federation on their part should work in engaging our local athletes, treat them well with great financial package and training facilities, enrol some in good schools if possible and with that we can locate our missing men. It is a personal plea from me to you, Dear men please come back and serve the nation.

Many Thanks
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An Open Letter To Amaju Pinnick, NFF President From Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello

I would love to join the Global Football Chief, Sepp Blatter in commending you for a job welldone since you resumed office eight months ago, surviving all manners of football crisis.

NFF Logo

Having said that, I want to implore you to come home and do your statutory duty as enshrined in the rule book of Nigerian Football. Nigerians are beginning to be aware that you are the first federation president to pilot the administrative affairs of Nigerian football from the United Kingdom because they can count the number of times you visited the Glass House in Abuja since you resumed office. Its so bad that some have started calling you visiting NFF president.

Rumour millers have gone to town that you are in the UK on health grounds. If there is any iota of truth in the speculation, I feel you need bed rest to recuperate fully instead of junketing all over the UK. I have prayed fervently for God to heal you Sir.

You are lucky that the chief scribe of the federation, Dr Sanusi Mohammed is an experienced football administrator who can handle the secretariat well with little or no input from you, but despite your hard stance on e-administration, you ought to know that certain responsibilities that require your physical presence may suffer greatly with this your disturbing long absence.

How do you defend it that while cobwebs has taken over your office at the Glass House, you have rather busied yourself with the responsibility of scouting for players. Even when we all know that charity should begin at home, you are more preocupied with sourcing of Nigerian players in Diaspora.

We expected you to come out with a long term programme for the U-13 to develop the abundant talents at the grassroots but your knack for foreign based players seems to have crippled such expectation even before it is hatched and actualised.

I stand to be corrected Sir, how many imported overseas bred footballers have made Nigeria proud? None that I know, most of the guys that brought shine to the nation were grassroots players, presently, the best team in Nigeria is the U-20 Flying Eagles, an initiative of Sani Lulu a former NFF President.

Sir my humble advice is that you start your own and stop looking for what is not! Big names or living abroad don’t play soccer, talent does. Our Okocha, even Kanu were discovered in Nigeria. I urge you again to focus on grassroots development.

NFF President,  Amaju Pinnick
NFF President, Amaju Pinnick

Before I rest my case, I appeal you allow the technical guys do their job and stop usurping their responsibility by the scouting jamboree. It is not your duty Sir. What’s it with your constant meeting with Sepp Blatter? Will that develop our soccer?

The Falcons, the most successful football team in Nigeria, move around without security, they are women, no single security personnel is attached to these girls. They move about in a rickety coaster bus and their hotel is below their standard. You are far away to see the dehumanizing treatment they undergo in camp. They deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.

The Falcons will soon be leaving the country for the Women World Cup and of course the U-20 are in Germany but as the head of the federation you should and its your duty to visit them before departure, in case you don’t know this, psychologically it helps.

You made a lot of promises during your campaign, you even said some sponsors are already on ground waiting for you to resume office, it is our turn to now wait for them to surface or what is going on. Not forgetting that the Nike contract was signed in the UK without a single member of the NFF marketing department, I noticed that and I don’t understand why, whatever happens to professionalism and due process.

Sir, the NFF Secretariat needs to be run professionally, little things like intercom are not in place there, you cannot bring the desired change by your continued stay in London, go there, supervise and see for yourself.

It was thoughtful of you to send referees and coaches to london on capacity building in conjunction with some NGOs, Mr President I think that a huge number of Referees and Coaches might benefit from the requisite training if you bring in the resource persons, you will minimize costs and reach out to many.

The League Management Company is doing well especially on social media coverage, Sir, can you please help improve it more by setting up a management company for the running of the Women league and also be firmer in issues surrounding player’s contracts

NFF Glass House On Fire
NFF Glass House On Fire last year

The burnt NFF building is under re-construction, it still baffles me why you have the N50 million war chest from Gov Goodswill Akpabio and still could not furnish and relocate to the Sunday Dankaro House new secretariat complex.

I suppose it is better to pack into the new building and enjoy the newness and freshness.

As I wish you all the best in your office, have it in your mind that I write this letter for the genuine interest for football, with no hard/ill feelings. I hope my points will be taken, noted and acted upon.

twitter @AderonkeW

A Tale of Sports, Political Gambling In Nigeria By Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello

As a great fan of country music, one of my favorite songs of Kenny Rogers is, ‘The Gambler’ some part of it read thus; You’ve got to know when to hold them, know when to walk away and know when to run, you never count your money when you are sitting at the table there will be time enough to counting when the deal is down.

Every Gambler knows, that the secret to surviving is knowing what to throw away and knowing what to keep cause every hand is a winner and every hand is a loser, the song goes on and on as they Gamble with the Fate of our Sports with the appointment of Politicians.

What is the big deal in doing the right things for the growth of Nigerian Sports, for how long will the absence of Technocrats at the helms of affairs in Sports inflict heartbreaks on Nigerians, how long? So long? Too long.!

Abuja Internaional Stadium, photo credit Jeff Attaway
Abuja Internaional Stadium, photo credit Jeff Attaway

Political Gamble is killing the development of Sports in the most populous country in africa and with affirmation I want to reiterate that, it is a serious issue of which, if I throw the dice and turn it around what next? I either win or lose and of course, politicians never lose, they enrich their lives and pockets, at the mercy of Nigerians, of Sports followers, of that amateur and talented athlete, they murder the future.
Most of them are clueless, their ignorance and nonchalant attitude cause more harm than good, they are self conscious because they believe their godfathers can’t remove them so far their loyalty is intact, they will make money, fame and walk away, Sports will, as usual, go back to square one as the biggest casualty

Nigerian sports keeps dwindling every time, even with the power to stir the National development, it is languishing in shambles.

Looking at the history of sports in Nigeria, the importance and its use, we all know that it is the only universal language and the only major factor that bond the already ethnic and religious-divided Nation together, why gamble with this important factor?

The biggest gambler is the Federal Government who will appoint politicians to handle Nigerian sports affairs, which in most cases resulted in our not expecting any perfect delivery. The appointment of technocrats should be prioritize, a technocrat has been called, he has studied, and also knows his way around the administration of the game and how to be in charge.

Sincerely speaking, Sports in Nigeria need restructuring and it must starts from the very top. Let’s look at this together, The Chairman/Director General of the National Sports Commission and the Minister of Sports are politicians without any cognat experience on sports administration.

What do you expect of politicians without any incline or previous experience of sports administration? Failure, woeful failure and monumental disaster. Certainly, continuation with the same old order means more heart injuries and breaks for the sports-loving citizens of this country.

Let’s look yet again, a situation where Sports administrators abandon the ministry for political campaigns with video recording is not healthy for the growth of the game.

Bolaji Abdulahi

However a former Sports Minister, Bolaji Abdullahi, although not my best of friends, during his tenure tried in his capacity to introduce new policies, still, the tenure was riddled with allegations of corruption and scandals. He was however, sacked on political ground, replaced by another politician and the circle goes on, where do we go from here.

Presently, there is a technocrat acting as the DG of the NSC, Mr. Al-Hassan Yakmut, who I have worked under his leadership that I can assure that if given an ample time will make a huge difference, why? He is a Grassroots Sports enthusiast and a tested Sports Administrator.

Enough of the gambling that has retrogressed Nigerian sports. Like in saner climes, politicians should remain in the local governments, parliament and other political positions even as aides to their fellow politicians and leave our Sports alone.

To the President-elect, my appeal is that you help the Nation appoint Technocrats with fast knowledge of policies to restore the past glory of the game in the country. I equally appeal the you evolve a monitoring mechanism that will enable us hold them accountable.

Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello
twitter @AderonkeW

General Muhammed Buhari, What About Sport? – Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello

I formally congratulate General Muhammed Buhari GMB, for his Gallant victory at the last Presidential polls, well commended and I look forward to your reign as the Nigerian President.

Having said that, GMB seems uninterested in sports and it is a worrisome factor because sports is the only unifying factor in our already tribalistic and egoistic nation.

As said and believed by many that, the President Elect General Muhammed Buhari, GMB, is the custodian of the change required in Nigeria as he is getting ready to resume office from May 29th this year I need to ask him why does he seem so uninterested in Sports unlike the past Democratic Head of States, hence my question GMB whats up with Sports?

What baffles me is, all through his campaigns and even manifestos, there was no single Sports acknowledgment and looking at the Goodwill that any kind of sports brings to the nation, it must not be neglected. Personally, as a sports development aficionado in Nigeria, I totally disagree with the General for the neglect, he spoke about everything required of him during the campaigns but astutely ignored the place and future of Nigerian sports in his government, there was no single sports stakeholder in his campaign team either. The question is, why?

Muhammed Buhari
Muhammed Buhari

A successful sporting nation can also be regarded as a successful nation in the map of the world and it is a call to doom when a huge nation as populous as ours is not serious about the deteriorating and corrupt sports sector in Nigeria, just because of the death of our National Institute of Sports, the Nigeria Football Federation had to sponsor coaches to a capacity training in faraway England, the new Government should sit up and do a complete overhaul of the Sport Sector.

Even as expected by many of us when many people said GMB was unfit, naturally but optional he should have climbed the treadmill or engage in an endurance trek to show his ability and fitness level, even the opposition party held a Jogging Campaign Exercise with the same Super Falcons who were neglected after bringing Honour to the Country.

However, the outgoing administration was involved but overbearing in the running of sports which gave a larger room to corruption to the extent that, they were involved in the firing and rehiring saga of the Super Eagles coach, Stephen Keshi, it was that bad, I am not asking for such meddling but give Sports the needed relevance and the enabling environment.

I expect GMB to appoint technocrats with sound experience in handling our sports and not just some political appointees, unfortunately, the people at the helms of sports affairs have no business there, they are not a Technocrats neither does anyone of them has experienced in Sports administration, with little or no single training in Sports Administration. We need those who has the nation interest at heart, and not selfish people, those who are not only hungry for estacode and money to use in buying luxurious cars and houses to show off at the mercy of a dwindling Sports Sector.

Super Falcons
Super Falcons

I also want to believe that only those close to GMB could testify whether he is or was a sportsman or even interested in the games. If he is, he has never in any of speech acknowledge that even when the issue of his health became a matter of serious concern during the campaign, he only jogged in the field unimpressingly.

As I conclude, in any case the outgoing President did not host the Super Falcons for their victory in Namibia at the African Women’s Championship last year, Please GMB do host the girls, they have laboured hard for the nation and at the moment the most successful football team in the history of Nigerian football.

Finally, I am afraid that sports may not get the necessary attention from GMB during his administration and also concerned if the Athletes who has done us well by bringing glory to the nation will no longer be hosted for a welldone jobs. I pleaded for an increment in the budget and timely release of funds for the Sports Ministry, and, also a timely intervention in sanitizing the already corrupt Sports Sector.

Will Sports Change?


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An Open Letter To The Nigerian President – Aderonke Ogunleye-Bello, @AderonkeW

Dear Mr. President,

I am personally moved to write you this letter before the General Elections which will be a determinant for your second term in office.

Discussing the reasons behind my writing this letter, you have given the Nigerian women a lot of chance to showcase their talents through administration and empowerment, the 35% slot is highly commendable.

Today is the International Women’s day and I am using this day through this letter to remind you of the forgotten Super Falcons, the team with the highest record of successes in all the football teams we have in Nigeria.

Super Falcons
Super Falcons

These young women gave their all, some played for the country wearing sanitary towels/tampons. It was inconvenient Mr. President, yet they came out successful, leaving their emotional issues behind, they took it upon themselves to bring glory to the country.

Mr. President, let me take you down the memory lane, in case you have forgotten, it doesn’t take you this long to host the Super Eagles when they won the African Cup of Nations in 2013 and also the U17 for their victory in Dubai last year when they won the World Cup, the women are waiting.

Each time you campaign for your second term in office, you talk about reforms and successes in the sports sector. On the contrary your Mrs Jonathan, the First Lady has never identified with these girls successes in her campaign, being a part of the successful Nigerian women under your Administration, Oh well!

Jonathan Goodluck, Nigerian President
Jonathan Goodluck, Nigerian President

I am calling out to you to do the needful, fulfill all righteousness, be fair to the girls, host them, honour and pamper them.

They will soon represent Nigeria at the FIFA World Cup and hosting them will be a form of encouragement. It will push the girls to win the Tournament.

I have written this letter in genuine concern for the female footballers. I remain apolitical, with no personal stake, a true Nigerian who believe so much in the power of sports in Nigeria.

Thank You,

Twitter @AderonkeW