CAVB Coaches Course Concludes Successfully In Mali

African Volleyball Confederation “CAVB” organised a National Coaches Course in Bamako, Mali 1 to 5 October, 2015.

The five day course welcomed 31 participants including 4 female coaches who travelled across the country to get the benefit of the course.

The course was instructed by FIVB Instructor Mostafa Ahchouche from Morocco who succeeded to update the promising coaches with the most recent coaching data.

The course instructor Ahchouche was happy with the outcome of the course and the motivation of the participants.

“The working conditions on the theoritical and practical parts of the course were good with all the required materials available,” Ahchouche said. “Sincerely, I have nothing to add to the perfect organization and the great interest of local authorities for this CAVB program. I am very satisfied by the good organization of this course and also the level of the candidates who were very motivated to learn new trends of modern VB and also how to proceed to work with young players.” He added.

The closing ceremony was attended by many guests of honour, like the representative of the Ministry of Sports Mr Sidi Bekaye, Mr. Tidiani Niambele the vice President of National Olympic Committee and the Mr. Amadou Bengaly the President of the Malian volley ball Federation.

Since he became President of Mali association 7 months ago Mr. Bengaly said that he have a Long Term Development plan and he has already started with FIVB project African Dream.

He thanked the CAVB and FIVB for their support and hopes that this course will further contribute to the development of the sport in his country.

The Malian Press (TV, Radio and the News Papers) had a great contribution as they had a big coverage from beginning to the end of this event .

Part of the theoritical part

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