FIFA President Sepp Blatter To Step Down At Extraordinary Elective Congress

Barely four days after winning another mandate to oversee the affairs of the Football’s governing body, the new reelected Administrator has decided to let go of his mandate for the love of the game.

Blatter in his statement released a few hours ago said “While I have a mandate from the membership of FIFA, I do not feel that I have a mandate from the entire world of football – the fans, the players, the clubs, the people who live, breathe and love football as much as we all do at FIFA”

he further went on to state that while he would continue in his role as FIFA President He would continue to champion the course for the restructuring on FIFA.

One major change Blatter is pushing for is the reduction of the members of the executive council who Blatter claims “includes representatives of confederations over whom we have no control, but for whose actions FIFA is held responsible”

The FIFA President also wants elections and integrity checks into the FIFA Executive Committee to be organised centrally instead of it being handled by the confederations.

FIFA President Sepp Blatter at the Footbal for Hope Festival photo credit: GovernmentZA
FIFA President Sepp Blatter at the Footbal for Hope Festival
photo credit: GovernmentZA
But perhaps the most talked about aspect of the FIFA leadership for So many years is the way FIFA Presidents have virtually perpetuated themselves in office. And Strangely Blatter who is a beneficiary of this system says he wants “term limits not only for the president but for all members of the Executive Committee”

Blatter went on to say that “I have fought for these changes before and, as everyone knows, my efforts have been blocked. This time, I will succeed”

The FIFA President has asked Domenico Scala who is the Independent Chairman of FIFA’s Audit and Compliance to oversee the introduction and implementation of these and other reforms. Mr. Scala is also the Chairman of the ad hoc Electoral Committee which means he would also oversee the election of a successor for the Outgoing FIFA President.

A lot of football enthusiast and stakeholders are wondering why Mr Blatter went ahead to contest an election amidst global outrage after several key members of the football governing body were alleged to have been involved in fraudulent practices surrounding the selection of host nations for FIFA’s hottest property the FIFA World Cup.

Although Mr Blatter maintains his innocence, only time will tell if he would also survive this “FIFA TSUNAMI” OR #FIFAGate

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