Dolphins FC

Dolphins Now 2nd On The GLO Premier League Table

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Glo Premier League Logo

After beating Nasarawa United 2-1 in Port Harcourt, Dolphins returned to the top four and are now 2nd on the table.

Two goals from top scorer, Emem Eduok in the 25th and 69th minute and one from Nasarawa United captain, Debekeme Tamarakuno was all the game had to offer in a rainy encounter.

The heavens opened up at the start of the game and rained until the half time whistle sounded then opened up fiercely as soon the 2nd half kicked off this time making the game almost unplayable though the referee did not stop the match even once.

Nasarawa United’s head coach, Baba Ganaru blamed the rainy pitch for their inability to get a result but said he did not protest because he thought the referee would be wise enough to call off the game.

“It was not a bad game, especially in the first half but the second half was not a football match because there was no decent play from either of us due of the rain and the pitch.

“I actually thought the referees would stop the game but since they decided to continue we also thought we should see it out, but the second half was a mess because there was no football played.

Ganaru added that Sunday’s result against Dolphins will not in anyway derail their chances of winning the league this season as he felt they were still on course.

Emem Eduok - Dolphins FC
Emem Eduok – Dolphins FC

Dolphins’ top scorer, Emem Eduok was happy with his goals saying he has a target for himself and he is close to it.

“Before the season started, I told myself I wanted to get 15 goals in the League. Right now I have 12 with 9 games left to play so I believe with God on my side I will surpass my pre season’s goal target.”

Dolphins next play Abia Warriors in Umuahia on Sunday.

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