Godfrey Oboabona

Oboabona Back In Training…Yobo Prefers Victory To 100 Caps

Eagles In Action In Jacksonville
Eagles In Action In Jacksonville

Oboabona Back In Training…,Eagles Land Porto Alegre…,Yobo Prefers Victory To 100Caps

Godfrey Oboabona
Godfrey Oboabona

It was a smooth one hour, thirty minutes flight for the Super Eagles and its officials from Campinas to Porto Alegre, as the team gears up for Wednesday’s group decider against former World Champions, Argentina.

On the flight with the Eagles was the Vice President of the NFF, Chief Mike Okeke Umeh, House Of Reps members led by Vice Chairman, House Committee on Sports, Alhaja Ayo Omidiran, Coach Stephen Keshi and his crew and all the 23 players registered for the tournament.

The team is quartered at the Holiday Inn Hotel, about 10minutes drive from the airport and the good news for the team is that defence Trojan, Godfrey Itama Oboabona, will be back in training on Monday afternoon. “I am ready to resume training today and the medics have given me a clean bill,” Oboabona said smiling as the team alighted from the TAM flight that brought them from Campinas.

The team departed for training immediately it settled down at about 2:15pm local time, which is 6:15 in Nigeria, with Team Skipper, Joseph Yobo, saying he prefers a win on Wednesday to his much advertised attainment of a 100 caps if featured in the match against Argentina. “It’s good news that I will reach that milestone but what is uppermost in my mind is for the team to win and for us to advance to the next stage. The rest will be a bonus”, he said on Monday.

Obobabona Photo Credit: fifa.com

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