Tag Archives: VTB Bank

VTB Bank Renews Sponsorship With The FIG

Russia’s VTB Bank, a major sponsor of Gymnastics since 2009, has renewed its contract with the FIG for 2016. Bruno Grandi, President of the FIG, and Vasily Titov, First Deputy Chairman of VTB and Vice President of the FIG, sealed the agreement during a meeting at FIG Headquarters Friday in Lausanne, Switzerland.

The contract includes a donation of one million U.S. dollars, a large part of which will be used as developmental funds for the continental unions.

“As I begin my final year as head of the FIG, I am delighted to see our loyal partner confirm its support,” Grandi said. “This contribution is targeted toward the development of sport on all five continents, which is excellent news for our continental unions.”

Bruno Grandi and Vasily Titov
Bruno Grandi and Vasily Titov

“VTB has the pleasure of once more renewing our sponsorship with the FIG and thereby supporting Gymnastics, one of the three major Olympic sports,” Titov added. “We are very happy to be able to contribute to the development of this beautiful sport around the world.”