Tag Archives: VCP Beach Volleyball Grassroots course

Zimbabwe hosts VCP Beach Volleyball Grassroots course

A VCP Beach Volleyball Grassroots course was held at a hotel in the Zimbabwe capital Harare from June 10 to 14.

The course was supervised by FIVB Instructor Yaniv Norman with help from Mr. E.K. Kondo, 2nd Vice President of the Zimbabwe Volleyball Federation.

Twenty-five participants from around the country took part in the course and they showed great application and motivation to learn both the theoretical and practical aspects of the course.

The participants were mainly physical education teachers and volleyball coaches, and for most of them, it was their first experience of beach volleyball.

On the fourth day of the course, a beach volleyball tournament was organized in order to implement some of the topics that had been taught. This allowed the participants to apply their playing, refereeing and organizing skills to game situations.
