Tag Archives: Sunday Oliseh

What Can Samson Siasia Do For Nigeria? By Aderonke Bello

As we know, the Nigerian Football Federation named Samson Siasia as the caretaker coach for the Super Eagles, and is that news? of course it is. Many Nigerians have been questioning the choice of the football federation in Siasia, why him and not others.

Most importantly, he’s progressed throw the national coaching age category, culminating in winning the U-23 AFCON in 2015. He was obviously and glaringly appointed under duress when their former marriage of convenience with Oliseh crashed sooner than expected as I earlier predicted.

Let me take you down the memory lane, Samson Siasia was a coach of the Super Eagles at a time, and was sacked when he could not take Nigeria to the African cup of nations – Egypt 2011. I remember vividly when we suspected a possible sabotage by players who were not happy with him as a Coach, playing a draw in an all-important game against Guinea, hence our loss to the team in Abuja.

Super Eagles, photo credit Nigeria Super Eagles fb
Super Eagles, photo credit Nigeria Super Eagles fb

Samson Siasia is no doubt a disciplinarian, this dude is tough on his players, a man-manager who knows his onions, but he could be arrogant. Yes I said it! Siasia is arrogant. In actual fact arrogance used positively can only be of benefit on the long run. So arrogance is allowed.

I know a lot of players find him challenging but rightly, no player is bigger than Nigeria, we are a people of over 170 million, so a player who is not ready to humble and follow his coaches’ instructions can step aside for others to come in.
As it is, Siasia has inherited a damaged, battered and dispirited Super Eagles from Sunday Oliseh and the NFF. Our once upon a time darling national team is now commonly called ‘super chicken’. Eagles and chicken all na bird, one can soar and the other is lame, lol.

Looking at the list of invited players for the Egypt match, my confidence was aroused and I was happy as I am sure many patriotic Nigerians. I really don’t know why but I believe in those boys. Watching them train in Abuja, I saw a team that is ready to win, a team that is hungry and guys who want to make individual mark by justifying their invitation by living up to expectations.

Siasia is not perfect, no one is – Jose Mourinho’s travails at Chelsea FC is a testament to that, but without a doubt in my opinion, he is a good coach. He is vocal, he knows his onions, he cannot be dribbled, and also, he knows how to play the politics of working with those NFF Mafiosos – that’s all.

We should not expect magic from him overnight, Nigerians should be patient and let him be, let him work and I seriously hope the NFF guys will not bring a foreign coach as we know that is the least of our worries in the National team – they are even broke so how can they afford an expatriate?

Samson Siasia photo credit @thenff
Samson Siasia photo credit @thenff

The big questions are: Can Siasia lead Nigeria to AFCON, is he the Messiah we have been waiting for since the exit of Keshi from the National team, can he achieve that win, is he going to beat Egypt home and away? Yes I believe we can defeat Egypt and why not? At the end of the day, it is eleven versus eleven.

However, if Nigeria do not qualify or beat Egypt – God forbid, Siasia should not be blamed for he inherited a disorganised and divided team. Blame the NFF who in the first place installed a rookie Coach to start the campaign for the prestigious AFCON 2017 Qualifier.

Best wishes to Nigeria, most especially the Super Eagles in Kaduna and Cairo.

NFF explains relationship with ex-Coach, Oliseh

In order to clear a lot of falsehood that has been making the rounds in sections of the media following the resignation of Coach Sunday Oliseh, the Nigeria Football Federation has decided to make a statement regarding events relating to the employment and resignation of the Super Eagles Coach.

First of all, the NFF would like to state that contrary to what few members of the media would have Nigerians believe, the appointment of Mr. Sunday Oliseh as Head Coach of the Super Eagles was thoroughly thought-through; it went through a meeting between himself and the Technical Committee and was ultimately approved by the entire Executive Committee of the NFF.

The NFF had the best of intentions in hiring Mr. Sunday Oliseh, and despite the misgivings about his temperament (he himself alluded to this at his unveiling) he was seen as a bright young Coach able to take the Super Eagles to new heights. This view was premised on his resume, (having played in various countries around the world), his undoubted football knowledge and his currency of ideas (being a respected former Super Eagles Captain and a member of the FIFA Technical Study Group).

Sunday Oliseh And NFF President Amaju Pinnick In London when was announced as Super Eagles Coach
Sunday Oliseh And NFF President Amaju Pinnick In London when was announced as Super Eagles Coach

The fact that from Mr. Oliseh’s perspective, the relationship had gone so awry to the extent that he resigned his appointment is unfortunate because despite the temporary financial difficulties which crept into the relationship in the last 4 (four) months or thereabouts, the NFF Executive Board with its penchant for long term planning took a long term view of his appointment and remains confident that with a little more patience on the part of the Coach, things would have turned around for the better in the long run.

The NFF seizes the opportunity to apologise to Nigerians for the situation that we, through no fault of ours, find ourselves, but assures the teeming Super Eagles supporters that we shall patriotically remain committed to the success of the team. This is already evidenced by the swiftness with which we have reconstituted the coaching crew and received the assurances of the patriotism of the Super Eagles players who have vowed to fight for the Nigerian flag and spirit, and ensure that not only do we qualify for the African Nations Cup but also that our long term goals are not derailed.

The NFF gives the foregoing assurances despite the circumstance which has arisen with the untimely resignation of Coach Sunday Oliseh and despite the fact that the decision was taken unilaterally without discussion with NFF or any of its officials or board members, without giving the requisite 1 (one) months notice as stipulated in his contract immediately after he was paid his arrears of salary and housing allowance after his request to travel across Europe to visit potential call ups for the matches against Egypt was approved by the President of the NFF and; despite the fact that we have crucial qualifying matches to play next month

With regard to the various allegations made against the NFF by Mr. Sunday Oliseh in his letter of resignation and in the media, the NFF as a responsible organisation feels the need to this once respond to those allegations as follows, and thereafter continue with the job at hand without any further distractions:

 Sunday O Oliseh Resigns
Sunday O Oliseh Resigns

Mr. Sunday Oliseh in his letter of resignation and in various reports has talked about not being respected, and not getting the support of the NFF. The NFF categorically denies these allegations and notes that from the time of his employment the NFF had always shown him respect which, unfortunately, not always reciprocated.

In order to encourage him, to exhibit an intention to put the issue of financial disagreements with coaches behind the Federation and to help the new Coach quickly settle down, the NFF proceeded to pay him three months’ salary in advance – something that had never happened previously in Nigeria football.

The NFF introduced him to our principal partners/sponsors in order to show that the Federation had total regard for and was fully supporting its coach. The President thereafter reiterated the vision of the NFF board and its mandate to the new coach to build a new and vibrant team that the Government and people of this country would be proud of. The NFF has since then allowed him to carry on his duties without interference. The NFF also purchased for Mr. Oliseh a brand new car to ease his movement locally whenever he was in Nigeria.

With regard to the allegation that he was not supported, it is pertinent to note that Mr. Oliseh himself had on numerous occasions expressed gratitude for the support he had received from the NFF and in particular from the NFF President and Vice Presidents. The NFF makes bold to say that he has been supported throughout his short tenure as the Super Eagles coach. Not only have his requests and choice of training camps been accepted, his choice of players have never been interfered with, his choice of venues have all but once been accepted and even where not accepted, an explanation was promptly given which was duly appreciated and accepted by the coach.

Only a few minutes before sending an email intimating the NFF of his resignation, Mr. Oliseh had written a mail to the NFF President about his trip across Europe to see players, which the NFF President had approved the day before.

Super Eagles during the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations Qualifiers  Nigeria Training  on Sep,1st, 2015 at National Stadium, Abuja © Kabiru Abubakar/Backpagepix
Super Eagles during the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations Qualifiers Nigeria Training on Sep,1st, 2015 at National Stadium, Abuja
© Kabiru Abubakar/Backpagepix

For the competitive matches against Tanzania, Burkina Faso and Swaziland that the Super Eagles played away from home under Coach Oliseh, the NFF despite its financial constraints flew the team by chartered aircraft at the request of the coach.

It is pertinent to note also that, despite its financial constraints, the NFF acceded to Coach Oliseh’s insistence on camping the CHAN team in South Africa. His show of appreciation was to go on air to talk about spending his money to buy food for the team in South Africa. The truth is that the team stayed at a world-class facility where buffet feeding had been arranged. Coach Oliseh opted to buy Nigerian food for the players on two (2) occasions, without alerting the NFF or the hotel management. Food meant for the team on those two occasions went to waste.

In support of Coach Oliseh and in a bid to give him some confidence regarding the issue of finance, the NFF top echelon traveled to Rwanda at their own expense along with the Minister of Youth and Sports, in order that the coach and the team would have the opportunity of hearing first-hand from the Minister the challenges the NFF was facing with regards to funds. The Minister told the team clearly that the financial problems were not the fault of the NFF and promised to do his utmost to resolve it forthwith.

After the CHAN championships in Rwanda, the Technical Committee requested for the usual technical report of the Championship but Coach Oliseh wrote a terse email back to the secretary of that committee stating that he did not report to them.

Even though by the terms of his contract he was obliged to return to Nigeria at least 2 weeks to any Super Eagles match and is obliged to watch our domestic league matches from time to time, one can count how many local league matches he has watched and one can point out that he did not return to Nigeria before he went to the CHAN championship on the grounds that he was ill. Yet, he went to South Africa and Rwanda but did not return with the team to Nigeria

The NFF has accommodated these only in support of the ultimate success of the coach and the team. On resumption, Coach Oliseh wanted to sack the entire backroom staff of the Super Eagles including the media officer saying that he could not work with them. A potentially messy situation was aborted by the firm position of the General Secretary and the President on the matter. The coach virtually tore the team apart with his impulsive style of man management, for example if not for the way the NFF President and Vice Presidents handled the matter, his disagreement with erstwhile captain Vincent Enyeama would have seen all the senior players quit the Super Eagles.

Contrary to the terms of his contract, Coach Oliseh went on air several times to talk about the NFF’s finances and in a derogatory manner. He went on air to insult Nigerians in what is now known as his ‘YouTube rant’ wherein he made serious allegations against the Nigeria media, which he has failed to substantiate. In it, he also noted that he didn’t want the job of the Super Eagles Chief Coach but was prevailed upon to accept it.

From the foregoing, it is clear that without claiming to be perfect and working under considerable financial difficulties, not only did the NFF support Mr. Sunday Oliseh in his capacity as Chief Coach of Super Eagles, it actually showed lots of restraint in the face of aggravated impulsive behaviour by the coach bordering in some cases on insubordination.

NFF logo, nigeria, football federation

In closing this Statement there are a few things we must point out:

We find it strange though that, after complaints of non -payment, Mr.Oliseh waited to receive monies owed him before resigning. Two days before his resignation, he had passionately appealed that we unite as one force to fight the battle on the football field with the Egyptian national team. We had no idea he was selling a dummy.

For the avoidance of doubt, Mr. Sunday Oliseh RESIGNED and was not SACKED. We bear no grudges against the coach and wish him well in his future endeavours.

We have heard strange talk of “instability in NFF.” How can there be instability in NFF simply because an employee chose to resign? The Executive Board of the NFF has resolved to accept his resignation and has responsibly gone ahead to accept the recommendation of the Technical Committee in replacing him temporarily with competent coaches.

We have now moved swiftly beyond the issue of the resignation of Coach Oliseh and like responsible business -minded administrators we are now thinking about the 2017 Africa Cup of Nations qualifiers, with the immediate business being the hosting of the Egyptian national team in Kaduna and playing them in Egypt towards the end of next month.

We thank the teeming patriotic supporters of the Super Eagles, seek your forgiveness if we have done any wrong, ask for your understanding of the very difficult financial situation under which we are working and above all request your continued support and prayers.

Big Guns Line Out For SMW Football Day

Campos Square will light up on Sunday February 21 as the stars of Nigeria’s glorious Atlanta 96 Olympic football gold medal winning team once again take to the pitch, 20 years after they stunned the world.

The likes of Sunday Oliseh, Emmanuel Amunike, Nwankwo Kanu, Austin Okocha, Victor Ikpeba, Taribo West and more will take on a Lagos All Stars team as part of celebrations to mark the event at Social Media Week Lagos.

“I think it is wonderful that SMW Lagos is doing this,” said Amunike. “Sometimes you don’t realize the importance of what you have achieved until much later, and I think that now we all appreciate what that meant to everyone.”

Among other events lined up are a gala night at SS 7 in Victoria Island to honour the heroes, while a series of panels and sessions on Thursday February 25 will relive those wonderful moments in Nigeria’s football history.

“It is hard to think that 20 years have flown by so quickly,” said Victor Ikpeba, who would go on to win the African Player of the Year prize a year later. “It was a moment that none of us will ever forget and we appreciate SMW Lagos for putting this together.”

The Nigerian Dream Team celebrate their gold medal at Atlanta 96 Olympic games, photo credit: sundayoliseh.tv
The Nigerian Dream Team celebrate their gold medal at Atlanta 96 Olympic games, photo credit: sundayoliseh.tv

“The victory of our team at Atlanta 96 was a seminal moment for Nigerian & African football, for us it is a privilege to host these Nigerian heroes and to celebrate them,” said Obi Asika, Chairman and Co-Founder, SMW Lagos.

“Please come out and support them, take a selfie, and relive those special moments. A special word of thanks to Lagos State football Association, Seyi Akinwumi and his team, Ayo Alli and the Gbamm team and all who have worked tirelessly with us to make this happen.”

All events, bar the football game and Gala, take place at the SMW Lagos Campus on Landmark Centre, Oniru.

2017 African Cup of Nations Qualifier: We Can Beat Egypt ​- Oliseh

With less than five weeks to the all important 2017 African Cup of Nations qualifier against Egypt, Super Eagles coach, Sunday Oliseh is targeting a possible four points from the double header. He is also ecstatic about the form of his players across Europe. Excerpts……

Ahead of the 2017 game against Egypt in Kaduna, how much do you know about the current Egypt team led by Hector Cuper?

Well, firstly, I will want to seize this opportunity to apologize to those who misunderstood my earlier messages and also to thank those who sent in their messages of understanding inspite of the comments. Ahead of this match, what we know of the Egyptians is that they are crafty and technically good and for us to do well we have to start early. And that is why we have started working on assembling the team ahead of the game.

The Egyptians have played two friendlies against Jordan and Libya last month and are scheduled to face Burkina Faso next month in another friendly ahead of the double header against Nigeria. Won’t your team be engaging in any build up match?

We are still looking at the possibility of playing a game before the match against Egypt but I must admit it’s giving me a lot of concern because many of our players that we will use for the game are majorly based in Europe. So it’s a bit difficult as their clubs won’t release them for the supposed friendly game. We will be creative enough to get match conditions in trainings from our players before the game.

We are going into this game we our very best to win it by the grace of God.

Super Eagles, photo credit Nigeria Super Eagles fb
Super Eagles, photo credit Nigeria Super Eagles fb

The Pharoahs boast of at least two prominent stars in Mohammed Salah and Mohammed Elneny. How will your team handle them?

We all know Salah’s strength. He’s a player who is brilliant releasing other players with quality passes in from the right flank. He’s good in one on one situation and can hurt any team but we equally have players to handle such situations. What we need to do is to be proactive and not be reactive because they will come to Kaduna to soak us in and get away with a point.

In Salah, they have a very good player who is doing well in Rome and they have players that are used to playing with one another. For that reason, we should expect competition from them. That is why we are going to try to study them more and see what they will do. And we have started by looking at all the players they have abroad and we’re also looking forward to the players we have who can counter the strengths they have.

Are you confident that the Eagles can get at least four points from the qualifying games versus Egypt?

It’s not a question of being confident, that’s our objective of a possible six. I have worked with the Home-based players and they know how we play, so for that reason I have to do the other part with the Europe based. I will be going to watch some of our players in action but I will be starting with those here in Belgium to see those who are ready for the game. The players are all aware of the task.

The strength in the Egyptian team is that they are very mobile and they have lots of players making runs without the ball; that is one thing that makes them play well. But we have players that can counter that and it is based on this that we are counting on the players we have used and the ones that are the best at the moment to help us carry the day. That I why I have started work because I have already done the homework with the CHAN players and we worked with them for about a month and we know the ones that are tough enough to invite them. We have to do the same with the foreign-based one.

Hector Cuper has begun the mind games. He was recently quoted that he already has his starting line-up for the game in his mind, which means he is ready for Nigeria. Can that be said of you and your team?

Of course but we will approach the game differently without much fuss.

Chisom Chikatara
Chisom Chikatara

Will you be adding new players to the squad?

It’s possible because we have a couple of them. There are about two to three players I’m looking at and I have to see firsthand if they are better than the ones we have been using but it’s very possible we see some.

Also two of your players, Kelechi Iheanacho and Ogenyi Onazi if invited for the crucial game, will play for their respective teams on Sunday 19th of March and may hit camp latest Monday evening giving them just one day to train with their teammates.

How do you intend to shuffle your pack barring any unforeseen circumstances?

Well, I have been in talks with majority of the players and I am happy with the level of preparedness and feedback I am getting from them. We will ensure that they are in good conditions to represent the country at optimal level.

To England coach, where the trio of John Mikel Obi, Odion Ighalo and Victor Moses are all performing well for their respective teams. How big of a boost is this to the preparation for the game?

Believe me this is what a coach prays for. It’s better to have problems choosing who to start than not to have any at all.

The one that gladdens me most is that Obi Mikel is playing regularly for Chelsea and that means his fitness will be better than what he had before which is a boost for us and as regards confidence he has it more now with the way he plays.

Ighalo is another player who has maintained his form. The Barclays player of the month award winner for December, with 15 goals so far this season is in top form, I just hope and pray they all maintain this level, heading into camp in some weeks time.

Which CHAN players impressed you most?

With no disrespect to others, I will hope that this does not run into their heads. Osaze Okoro is one player who was outstanding. In the three games we played, he had a valuable impact in the games and was voted the man-of-the-match once.

Ifeanyi Matthew is another player who impressed me a lot with his work rate in the middle of the pack and his decisive tackles and who will forget Chisom Chikatara. His calmness in front of goal is superb. I hope they continue their impressive forms for their respective teams.

Will you be releasing another video anytime soon, given how the last one went and do you regret those actions and statements?

Well, I don’t want to delve into this but the reason for releasing videos is because you don’t want to be mis-quoted. Obviously, that doesn’t work but what is paramount on my mind is to continue the work we have been doing and I’m happy with how the players have been progressing.

Did you consider resigning during the recent face-off with the NFF?

Not at all.

Thanks for your time.

You’re welcome!​

Eagles Set To Soar Over Guinea Into Quarter Finals

The Super Eagles are battle –ready to pick all three points off Guinea’s Syli Nationale on Tuesday in order to make sure of top spot in Group C and guarantee qualification for the quarter finals of the 4th African Nations Championship.

On Sunday, the Eagles arrived in beautiful border district of Rubavu, venue of their clash with the Syli Nationale, after a three –hour road trip from Rwanda’s capital, Kigali. They are lodged at the Gorilla Hotel, close to the Kivu Beach.

The team had its first training session in Rubavu on Sunday, and on Monday, the team had a feel of Tuesday’s match venue, The Rubavu Stadium.

According to the team’s Media Officer, Toyin Ibitoye, all 23 players who made the trip are in excellent physical and mental shape ahead of the crucial West African derby with the tricky Guineans.

Coach Sunday Oliseh praised the players for their brave performance against the very experienced Tunisian side on Friday and promised that the team will put out another high -level display on Tuesday.

Victory by any margin on Tuesday will guarantee the Eagles top spot in Group C, and a quarter –final date with the second –placed team in Group D. A draw would be enough for qualification, as Nigeria has a two –point margin on second –placed Guinea and Tunisia, but should Tunisia achieve a high –score win over Niger Republic, top spot may not be guaranteed.

Guinea have drawn each of their two matches 2-2, against Tunisia and Niger Republic, coming from behind each time. They pose a big threat because of the skill and guile of their strikers.

Super Eagles, photo credit Nigeria Super Eagles fb
Super Eagles, photo credit Nigeria Super Eagles fb

Nigeria forward Chisom Chikatara, on four goals, will pose the biggest threat to the Guineans at the Rubavu Stadium. His excellent positioning can get him the goals to be top scorer of this championship.

Super Eagles’ Head Coach, Sunday Oliseh, was in the Nigerian squad that earned a 1998 FIFA World Cup ticket at the expense of Syli Nationale. But the Guineans also stopped Nigeria reaching the 2012 Africa Cup of Nations finals, when drawing 2-2 with the Super Eagles in Abuja in October 2011.


Football Day returns to Social Media Week Lagos for a second, pivotal year with a celebration of Nigeria’s greatest ever football achievement, winning Olympic football gold.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of that defining moment for Nigerian football. In keeping with the #SMWLagos2016 theme of ‘The Networked African’ #SMWFootballDay 2016 will not only celebrate the stars of that stirring triumph, but will also explore how social media and technology can add value to Nigeria’s football networks of players, administrators, commercial partners and media.

Using the meta tags #WhenEaglesSoared and #Atlanta96Remembered, #SMWFootballDay2106 will drive conversation by tapping into the fans’ recall of that great moment, look into the social effect of that triumph, and honour the stars who made it happen by bringing them together for an #Atlanta96Remembered Reunion Match.

The game, between Atlanta 96 stars and Celebrity Lagos All Stars captained by comedian AY, will mark the opening event of #SMWFootballDay2016. Organised in partnership with Eko Football, the match will be played at Campos Mini Stadium on Sunday February 21, 2016. A Gala/Awards Nite to honour the stars at SS7 Lounge at VI later that night, will close out the day.

Social Media Week Lagos Board chairman Obi Asika says it will be a landmark moment “Social Media Week Lagos is excited and honoured to celebrate these perennial Nigerian legends.

“The Atlanta 96 Eagles provided one of the biggest moments in African football, with several African countries declaring public holidays.

“Please join us as we relive those special moments as a country and as a continent.”

The Nigerian Dream Team celebrate their gold medal at Atlanta 96 Olympic games, photo credit: sundayoliseh.tv
The Nigerian Dream Team celebrate their gold medal at Atlanta 96 Olympic games, photo credit: sundayoliseh.tv

The main sessions will take place at the Landmark Centre on 25 February, 2016 – and include an intimate chat with Sunday Oliseh, Atlanta 96 Alumni and current Super Eagles coach; as well as a panel of Atlanta 96 veterans recalling the tournament.

Speakers at the sessions will include NFF President Amaju Pinnick, LMC Chairman Shehu Dikko, Chairman of the Lagos State Sports Commission Deji Tinubu, Lagos FA Chairman Seyi Akinwunmi, Super Eagles coach Sunday Oliseh and Africa’s first ever Women’s Player of the Year Mercy Akide-Udoh.


Nigeria yesterday trounced Niger 4-1 in its game at the Orange African Nations Championship, ongoing in Rwanda. The victory recorded by the home based Super Eagles, is generating reactions from many people in the football community. One of those obviously impressed by the performance of the team is Alhaji Gafar Olawale Liameed, President of
Lagos based non-league side, 36 Lion football club.


“I am really impressed by the performance of our boys, in yesterday’s game,” he gushed.

He attributed the tensed and scoreless first half of the match, to be normal when two teams of different classes meet. “What
we witnessed in the first half is initial muscle flexing and we call that gra-gra, expected from such teams,” Gafar explained.

He commended the Sunday Oliseh led technical crew for bringing their superior tactics to the fore in the second stanza of the
game, particularly, with the inspired substitution of Chisom Chikatara, who went ahead to claim a hatrick in the game.

Gafar, who is also a board member of Lagos FA, was full of praises for Chikatara. He described the Abia Warriors striker,also fondly called the Kolanut boy, as a local player with the intelligence, movement and predatory abilities of a top class world player.


Speaking further, he dismissed the threats of Tunisia and Guinea in the other games,stating that Nigeria, would beat all oppositions and go ahead to claim the CHAN trophy. “Nigeria is the only country that can raise eleven national teams and they would compete strongly against any team in the world. This country is not big for nothing. We are big, strong and immensely talented,” he enthused.

Conclusively, he advised Oliseh, to ensure that his boys take up all the chances they create during games and particularly,to use Chikatara,as the killer punch or the masterstroke in subsequent matches.

Classy Super Eagles Wallop Niger’s Menas in CHAN Opener

Chikatara Hat trick, And Okoro goal seals it for the eagles…,

Nigeria’s Super Eagles B’ Team got their CHAN 2016 campaign off to a flying start with a 3-1 mauling of the Mena ’s of Niger Republic. Nigeria’s Jamiu Alimi was booked in the 9th minute and Coach Sunday Oliseh made a tactical substitution in the 15 minute.

Nigeria’s enterprising winger Prince Aggrey who three players waiting in the 6 yard box decided to go for goal but his shot was saved by Niger goalkeeper.

2016 African Nations_Championship, CHAN CAF 2016, FOOTBALL

The Super Eagles B team launched wave after wave of attacks through the flanks through Aggrey on the left and Okoro on the right but the Eagles kept on falling for the offside trap which was used effectively by the boys from Niger.

41st minute The Niger team finally with their first shot on target, calmly picked up by Nigerian Goalkeeper Ezenwa.

The second half ended all square. But Nigeria Coach Sunday Oliseh must have fired up his wards in the dressing room because barely 30 seconds into the second half Striker Tunde Adeniji pulled out a cross which was exquisitely finished off by number 17 jersey Moses Okoro.

Coach Sunday Oliseh made an inspired substitution in the 58th minute of the when he brought on Chisom Chikatara to replace Tunde Adeniji In the 58 minute.

Nigeria’s final substitution was made in the 70th minute when Muhammed Usman came on to replace Ibenegbu. Three minute after it was time for Impact sub Chisom Chikatara to score Nigeria’s 2nd goal and his first of the night in the 73rd minute with an assist from Moses Okoro.

The Mena’s of Niger came out fighting and Sub Zakari Adebayor scored a cracker of a shot from in the 80th minute to reduce the two goal advantage of the Super Eagles B. Barely were the Niger fans giving a chance to savour the Adebayor goal when Chisom Chikatara restored Nigeria’s 2 goal cushion with a another fine assist from Moses Okoro.

Chikatara once again went on rampage and after missing two chances the Abia Warriors man completed his hat trick in the 90th minute with help from sunshine Stars forward Prince Aggrey.

Chikatara was voted Orange Man Of The Match and with his display it will be difficult for the coach to bench him when the Nigerians play Tunisia in the next Group C game on the 22nd of January.

Final Score Was Nigeria 4-1 Niger, earlier Tunisia and Guinea had played out a 2-2 draw also at the Stade De Kigali, Nigeria now top Group C with Tunisia and Guinea both tied in second place and Niger at the bottom of the Group C log.

Nigeria Starting XI : Ezenwa, Nasiru Jibril (C), Alimi, Eze, Etim, Ifeanyi, Ibenegbu, Onobi, Aggreh, Adeniji, Osas, Orji, Chikatara, Usman.

Angola hold Eagles in Pretoria

Angola’s Palancas Negras held the Super Eagles B to a 1-1 draw in a pre-African Nations Championship friendly in Pretoria on Wednesday.

Midfield Trojan Paul Onobi was an early substitute as he sustained a knock in the 35th minute and was replaced by U-23 ace Usman Mohammed.

The Negras, silver medallists at the 2nd African Nations Championship in Sudan five years ago, tried to pile pressure on the Eagles in the second half, but five substitutions made by Coach Sunday Oliseh kept the 2014 bronze medallists in the ascendancy.

Nigeria took the lead in the 84th minute when Ibrahim Attah Salau was upended in the Angolan box, with midfielder Bartholomew Ibenegbu making no mistake from the spot.

Super Eagles B team photo credit: @theNFF
Super Eagles B team photo credit: @theNFF

Angola equalized from a corner kick with only two minutes left in the game.

The Super Eagles have another top-notch friendly – against Cote d’Ivoire – in Pretoria on Monday. The Nigeria delegation is expected to arrive in Kigali on January 15 – three days to the Eagles’ first match of the 4th African Nations Championship, against Niger Republic.

Eagles Confront Palancas Negras Ahead CHAN

The Super Eagles B will take on fellow Rwanda-bound Palancas Negras of Angola in an international friendly in Pretoria on Wednesday.

On Tuesday, the Super Eagles B lashed the University of Pretoria 3-0 in a test game at the school, with two goals from forward Tunde Adeniji and one from midfielder Ifeanyi Mathew.

Nigeria’s home –based senior boys, who arrived in Pretoria on Saturday and commenced training on Sunday, are using the encounter as a big test ahead of the 4th African Nations Championship starting in Rwanda on January 16.

Head Coach Sunday Oliseh arrived in Pretoria ahead of the group and said on Tuesday that he is looking ahead to the clash with the skillful Angolans.

Angola finished as runner-up at the 2nd African Nations Championship in Sudan five years ago, while Nigeria finished in third place at the 3rd edition in South Africa in 2014.

Wednesday’s clash comes five days before another top duel – a friendly with Cote d’Ivoire at the same Tuks University Stadium.

Super Eagles B team photo credit: @theNFF
Super Eagles B team photo credit: @theNFF

The Super Eagles B delegation will fly into Rwanda on January 15, three days before the team trade tackles with neighbours-to-the-north Niger Republic in their first match of the tournament, at the astro-turf Stade Regional Nyamirambo on the outskirts of Kigali.

Nigeria’s hopefuls, to be captained by left–back Chima Akas in the absence of forward Gbolahan Salami, will also play Tunisia and Guinea in Group C, with the match against the Guineans scheduled for the city of Rubavu.

Oliseh picks 23 Eagles for African Nations Championship

Head Coach Sunday Oliseh has released the list of 23 players of the Super Eagles B squad who will seek to do Nigeria proud by winning the African Nations Championship title in Rwanda.

Goalkeeper Ikechukwu Ezenwa, defenders Austin Oboroakpo and Chima Akas, Olympic Team midfielders Usman Mohammed and Yaro Bature and forward Chisom Chikatara headline a list that also includes Enyimba FC’s skillful winger Ezekiel Bassey, former junior international Ifeanyi Mathew and the Sunshine Stars’ trio of Paul Onobi, Prince Aggrey and Tunde Adeniji.

Former junior international goalkeeper Femi Thomas, Shooting Stars’ central defender Jamiu Alimi and former Supersand Eagles’ ace Bartholomew Ibenegbu have also been included.

The Eagles B team, alongside technical and backroom staff, flew out of the country on Saturday afternoon to Cape Town, South Africa, where a 10 –day pre-Championship training camp has been arranged, alongside two friendly games against fellow Rwanda –bound Angola and Cote d’Ivoire on January 6 and 11 respectively. Oliseh arrived South Africa ahead of the delegation.

Nigeria’s Super Eagles B finished third at the 3rd African Nations Championship held in South Africa in 2014, and Sunday Oliseh’s invigorated squad aims to win the Cup in Rwanda on February 7.

The Eagles B will campaign in Group C of this year’s championship alongside 2011 winners Tunisia, Niger Republic and Guinea, with matches to be played at the Stade Regional Nyamirambo, Kigali.

Super Eagles Training in Uyo
Super Eagles Training in Uyo


Goalkeepers: Ikechukwu Ezenwa (Sunshine Stars); Olufemi Thomas (Enyimba FC); Okiemute Odah (Warri Wolves)

Defenders: Austin Oboroakpo (Abia Warriors); Kalu Orji Okogbue (Enugu Rangers); Jamiu Alimi (Shooting Stars); Mathew Etim (Enugu Rangers); Chima Akas (Sharks FC); Stephen Eze (Sunshine Stars); Christopher Madaki Maichibi (Giwa FC); Samson Gbadebo (Lobi Stars)

Midfielders: Ifeanyi Mathew (El-Kanemi Warriors); Paul Onobi (Sunshine Stars); Usman Mohammed (FC Taraba); Yaro Bature (Nasarawa United); Bartholomew Ibenegbu (Warri Wolves); Ibrahim Attah Salau (Shooting Stars)

Forwards: Osas Okoro (Enugu Rangers); Ezekiel Bassey (Enyimba FC); Tunde Adeniji (Sunshine Stars); Bright Onyedikachi (FC IfeanyiUbah); Chisom Chikatara (Abia Warriors); Prince Aggrey (Sunshine Stars)


It was an interesting 2015 in the world of football and for us at the Newfanzone we’ve come up with a review of some of the events that shaped our year, You can also send in your reviews, comments and sports stories to fanzone.fans@gmail.com or tweet at us @newfanzone or @El_pauleta on twitter.

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The Newfanzone comes up every Saturday on City 105.1fm from 2pm.


The year 2015 was bitter sweet for Nigerian football. Here are the major high and low points in the Nigerian football scene in 2015;

* In January 2015, Super Falcons and Liverpool striker Asisat Oshoala won the Women’s player of the year and Youth player of the year award at the GLO CAF Awards hosted in Lagos. The Super Falcons of Nigeria were named the Women’s National team of the year at the award.

* In May 2015, Super Falcons of Nigeria striker Asisat Oshoala won the inaugural BBC Women’s footballer of the year award.

* In June 2015, The Flying Eagles of Nigeria where knocked out of the FIFA U-20 World Cup in New Zealand losing 1-0 to Germany in the round of 16. While the Super Falcons crashed out of the FIFA Women’s World Cup in Canada in the group stage.


* In July 2015, Stephen Keshi was sacked, spending less than 3 months in his return as the head coach of the Super Eagles.

* The Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) unveiled Sunday Oliseh as the new coach of the Super Eagles in Abuja.

*In August 2015, The Super Falcons of Nigeria crashed out of the Rio 2016 Olympics qualifiers after suffering a 3-2 aggregate loss against Equatorial Guinea

* Kano Pillars suffered their first home defeat in 12 years when they lost 2-1 to Nasarawa United at the Sani Abacha Stadium in Kano.

* In September 2015, The Nigerian U-23 team won bronze at the football event of the All African Games while the Super Falcons lost to Cote d’Ivoire in the bronze medal match.

Golden Eaglets
Golden Eaglets

* In November 2015, The Golden Eaglets of Nigeria won the FIFA U-17 World Cup in Chile for a record fifth time. They join Brazil as the second team to win the competition back to back.

* Enyimba of Aba made history winning the GLO Premier League a record seventh time.

2015 Federation Cup Winners Akwa United FC, football, Nigeria. photo credit Alonge Akinlolu
2015 Federation Cup Winners Akwa United FC, football, Nigeria. photo credit Alonge Akinlolu

* Akwa United defeated Lobi Stars 2-1 to win this year’s Federation Cup at the Teslim Balogun Stadium in Lagos.

*In December 2015, The Nigeria U-23 team defeated Algeria 2-1 to win the CAF U-23 Championship in Senegal. The Samson Siasia lead side qualified for the football event of the Rio 2016 Olympics.

* In what summarizes the Super Eagles performance in the FIFA Ranking, Sunday Oliseh’s team ends 2015 as 66th in the world and 12th in Africa.

World Football Scene:

Cristiano Ronaldo, credit-Ronaldo7.net FIFA Ballon d’Or
Cristiano Ronaldo, credit-Ronaldo7.net FIFA Ballon d’Or

* In January 2015, Real Madrid forward Cristiano Ronaldo won the FIFA Ballon d’Or award for the third time.

*In February 2015, The Elephants of Cote d’Ivoire were crowned 2015 Africa Cup of Nations champions after defeating Ghana 9-8 0n penalties in Equatorial Guinea.

Chelsea are Champions of England 2014- photo credit: Caricato da Dudek1337 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/legalcode
Chelsea are Champions of England 2014-
photo credit: Caricato da Dudek1337

* In May 2015, Jose Mourinho led Chelsea to their fifth English League title.

Fc Barcelona are League Champions! 2014-2015! photo credit fcbarcelona.com
Fc Barcelona are League Champions! 2014-2015! photo credit fcbarcelona.com

* Barcelona won the Spanish La Liga title for the 23rd time.

* Sevilla made European football history by becoming the first club to win the UEFA Europa League four times.

*Arsenal won the FA Cup for a record 12th time after defeating Aston Villa 4-0 at Wembley.

* Carlo Ancelotti was sacked as Real Madrid manager.

*In June 2015, Barcelona completes a historic second treble by winning the UEFA Champions League against Juventus in Berlin. It was Barcelona fourth Champions League title in the last ten years and their fifth in team history.

* Real Madrid appointed former Liverpool coach Rafael Benitez as manager on a three-year contract.

* Serbia was crowned FIFA U-20 World Cup champions after beating Brazil in final.

Petr Cech. photo credit chelseafc.com
Petr Cech. photo credit chelseafc.com

* Arsenal announced the signing of Petr Cech from Chelsea on a long-term contract.

* In July 2015, The United States won their third FIFA Women’s World Cup defeating Japan 5-2 in Canada.

* Chile won the Copa America for the first time in its history after a dramatic penalty shootout against Argentina in the final in Santiago.

* Fiji broke the record for the biggest win in international football with a 38-0 victory over the Federated States of Micronesia.

* Bayern Munich completed the signing of Douglas Costa from Shakhtar Donetsk on a five-year contract for €30 million.

* Chelsea announced the signing of Radamel Falcao from Monaco on a season-long loan deal.

* Manchester United completed the signing of Bastian Schweinsteiger from Bayern Munich.

* Mexico won the CONCACAF Gold Cup for a record seventh time after defeating Jamaica 3-1 in Philadelphia.

* In August 2015, after a season at Manchester United, Angel Di Maria completed his move to Paris Saint-Germain on a four-year contract.

* Arsenal defeated Chelsea 1-0 to lift the Community Shield at Wembley.

* Barcelona won the UEFA Super Cup by defeating Europa League Champions Sevilla 5-4 in extra time in Tbilisi,Georgia.

* In September 2015, Manchester United completed the signing of French forward Anthony Martial from AS Monaco on a four-year contract with the option of another year.

* Manchester United striker Wayne Rooney became England’s all-time goal scorer.

* In October 2015, Wales qualified for their first major tournament since 1958.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic PSG  photo credit: Nazionale Calcio https://www.flickr.com/photos/nazionalecalcio/15187440185/in/photolist-6edRFK-nw9A7R-iMaMHd-iM8T8r-6wCZ9J-5KWwH-iM8NQZ-bx9Vmq-iMcWLm-iM8Vti-cH3Zcu-5ViVdd-ejTqfe-qVN4we-8Lsz64-6YAFrg-rijDfb-345CgU-p94AQZ-6Hkd7t-e3Sm52-e3SkG2-e3Soet-e3SmHx-e3XVMs-e3SfUg-e3XSy9-cH3Zsm-aNfMYB-gn1JSy-e3Y5h9-ejZaaY-6SmtNP-6SqyAq-fF5Aiu-aK3gTv-76U2TB-aWTewH-aCFq4b-aNfMqB-bkCkuF-aWTdJz-bts4hL-aK37Cx-6YMCmj-6EZLix-aCsQry-6F4Vcm-6F4UXb-bkCap8
Zlatan Ibrahimovic PSG
photo credit: Nazionale Calcio

* Zlatan Ibrahimovic scored his 109th and 110th goal for PSG against Marseille to become Paris Saint-Germain all-time goal scorer.

* Brendan Rogders was sacked as Liverpool manager

Jurgen Klopp photo credit: Asia Joanna https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/legalcode
Jurgen Klopp
photo credit: Asia Joanna

* Liverpool appointed former Borussia Dortmund boss Jurgen Klopp as new manager.

* Cristiano Ronaldo became Real Madrid’s all-time goal scorer.

* In November 2015, Real Madrid forward Karim Benzema was charged with conspiracy to blackmail in Mathieu Valbuena sex-tape case.

* Claude Le Roy resigned as the head coach of Republic of Congo

* In December 2015, Former Manchester United captain Gary Neville was appointed as head coach of Valencia until the end of the season

Belgium National Team photo credit: Erik Drost  https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/legalcode
Belgium National Team
photo credit: Erik Drost

* A first place finish on the last FIFA ranking of the year saw Belgium claim the Team of the year award for 2015.

* France Football Federation suspended Karim Benzema from international duty amid ongoing Blackmail case.

* Chelsea terminated the contract of the “Special one” Jose Mourinho seven months after winning them the Premier League title.

Anthony Martial wins Golden Boy Awards
Anthony Martial wins Golden Boy Awards

* Manchester United forward Anthony Martial won the Golden Boy award.

Mitchel Platini and Sepp Blatter photo credit: Antoon Kuper https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/legalcode
Mitchel Platini and Sepp Blatter
photo credit: Antoon Kuper

* FIFA ethics committee bans Sepp Blatter and Michel Platini for 8 years.

* Barcelona won their fifth trophy of 2015 by winning the FIFA Club World Cup for the third time with a victory over South American champions River Plate in Japan.

Pep guardiola  photo credit: Thomas Rodenbücher https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/legalcode
Pep guardiola
photo credit: Thomas Rodenbücher

* Pep Guardiola announced he will be leaving Bayern Munich at the end of the season and he will be replaced by Carlo Ancelotti.

Paul Ayorinde