Tag Archives: Suleiman Abba

Tight Security For Okpekpe Road Race

okpekpe road race

The organizers of the Okpekpe Road Race have finalized plans to put in place top-notch security when the events holds on May the 16th in Okpekpe, Edo State.

Technical Director of the race, Yusuf Alli yesterday said that the Inspector General of Police, Suleiman Abba has been contacted, while Nigeria Football Federation (NFF) Security Consultant, ASP Gideon Akinsola (rtd) will also be on ground to ensure the race is hitch-free.

“For a race of that magnitude, which is of international standard, everything has to be put right and that includes security. We have contacted the IG to ensure policemen are on hand to provide security for the runners and spectators before, during and after the race,” Alli added.

photo credit Nigeria police academy org
photo credit Nigeria police academy org

He also assured that there would be few vehicles on the race track with motorcyclists banned from joining the race. He also said that the Governor Oshiomohle convoy would be made up of two cars to ensure that the runners get the space to exhibit their talent.

Alli also stated that a doping area would be set up in accordance with international practice, where athletes blood samples would be collected for test. He also noted that a VIP area would be set up, where dignitaries can have refreshment before and after the race.