Tag Archives: Stanley Egumad has thrown his weight behind striker

Eguma “Egwim Can Score 20 Goals This Season”

Dolphins coach, Stanley Eguma has thrown his weight behind striker, Ifeanyi Egwim to score twenty goals this season.

Egwim has managed just one league goal this season, against Rangers in the 1-0 win recorded last week, but Eguma says, following the trend, his striker can grab twenty goals.

“For the last two seasons, Egwim has been our top scorer but last year, Emem came up and scored twenty goals,” Eguma said of Egwim.

 Ifeanyi Egwim against eyimba
Ifeanyi Egwim against eyimba

“It is something that has to do with hardwork. I believe that Egwim has the potential and all that it takes to score twenty goals but you cannot do that unless you work hard and that is the challenge that has been given to him,” Eguma said.

Ifeanyi Egwim is in his 4th season at Dolphins, having joined from Rangers International.