Tag Archives: Sports Writers Association

Nigerian Sports Award: Organizers, SWAN Set Criteria for Media Category

In response to the yearnings and popular demand by Sports Journalists in Nigeria, the Award Panel for Nigerian Sports Award in collaboration with the Sports Writers Association of Nigeria (SWAN) has outlined criteria for the Media category of the 2015 edition of the award.

The four categories set aside for the media in the Nigerian Sports Award are; Sports Journalist of the Year (Print), Photo Journalist of the Year, Radio Sports Journalist of the Year and Television Sports Journalist of the Year.

According to the Chairman of the Award Panel, Mr. Ikeddy Isiguzo, the criteria for the media category of the award became necessary due to popular opinion of the Journalists and to continue to uphold the integrity of the award.

Nigeria Sports Awards
Nigeria Sports Awards

“ We have decided to yield to the call of Sports Journalists to set criteria for the media category of the Nigerian Sports Award to ensure more transparency in the process for selecting winners of the award” he said

Isiguzo explained that the criteria for the award as set by the award panel and SWAN stipulates that for any Journalist to win in any of the categories, he or she must first be nominated for a category.

He also stated that the top 5 nominees with the highest number of votes in each category will be shortlisted and will be invited to submit their works as entries for the award to be screened by a select body of Sports Editors.

He announced that the nominees for Sports Journalist of the Year (Print) and Photo Journalist of the Year are required to submit 5 of their works as entries for the award while nominees for TV and Radio Sports Journalist of the Year will be expected to submit 2 (10 Minutes Radio/ TV Programme) to enter for the award and all works submitted must be done during the year of the award.

“The body of sports editors drawn from print, radio and TV shall be constituted to assess the works, grade and recommend three nominees out of the five on each category to the panel, the works shall be copied to the editors individually and they shall pass their assessment to the Award Panel independently and collation of their assessment shall inform the final decision of the panel’’ he added.

He also added that the identity of the body of editors that will serve as judges would be made public during the Gala Night of the 2015 edition, which is billed to hold in Lagos in November.