Tag Archives: Sope Durodola

Nomination Open For 2015 Nigerian Sports Award As Organizers Unfold Plans…Calls For Sponsorship

The nominations for the 2015 edition of the prestigious Nigerian Sports Award are now open as the organizers- Unmissable Incentives Limited unfolds the plans for the 4th edition of the award.

Speaking at a press conference held in Lagos, on Thursday, the chairman of the award panel, Mr. Ikeddy Isiguzo disclosed that the 2015 edition of the award promises to be more eventful than the previous editions.
He noted that the panel is set to introduce some new activities which include the Nigerian Sports Dialogue and Legacy Project for the winners of the Lifetime Award to further promote sports development in the country.

Nigerian Sports Award
Nigerian Sports Award

Isiguzo who is also the chairman, editorial board of Vanguard Newspaper, described the proposed Nigerian Sports Dialogue which is scheduled to hold sometimes in August 2015 as an avenue for the Nigerian sports stakeholders to converge and deliberate on issues bothering on sports development in Nigeria.
Also speaking at the press conference, the General Manager, Unmissable Incentives Limited, Mr. Sope Durodola revealed that 19 categories will be awarded in the 2015 edition of the Nigerian Sports Award. He also hinted that the Award ceremony will be held in Lagos on the 13th of November at a yet to be disclosed venue.

According to Durodola, the categories includes; Ball Sports Person of the Year (Tennis, Table tennis, Basketball, handball) ,Coach of the Year, Combat Sports Person of the Year (Karate, Judo, Taekwondo, Wrestling, Boxing ),Discovery of the Year, Footballer of the Year (Women),Footballer of the Year (Men) ,Special Sports Person of the Year, Sports Administrator of the Year and Sports Governor of the Year.

Others are; Sportsman of the Year, Sportswoman of the Year, Sports Journalist of the Year (Radio), Sports Journalist of the Year (TV), Sports Journalist of the Year (Print), Sports Photo Journalist of the Year, School Sport Award, Team of the Year, Track and Field Star of the Year and Weightlifter of the Year.
On the nomination process for the 2015 edition, Durodola announced the inclusion of the social media platforms of Twitter and Facebook in addition to the nomination via the award website to enable more participation.

“In the last three editions of the award, the nominations were only through our website , but this year, we have expanded the platform for nominations to include Twitter and Facebook, while we will also print some hard copies of the nomination forms , which will be submitted at the Sport Ministry (State & Federal) and Sports Federations for the interest of people who may prefer hard copy nominations”.

Nigerian Sports Award 2015
Nigerian Sports Award 2015

In his own remarks at the press conference, a member of the Award Panel, Mr. Ejiro Omonode of MasterSports International called on sports loving Corporate Organizations, Government, well-meaning individuals and Sports philanthropists to throw their weight behind the Nigerian Sport Award by sponsoring the 2015 edition
He noted that their contributions in supporting the Nigerian Sports Award will go a long way in sport development by motivating Nigerian Athletes by rewarding excellent performance while leveraging on the platform to promote their products and services.