Tag Archives: Sir (Chief) Peter Olaoye Adepoju

NFF commiserates with Adepoju over dad’s demise

The Nigeria Football Federation has expressed grief over the death of Sir (Chief) Peter Olaoye Adepoju, father of a former Member of the NFF Executive Committee, Barrister Olaleye Adepoju.

Pa Adepoju, a Knight of the Methodist Church of Nigeria, died at the age of 90 in Ibadan on Saturday, 24th May, 2014.

Commiserating with the younger Adepoju, also former Chairman of NFF Disciplinary Committee, NFF President, Alhaji Aminu Maigari said that the death of a parent is always heartbreaking, and assured that the NFF and the entire Nigeria football family mourned deeply with the lawyer over the loss of his father.

“We are consoled that Sir (Chief) Adepoju left very bold footsteps in the sands of time, and do pray that God will grant the household he has left behind the fortitude to bear the big loss, and also pray for the deceased to have eternal rest,” said Maigari.