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Calling All Young Designers! IOC Launches Medal Design Competition For Lillehammer 2016

Thomas Bach attends a press conference at the end of the first day of The IOC 127th Session in Monaco.The session is being held at the Grimaldi Forum hosted by IOC Member Prince Albert of Monaco.
Thomas Bach attends a press conference at the end of the first day of The IOC 127th Session in Monaco.The session is being held at the Grimaldi Forum hosted by IOC Member Prince Albert of Monaco.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) yesterday launched a competition offering fans and young designers the opportunity to make Olympic history by designing the medal for the Lillehammer 2016 Winter Youth Olympic Games.

Submissions will be accepted until 1 June 2015 at http://www.medaldesigncompetition.com

In keeping with the IOC’s mission for the Youth Olympic Games to be produced not only for young people, but also by young people, the winning design will be selected by a judging panel made up of the Young Ambassadors and Young Reporters who have been involved in the YOG since the first edition in Singapore in 2010.

Also joining the panel will be IOC Members Claudia Bokel, Chair of the IOC Athletes’ Commission and Olympic silver medallist in fencing, and Angela Ruggiero, Chair of the IOC Coordination Commission for Lillehammer 2016 and Olympic champion in ice hockey.

Claudia Bokel, IOC Executive Board members and Olympian
Claudia Bokel, IOC Executive Board members and Olympian

Angela commented, “As an Olympic champion I know what it means to receive a medal… Something you will cherish for the rest of your life. To be the designer of that medal is incredibly prestigious. The Youth Olympic Games is all about involving young people and it is a great honour for me to be on the judging panel and see what the creative minds from around the world can produce.”

The winning design will be selected in June 2015 and this design will then feature on the face of the gold, silver and bronze medals awarded in Lillehammer from 12 to 21 February 2016.

In addition to the prestige of creating Olympic history, the winning designer will win a trip to Lillehammer 2016, which includes tickets to the Opening Ceremony and sports competition, as well as a full collection of medals featuring their design.

Key dates:

Design submissions will be accepted from 25 March to 1 June 2015.
The judging period will take place between 3 June and 17 June 2015.
The winner will be announced at the end of June 2015.