Tag Archives: Sabongari RFC

South-West Rugby Union League Ready To Resume April 25th

Southwest Rugby League
Southwest Rugby League

Organizers of the South-West league; Friends of Rugby held a meeting last weekend to review the phase of the league and they have announced 25th of April as the resumption date of the second phase of the league.

The resumption of South-West rugby league is a great way to end April and it promises to be a fascinating opening weekend with second placed team on the log; Racing RFC facing off with the oldest club in Lagos, Lagos RFC. Spectators will witness a local derby between Gosar RFC and EcoII RFC with both teams based in Ajegunle. Defending champions and league leaders Cowrie RFC are billed to face Hawksters Athlethics RFC although the match may not hold as Hawksters Athletics is yet to appeal the sanction placed on them by the NRFF since October 2014. The last match of the opening day will be between Police RFC and Ilorin based Royal Stallion RFC.

Christain Ogar of Cowrie Rugby Club in Action

The chairman of Friends of Rugby; Mr Kelechukwu Mbagwu announced at the meeting that a Preparatory/Enablement fee from league sponsors; CMB Building Maintenance & Investment Co. Ltd will go to all participating teams. Mr Mbagwu also congratulated the Northern League organizers for a job well done on the completion of their 2014 League Season.

An anti doping seminar will be held at the press conference before the start of the League to be handled by Doctor Bukola Bojuwoye with all team coaches and captains mandated to attend.

South-West League: Friends Of Rugby Commends CMB Building Maintenance And Investment Co Ltd.

South west Rugby League LP 2

South-West League: Friends Of Rugby Commends CMB Building Maintenance And Investment Co Ltd.

CMB Building

As the first phase of South West League comes to an end on Saturday 16th of August, The league administrators, “Friends of Rugby” commends CMB Building Maintenance and Investment Co Ltd for its continual support towards the development of rugby in Nigeria.

CMB Building Maintenance and Investment Co Ltd, a leading real estate firm has been behind the promotion and sponsorship of rugby in Nigeria for over ten years.

They have helped clubs grow, supported female rugby and grassroots development.

According to the president of NRFF; Sir Edward Fom CMB’s sponsorship is essential and provides opportunities for teams to participate in all three regional leagues in the country.

They also work closely with the NRFF in supporting our National team “The Black Stallions”.


The last games of the first phase of the South West League matches will hold at the main bowl of the National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos, on Saturday 16th August 2014.

Lagos RFC will take on The Police Machine in the first game; Racing RFC who disposed Police Machines to claim second spot on the league table will play against Royal Stallions of Ilorin in a bid to retain their spot.

The whooping boys, Eco II RFC will pitch up against Hawkster Athletics while the defending champions Cowrie RFC will defend their 7 years 15s unbeaten run in West Africa against the most improved side in the league Gosar RFC in the last game of the day.

Cowrie RFC still maintains its position at the top of the Table with 30 points; they are being trailed by Racing RFC who defeated Police Machine to claim the spot by 21 points; Eco II RFC sits at the bottom of the log with no point.

South west Rugby League LP1

Northern League

Zaria RFC Remains Unbeaten After 4 Games

AS the northern league progresses to week four, two games were played last weekend , Zaria RFC registered a home win against Kaduna RFC by 21 to 7 points, Barewa RFC also defeated Kano RFC by 53 to 3 points while the game between Sabongari RFC and Jos RFC was postponed due to security reasons.

Considering the fact that Jos RFC and Sabongari RFC have two outstanding matches each while Kaduna RFC and Kano RFC have one outstanding match each. Zaria RFC remains at the top of the table after four games with 18 points; they are being trailed by Barewa RFC who have also played
four games with 15 points while Kano RFC sit at the bottom of the table after three games with no points.