Tag Archives: Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns Survives The Authority Triple Test On RAW

The Authority never forgets neither do they forgive. After Roman Reigns helped Dean Ambrose escaped with Seth Rollins WWE World Heavyweight title belt on Sunday at Elimination Chamber, Reigns was always going to be on the wrong end of the Authority’s generosity particularly as Ambrose was nowhere to be found.


And so it was on RAW that Reigns was forced to battle three powerful opponents of the Authority’s choosing if he hopes to keep his Money in the Bank match opportunity alive.

King Barrett, Mark Henry and Bray Wyatt all fell to the power of Reigns but things nearly got bad for the 2015 Royal Rumble winner after he was nearly mugged in a four on one beat down by the Authority.

WWE Authority-justice

However, Ambrose returned just in time to save his former Shield colleague and both of them escaped through the audience with the WWE title much to the irritation of Triple H.

Shehu Bello

Elimination Chamber | WWE Fast Tracking Of Former Shield Members Continues

It is no longer news to most observers and fans of the WWE that former members of the Shield are being fast tracked by the company to become the main center of attraction in the WWE.

With the aging of the likes of Kane and near retirement of The Undertaker and Triple H, the company is in desperate need of new attractions to carry on with the tradition of the WWE being the Mecca of professional wrestling.

Of course the likes of John Cena and Randy Orton still have some years of active competition in them but it is important that the company injects new and exciting athletes into the main roster.

Roman Reigns photo credit Miguel Discart https://www.flickr.com/photos/miguel_discart/10923194256/in/photolist-hDfe6s-dS2yFZ-81FFRQ-nYZZeR-cP1p37-5StRQY-dvVtMv-dmxCu9-6ZeHSR-fjKj7L-6BT9tB-81TPhb-bL89Kz-nsMjJA-itQu56-8S5pVu-nqHJJr-a13Q8a-bn3fRA-fjvrRP-6ZiJyh-nvPrqp-h7BS3h-81TKTL-8RWE7u-fJCLeT-fJCKKD-fJCKna-bzWZGX-4nTDei-jz8Ga7-5RSKH2-9yNmQZ-ntk7xu-81TPHs-dmx4Ry-6xADyZ-dmxdkY-81CM4H-dmx5QC-fJVggE-81TT2W-NiLkG-9RhQT8-81FvGb-9QfTAe-hDfzPj-62s9DS-dU9Ekz-4EaihM
Roman Reigns photo credit Miguel Discart

This has informed the rise of Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose into prominence. The three started off as members of the Shield but since the group broke up, all three have recorded massive strides in their singles career.

Seth Rollins currently holds the WWE World Heavyweight title but before his championship win at WWE Wrestlemania earlier in the year, former members of the Shield have stared in the main event of WWE in the last five months at least.

The progression will continue at WWE Elimination Chamber in two weeks when Seth Rollins defends his title against his former partner Dean Ambrose, as for Roman Reigns, it is generally believed that the Samoan is being primed to take over from John Cena as the face of the company in the near future.

Shehu Bello

Randy Orton To Challenge Seth Rollins For The WWE World Heavyweight Title

With Brock Lesnar suspended from WWE indefinitely, Randy Orton became the number one contender for the WWE World Heavyweight title currently held by Seth Rollins after the Authority anointed one cash-in his Money in the Bank contract at Wrestlemania.

However, it was not an easy ride for Orton in his quest to regain the title has he had to do battle with two other contenders to the crown in a triple threat match.

Randy Orton WWE
Randy Orton WWE

At the beginning of RAW on Monday, WWE’s director of operations, Kane made a main event match which pitch Orton against Ryback and Roman Reigns in a triple threat match the winner of which will go on to challenge Rollins for the title at WWE Extreme Rules in three weeks.

Orton won the match despite interference by the Authority, however, despite his win the Apex Predator still suffered a Cub Stomp from Rollins at the end of the fight.

Shehu Bello

The Viper Strikes On WWE Monday Night RAW

Seth Rollins felt the venom of the viper on RAW after Randy Orton totally annihilated him in front of the WWE Universe on Monday.

The night began with Orton formally rejoining the Authority and teaming up with Rollins to take on Roman Reigns in a handicap match later that evening. The signs were there that Orton was up to something but the Authority refused to see through the viper’s deception.

Roman Reigns and Seth-Rollins
Roman Reigns and Seth-Rollins

Orton succeeded in keeping Kane and Big Show away from ringside while also instigating the expulsion of J&J securities during the bout. But the viper’s plans began to come to fruition when he refused to be tagged-in allowing Reigns to pin Rollins with a Spear.

After which Orton took vengeance on Rollins for trying to end his career months ago. The viper showed no mercy to the self-acclaimed future of the WWE. He dished out a punishment that has not been seen in recent times ending it with an RKO through the announcers table.

Shehu Bello

Daniel Bryan Angered By Roman Reigns Interference

In six days Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns will take to the ring at WWE Fastlane to decide who will take on Brock Lesnar in the main event at Wrestlemania later this year.

However, the rivalry and between the two reached boiling point on Monday Night RAW after both grapplers were involved in brawl on RAW’s closing moment that required a stream of referees to quell.

Daniel Bryan Angered By Roman Reigns Interference
Daniel Bryan Angered By Roman Reigns Interference

It all started when Bryan tried to distract Reigns during his match against Kane. The Big Dog eventually won the fight via count out but Bryan stole the show when he entered the ring and ran around Reigns while the crowd mad the YES chant.

It was Reigns turn when Bryan took on Big Show; the former Shield power house did his best to distract the WWE resident YES man whenever he had the advantage against the giant.

However, the turning point of the evening came when Big Show speared Reigns outside the ring by mistake. In his rage, the 2015 Royal Rumble winner decided to take to the ring and deliver the Superman Punch on Big Show just as Bryan was having the upper hand and appeared ready to win the fight.

Daniel Bryan Angered By Roman Reigns Interference
Daniel Bryan Angered By Roman Reigns Interference

The interference cost Bryan the fight as the referee awarded a disqualification win to Big Show. What happened next has been explained above and it makes for a mouthwatering match at Fastlane.

Shehu Bello

Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns survives the Authority inspired tag team turmoil

In its continued bid to further expand the friction between Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns and also to put the rebelling duo in their place, the Authority decided to create a tag team turmoil which will pitch the two against most of the WWE tag team roaster in one night.

At the beginning of SmackDown, WWE Director of Operations, Kane informed WWE Tag Team Champions The Usos, Los Matadores, The Miz & Damien Mizdow, Titus O’Neil & Heath Slater and The Ascension that they will be involved in a tag team turmoil which will see randomly selected teams do battle against each other, the winners of the match will remain in the ring to fight another randomly selected tag team.

Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns survives the Authority inspired tag team turmoil
Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns survives the Authority inspired tag team turmoil

Kane however stated that Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns are automatically selected to be the first contestant and they will to battle against another tag team within the ranks.

As it turned out, the first tag team to emerge was The Miz and Damien Mizdow. Despite the apparent friction between Bryan and Reigns, they were still able to overcome their foes.

The two WWE Fastlane opponents were able to overcome the rest of the challenges thrown at them by the Authority. However, just as it appears that the two have pass the Authority test, Kane and Big Show took to the ring in a bid to inflict the final punishment on the jaded duo.

Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns survives the Authority inspired tag team turmoil
Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns survives the Authority inspired tag team turmoil

The Authority had expected the friction between Bryan and Reigns to cause the two to implode under pressure, but ironically, it was Big Show and Kane that appears not to be on the same page.

The two giants kept getting in each other’s way all through the bout and a frustrated Big Show was forced to deliver the KO Punch on his tag team partner in the closing moments of the match.

Roman Reigns took advantage of the confusion to deliver the Spear on Big Show, leaving the World Largest Athletes open to the Running Knee from Bryan for the win.

Shehu Bello

Daniel Bryan’s Quest At Wrestlemania Main Event Back On Track

WWE fans favourite, Daniel Bryan is only one match away from his dream of challenging for the WWE World Heavyweight title at Wrestlemania 31 against Brock Lesnar.

The former champion got his chance on RAW after the Authority decided to respond to fans discontent at Roman Reigns triumph at Royal Rumble. It was decided that instead of Reigns getting an automatic chance to fight Lesnar for the title at Wrestlemania, he will have to cross one more huddle by defeating another opponent at WWE Fast Lane in three weeks.

However, who Reigns would fight at the Fast Lane raised another dispute after Bryan and Seth Rollins both lay claims to the chance. It was later decided that both fighters will face each other later that night on RAW and the winner will go on to fight Reigns at Fast Lane for a shot at the WWE title.


The match between Bryan and Rollins saw the WWE resident YES man at his dominant best, despite the menacing presence of J&J securities and Big Show at ringside, the bearded grappler was on top of the situation the entire night.

Bryan’s case was further helped when Reigns stormed ringside and took out Big Show; he also delivered the Superman punch on Rollins which set the Authority’s chosen one up for the Flying Knee from Bryan for the win.

Sheyi Bello

Roman Reigns Wins 2015 WWE Royal Rumble


The 2015 WWE Royal Rumble event took place on Sunday night and it lived up to its exciting reputation.

The annual 30-man chaotic melee saw a few surprise inclusions as former ECW star, Bubba Ray Dudley, for WCW champion Diamond Dallas Page (DDP) and the legendary Boogeyman all fought for the chance to feature in the main event at Wrestlemania 31.

Also, fans were shocked at the early exit of former WWE champion, Daniel Bryan after the fan favourite was eliminated by Bray Wyatt.

Roman Reigns entered the chaos as contestant number 20 and immediately set to assert his dominance. The Authority giants of Kane, Big Show and Rusev soon made their way to the ring and immediately set out to clear the desk.

Dolph Ziggler entered the Royal Rumble as the final contestant and his energetic display light up the arena. However, his influence was cut-shot by Big Show who promptly eliminated him.

Roman Reigns photo credit Miguel Discart https://www.flickr.com/photos/miguel_discart/10923194256/in/photolist-hDfe6s-dS2yFZ-81FFRQ-nYZZeR-cP1p37-5StRQY-dvVtMv-dmxCu9-6ZeHSR-fjKj7L-6BT9tB-81TPhb-bL89Kz-nsMjJA-itQu56-8S5pVu-nqHJJr-a13Q8a-bn3fRA-fjvrRP-6ZiJyh-nvPrqp-h7BS3h-81TKTL-8RWE7u-fJCLeT-fJCKKD-fJCKna-bzWZGX-4nTDei-jz8Ga7-5RSKH2-9yNmQZ-ntk7xu-81TPHs-dmx4Ry-6xADyZ-dmxdkY-81CM4H-dmx5QC-fJVggE-81TT2W-NiLkG-9RhQT8-81FvGb-9QfTAe-hDfzPj-62s9DS-dU9Ekz-4EaihM
Roman Reigns photo credit Miguel Discart

In the end Reigns, Ambrose, Big Show and Kane (Rusev had sneaked out of the ring) were left in the ring. Big Show eliminated Ambrose before he and Kane turned their attention to Reigns.

However, the Authority hatchet men turned against each other giving Reigns the opportunity to eliminate both of them at the same time.

It appeared Reigns had won the Royal Rumble but both Kane and Big Show returned to the ring and proceeded to give the former Shield strong man a beat down. But just as it seems the night will end in tragedy, The Rock made a surprise entry to the ring and helped Reigns disperse the assaulting duo.

But the night was not over yet as Rusev who had stayed out of the ring but has not been eliminated from the Royal Rumble got back in the ring and tried to initiate a sneak attack on the Reigns, however, the former tag team champion sealed his Royal Rumble win by eliminating Rusev and earned a chance to battle for the WWE World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania 31 in March.

Shehu Bello

WWE SmackDown Main Event Ends In Chaos As Royal Rumble Approaches


The hard hitting main event match between Daniel Bryan and Kane on SmackDown last Thursday provide wrestling fans with entertainment symbolic of the company.

However, it was how the evening ended that will leave fans salivating ahead of the Royal Rumble scheduled for Sunday.

Daniel Bryan booked his place in the 30-man melee after he pinned Kane in a no disqualification, anything goes bout on SmackDown. But the victory did not come easy for the YES man as he had to cope with assaults from both the Devil’s Favourite Demon and J&J securities at ring side.

However, after Bryan overcame the overwhelming odds and secured his place in the Royal Rumble, he was attacked on his way out of the arena by Big Show and was brought back to the ring for a four on one beat down.

Dolph Ziggler photo credit: Megan Elice Meadows https://www.flickr.com/photos/ohhsnap_me/13772747075/in/photolist-mZ3VSt-mZ5K49-ds7R7g-iQ5Hfh-iQ7EtU-iQ5EaQ-iQ7wXb-iQ4UgX-iQ7C8b-iQ5DNs-iQ3HbK-iQ7zqY-aREHFP-bLCAH2-bLCA1Z-bxHUCf-bLCFbH-aRFff2-aRFfoZ-hDoaqq-aEHkQn-aEMbQC-hDnMea-dS8MEN-bLvKdt-aRFfZZ-bjSCaB-bM674X-9zRdhD-9zRdKt-9zRdei-9zRdFi-9zRdtP-aRF218-aRF1NH-aRF1wK-aRF4wg-aRF4ie-aRF3zt-aRF2wZ-dS8MPC-aRF3Ni-aRF45g-bLCJGn-bLCD3B-bxHZs1-bxHVx3-bLCH8X-bxHXpC-8qwCwh
Dolph Ziggler photo credit: Megan Elice Meadows https://www.flickr.com/photos/ohhsnap_me/13772747075/in/photolist-mZ3VSt-mZ5K49-ds7R7g-iQ5Hfh-iQ7EtU-iQ5EaQ-iQ7wXb-iQ4UgX-iQ7C8b-iQ5DNs-iQ3HbK-iQ7zqY-aREHFP-bLCAH2-bLCA1Z-bxHUCf-bLCFbH-aRFff2-aRFfoZ-hDoaqq-aEHkQn-aEMbQC-hDnMea-dS8MEN-bLvKdt-aRFfZZ-bjSCaB-bM674X-9zRdhD-9zRdKt-9zRdei-9zRdFi-9zRdtP-aRF218-aRF1NH-aRF1wK-aRF4wg-aRF4ie-aRF3zt-aRF2wZ-dS8MPC-aRF3Ni-aRF45g-bLCJGn-bLCD3B-bxHZs1-bxHVx3-bLCH8X-bxHXpC-8qwCwh

Eric Rowan, Ryback and Dolph Ziggler entered the ring to even the odds, but more athletes soon followed and before long the entire locker room was involved in the Royal Rumble-like free for all.

When the dust finally settled, Ziggler, Ryback, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Big Show, and Kane were left in the ring. A remainder that alliances to last long in the Royal Rumble.

Shehu Bello