Tag Archives: Rauf Ladipo

Keshi Explains Comments On IK Uche…I Did Not Shut Him Out’…

Keshi Explains Comments On IK Uche…I Did Not Shut Him Out’…Eagles Bubble Into Khartoum

Super Eagles Coach, Stephen Okechukwu Keshi was livid with rage when he read reports credited to him to the effect that he has shut the Super Eagles permanently against Villareal of Spain striker, Ikechukwu Uche.

Clarifying what he said at Wednesday’s media parley in Abuja, Keshi said for the umpteenth time what he said was that he will not beg Uche to play for Nigeria, especially when there are other players who are willing and ready at all times to play for the Super Eagles.

“I don’t know where they got that portion of their reports from, but I never said Uche won’t play as long as I remain coach of the team. In the near future if he changes his mind and indicates interest to play he will be considered on merit”.

He urged the media not to sensationalise the Ike Uche issue as it will not help resolve anything. “We have to help all our players grow so that we can all build a strong national team and the media is a partner in this regard. He said he does not have anything personal against the Villareal striker but will not force to play for Nigeria against his will.


The Super Eagles arrived Khartoum, the Sudanese capital early morning on Friday, at about 6am local time and 4am in Nigeria aboard Sudan Airways for the crucial Nations Cup qualifier game against the Sudanese national team. Reception from the Sudan Immigration was smooth while a handful of Nigerians were outside cheering the team. After airport formalities, the team was driven to nearby Grand Holiday Inn, where it will stay for two nights.

NFF Vice President, Barr Seyi Akinwunmi led the team to Sudan, with NFF Director, Technical , Dr Emmanuel Ikpeme and other secretariat staff intow.

Also visible on the entourage is the President General of the Nigeria and Other Sports Supporters Club, Dr Rauf Ladipo. He came as usual with his team to cheer the Eagles to victory and he started doing that right from the airport.

Tomorrow’s match is scheduled for 8pm local time that’s 6pm Nigeria time and the Eagles are scheduled to have a feel of the Khartoum Stadium, same time today.

CHAN 2014, Canada 2014 Women’s World Cup Qualifier, Maigari Wants SA Double Dose…As Supporters Club promise maximum support for Super Eagles and Falconets

CHAN 2014, Canada 2014 Women’s World Cup Qualifier, Maigari Wants SA Double Dose…As Supporters Club promise maximum support for Super Eagles and Falconets

NFF President, Alhaji Aminu Maigari arrived Cape Town on Friday morning to join in the Super Eagles party that is set to conquer North African foe; Morocco. But he is not thinking of the Eagles alone, the Super Falconets are also in town and on his mind.

“We want double dose victory this weekend. Yes, the Falconets have won the first leg by 6-0, but we still want another victory over the South Africans and the girls have promised that they will give it”, Maigari declared through Technical Committee boss, Barr Chris Green, who was in the company of National Women Teams’ Coordinator Aisha Falode at the team’s Green Court, East Gate hotel in Johannesburg.

Maigari through Green told the players that he has been following them closely since the qualifiers for the Canada 2014 World Cup began and he was totally impressed at the output of the players and officials of the team so far. He promised a holistic approach to the preparations of the girls for the World Cup but added, “this game is coming at a time our national team is also in action, you must ensure that you win and win well because the senior national team have already given indications that they will destroy the opposition”, he said.

Later in the evening at the Green Point training ground of the Eagles, President General of the Nigerian and Other Sports Supporters Club, Dr Rauf Ladipo, along with some of his members kept a close eye on the Eagles build up to the game against Morocco and declared at the end of the training that he was impressed with what he saw. “I must commend the NFF, the technical crew and the players for the dedication that I have seen in training just now”, he declared.

Ladipo also said like Maigari, he has a dual plan for supporters to be in Johannesburg and in Cape Town for the double dose victory that the teams expect. “Our people are already on ground in Johannesburg and we have another set here in Cape Town, there will be no let down in both games but I had thought the games will be shifted by a day, but we are ready for whatever is thrown at us”. In short support for both Falconets and Super Eagles is berekete”, he said.