Tag Archives: Olisa Aniunoh

‘Football Across Anambra’ Set To Lively Up Soccer In The State

A grassroots oriented soccer project, ‘Football Across Anambra’ has commenced the distribution of football training kits to over 100 amateur clubs in the 21 Local Government Areas of the State.

The programme which is one of the cardinal points in the manifesto of Olisa Aniunoh, an Anambra State Football Association chairmanship aspirant is targeted at developing the game of football across the state by supporting clubs and players with football kits.

Presenting sets of training kits and footballs to one of the clubs, Smith City Fc of Awka in the State Capital, Aniuno, popularly known as Acada, said his vision is to take football to all the nooks and crannies of the State.

Aniuno who was recently co-opted as a member of the Sports for All Committee by the Nigeria Olympic committee (NOC) said the ‘Football Across Anambra’ initiative was the vehicle he wishes to use in driving football in the state to the desired destination.


“What we want to do is to bring back the excitement that football is noted for and as you know in Anambra state for many years, little or nothing has been happening, not that we don’t have clubs but the incentives and the push is not there so what we are trying to do is to rejig it and make sure the excitement gets to all the nooks and crannies of the State”.

“I am committed to making sure that football is developed in Anambra state and by the grace of God based on the connections that we have if given the opportunity to serve as FA chairman of Anambra we hope that next time we are coming under that platform we should be able to come with more because we have the contacts outside Nigeria that are willing to assist” he said.

Aniuno is also the grand patron of Ex Rangers International players association.