Tag Archives: Olegario Vazquez Raña

Vladimir Lisin Becomes The 7th ISSF President

The ISSF General Assembly elected the 7th President of the Federation, following the 38-year long presidency of Vázquez Raña. Alexander Ratner (RUS) join him at the lead of the federation as the newly elected Secretary General. Munich (GER), 30 November 2018 – Vladimir Lisin (RUS) is the new ISSF President. He beat Italy’s Luciano Rossi […]

via Vladimir Lisin Becomes The 7th ISSF President — finixsportsblog

52nd ISSF World Championship opens in Changwon, Korea

The opening ceremony of the championship took place at the Changwon Indoor Gymnasium, where hundreds of spectators were entertained by some colourful exhibitions of dancers and other performers. Among the many authorities who attended the ceremony: Mr. Olegario Vazquez Raña, President of the ISSF, Mr. Franz Schreiber, Secretary General of the ISSF, Mr. Lee Nak-yon, […]

via 52nd ISSF World Championship opens in Changwon, Korea — finixsportsblog

ISSF Shotgun World Championship Kicks-Off In Moscow

640 athletes will compete in 22 medal events from this morning until the 10th of September…. The 2017 ISSF Shotgun World Championship officially kicked-off at the Fox Lodge shooting range, Moscow Region, Russia, where the championship will run from today right to the 10th of September. 640 athletes from 76 nations will compete there in […]

via ISSF Shotgun World Championship Kicks-Off In Moscow — newfanzoneblog

ISSF: “Olympic Programme reforms best for shooting’s long-term future”

Member Federations arrive in Munich ahead of EGA to discuss reforms… Ahead of tomorrow’s Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA), International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) President Olegario Vázquez Raña today expressed his firm belief that changes to shooting’s events on the Olympic programme are not just necessary, but essential for the long-term future of the sport. The […]

via ISSF: “Olympic Programme reforms best for shooting’s long-term future” — newfanzoneblog

ISSF to Discuss Olympic Changes with Shooting Industry

The International Shooting Sports Federation (ISSF) has invited key stakeholders from the shooting industry to attend a summit in Munich on 5 June, to further explain and discuss the ISSF’s proposed innovative amendments to the Olympic Program. In recent editions of the Olympic Games, shooting has presented medal opportunities in nine men’s events, but only […]

via ISSF to Discuss Olympic Changes with Shooting Industry — newfanzoneblog

2016 ISSF General Assembly: New Constitution Rejected…, — newfanzoneblog

During the second and last day of the ISSF General Assembly in Moscow, the new ISSF Constitution did not receive the required 2/3 majority by 7 votes out of 232. The delegates confirmed the suspension of the Kuwait Shooting Federation in a following vote. The 2016 ISSF General Assembly was closed in Moscow, Russia, today. […]

via 2016 ISSF General Assembly: New Constitution Rejected…, — newfanzoneblog

ISSF Rifle / Pistol World Cup Opens In Bangkok: Last Chance To Achieve MQS Before Rio 2016

Over 330 athletes from 49 countries arrived in Thailand to participate in the inaugural ISSF Rifle and Pistol World Cup of the year, which offers the last chance to achieve Minimum Qualification Scores before the Games. The first medals will be assigned tomorrow morning (3rd of March).

The 2016 ISSF World Cup in Rifle and Pistol event in Bangkok, Thailand – the first shooting sport world cup stage of the year – has been officially opened at the NSSAT Shooting Range of Bangkok, today.

331 athletes coming from 49 countries (adding up to a total of 522 starts) arrived here in Bangkok to compete in this World Cup Stage, which offers the last chance to Rifle and Pistol shooters to secure their Minimum Qualification Scores before Rio 2016. Ten medal matches are scheduled during the event, which runs from the 2nd through the 9th of March.

The ISSF Technical Delegate Willi Grill welcomed the participants on behalf of the International Shooting Sport Federation, at today’s opening ceremony.

“The ISSF President Olegario Vazquez Raña and the ISSF Secretary General Franz Schreiber send their best regards to you all. To be back in Bangkok, four years after our last event here, is a dream that comes true,” said Mr. Grill.

“I would like to thank the Organizing Committee of this competition and the National Shooting Sport Association of Thailand under Royal Patronage for welcoming the shooting sport family with open arms.” Mr. Grill continued. “You’ve worked hard to provide us with excellent conditions to conduct the competition, and I am sure that this will be a successful event. I wish all the participants a successful and fair World Cup!”

“We welcome over 330 athletes and 100 officials here in Thailand,” said the Deputy Governor of the Sports Authority of Thailand, Mr. Nattavuth Ruengves, during the ceremony, “we are grateful to the ISSF for entrusting us to host such an important competition in the Olympic year.”

ISSF Rifle / Pistol World Cup opens in Bangkok: last chance to achieve MQS before Rio 2016
ISSF Rifle / Pistol World Cup opens in Bangkok: last chance to achieve MQS before Rio 2016

“We feel honored to organize this event,” added Mr. Tawich Chinbancehon, the President of the National Shooting Sport Association of Thailand, “with the support of the ISSF, we tried to organize the best possible competition!”

The first two medal matches will take place tomorrow, when the 10m Air Rifle Men and the 10m Air Rifle Women finals will be conducted at 11.30 AM and at 1:30 PM (UTC+7), respectively.

Check the full schedule of the World Cup Stage (link here), and follow the competitions on http://www.issf-sports.org

Asia Olympic Qualifying Competition For Shooting Officially Opens New Delhi

Starting today, the fifteen events of the three Olympic Shooting disciplines will be conducted at the Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range in New Delhi (IND), where also 35 quota places for Rio 2016 will be awarded.

With a colourful and crowded ceremony, the Asia Olympic Qualifying Competition for Shooting opened yesterday at the Dr. Karni Singh Shooting Range in New Delhi (IND).

Mr. Shri Raninder Singh, Chairman of the Organizing Committee and President of the National Rifle Association of India, initially address the crowd, warmly welcoming the President of the ISSF Mr. Olegario Vazquez Raña, the Vice-President of the ISSF Mr. Gary Anderson, the Secretary General of the ISSF Mr. Franz Schreiber, the Minister of Statistics and Programme Implementation Planning and Defence Government of India Mr. Rao Inderit Singh Ji, and the Guest of Honour of the ceremony, His Royal Highness Prince Jigyel Ugyen Wangchuck of Bhutan, also the President of the Bhutan Olympic Committee.

“I welcome you all to our beautiful country!” Said Mr. Singh. “I’m absolutely sure that all the athletes and the officials that arrived from the greatest countries will give their best. We are all looking forward to see some splendid performances in the coming days.”

“A very warm welcome to all the participants, especially to the 538 shooters.” Continued President Vazquez Raña. “I’m very proud and happy to be here in the beautiful city of New Delhi for this Olympic Qualifying Competition. India and Asia are very important to the shooting sport world, and I’m very satisfied with the progress of our sport within the Asian continent.”

The President of the ISSF introduced Mr. Rao Inderjit Singh Ji, who officially declared the championship open. “Shooting has always been a sport admired by many people around the world. Today, athletes from Asia come here to participate in a great event unprecedented in the history of our country.” He said.

Mr. D.V. Seetharama Rao, Secretary General of the NRAI, thanked all the guests, participants and performers. A spectacular firework display concluded the ceremony.

The first final of the Asia Olympic Qualifying Competition for Shooting will take place tomorrow at 12:30 PM (UTC+5:30), as 50m Rifle Prone Men athletes battle for the first medals and Rio 2016 quotas. The 10m Air Pistol Women will follow at 1:30 PM, while the Trap Women final will close the first day of competitions at 3:30 PM.


The International Shooting Sport Federation – ISSF – notes with greatest concern that ANOC President and long-time IOC member Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah (“Sheikh Ahmad”) reportedly received a six-month prison sentence from a court in his native Kuwait for allegedly insulting the judiciary.

These very disturbing news appear to be the next level of escalation of a dispute between the Kuwaiti Government and the sports world.

From ISSF perspective this dispute began when ISSF President Olegario Vazquez Raña prevailed against the Kuwaiti Minister of Sports and Youth, Sheikh Salman Sabah Al-Salem Al-Homud Al-Sabah (“Sheikh Salman”), in the ISSF Presidential election in December 2014. In the following Sheikh Salman refused to initiate a change of Kuwaiti state laws to guarantee the autonomy of sport in Kuwait despite intensive attempts by the IOC to convince him to do so. As a consequence the IOC suspended the recognition of the Kuwaiti Olympic Committee because of undue governmental interference in sports in Kuwait. Several International Federation followed the step taken by the IOC and suspended their Kuwaiti members in order to convince the Kuwaiti government to take the legislative measures to guarantee the autonomy of the Olympic movement in Kuwait for the sake of the Kuwaiti Athletes. However, until today the Kuwaiti Government did not follow the suggestions by the IOC. Quite to the contrary, this dispute sadly now seems to have reached a new level of escalation.

ISSF President Olegario Vazquez Raña
ISSF President Olegario Vazquez Raña

The ISSF experienced already during Sheikh Salman’s campaign to become ISSF President in 2014 that he showed little sensitivity for a democratic process, the autonomy of sports and ethical behavior within an election process which was displayed by the following incidents which will be discussed and investigated by the ISSF Ethics Committee:

– Prior to the election of the ISSF President in December 2014 the Public Authority for Youth and Sport of the State of Kuwait led by Sheikh Salman sent inter alia a letter to the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Republic of South Africa. In this letter, the Kuwait Public Authority stated the following: “the friendly relationship between our two countries is unchanged by mutual cooperation in projects related to youth and sport” and hereafter asked for the “kind support for HE Sheikh/Salman Sabah Al-Homoud Al Sabah (sic), Minister of Information, Minister of State for Youth Affairs”

– Furthermore, prior to the election the Kuwait Shooting Federation (KSF) which had nominated Sheikh Salman as candidate and is apparently controlled by him, sent invitations to various ISSF member federations inviting them to the “H.H.The Amir of Kuwait 4th International Shooting Grand Prix” in Kuwait in January 2015. The KSF offered to provide airfare, accommodation, transportation, and participation fees – free of any charge – for an entire team. According to ISSF’s knowledge this had never happened before, let alone less than two months before a President’s election with a candidate nominated by the host making such offer.

– Additionally, alleged members of Sheikh Salman’s campaign staff apparently approached ISSF member officials offering financial assistance, including the payment of airfare for the journey to the ISSF General Assembly 2014, if they were willing to support the Sheikh Salman with their vote.

– There were also strong indications that the Sheikh paid the membership fees for several ISSF members which tellingly gave proxies to federations that were known for supporting Sheikh Salman’s candidature.

Despite all these more than questionable actions to influence the outcome of the election in December 2014, Mr Olegario Vazquez Raña prevailed in the election over Sheikh Salman.

However, instead of accepting the democratic decision of the ISSF members Sheikh Salman filed an appeal at the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) against the election of Olegario Vazquez Raña. With his appeal the Sheikh inter alia submitted various identical written witness statements in his desperate attempt to build a case against his defeat. However, the decisive declaration within these witness statements turned out to be incorrect after questioning the witnesses directly at the two day hearing at CAS. Also for this reason CAS rejected the appeal by decision dated 16 November 2015.

The ISSF observed with greatest concern the further escalation of the senseless dispute between the Kuwaiti Government the IOC, its members and the ISSF.

The ISSF urges the Kuwaiti Government for the sake of the Olympic Movement in Kuwait and in particular the Kuwaiti athletes to stop its behavior contrary to the values according to the Olympic Charter triggered apparently also by personal interests and animosity immediately.

CAS dismisses an appeal against the re-election of Olegario Vazquez Raña as ISSF President

In a decision released on 16 November 2015, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) based in Lausanne, Switzerland, the highest judicial authority for sport in the world, dismissed an appeal against the re-election of Olegario Vázquez Raña as President of the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF).

In a decision released on 16 November 2015, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) based in Lausanne, Switzerland, the highest judicial authority for sport in the world, dismissed an appeal against the re-election of Olegario Vázquez Raña as President of the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) on 3 December 2014. The appeal was filed by the Kuwait Shooting Federation and former ISSF Vice President Sheikh Salman Al-Sabah, who was also a candidate for ISSF President. Their appeal asked the court to cancel the election. The court rejected the arguments brought forward by the appellants and confirmed the validity of Mr. Vazquez Raña’s election as ISSF President.

“I am very satisfied with the decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport. This decision clearly vindicates us from the accusations made by my opponent in the ISSF elections, who did not agree with a democratic and constitutionally valid ISSF election process,” said Vázquez Raña after CAS announced its ruling. “I wish to express my gratitude to the ISSF family for electing me and for their support throughout all of my presidency.”

Vázquez Raña was elected to the highest post of the world governing body of the shooting sport when he received 165 votes against 128 for his opponent, Kuwaiti Sheikh Salman Al-Sabah, whose Ministry in Kuwait sent several letters to sports leaders in various nations in an attempt to influence their vote and take advantage of his position as Minister of Information and Youth Affairs in Kuwait.

CAS dismisses an appeal against the re-election of Olegario Vazquez Raña as ISSF President
CAS dismisses an appeal against the re-election of Olegario Vazquez Raña as ISSF President

After the ruling by CAS, Olegario Vázquez Raña stated, “It is now time for the entire shooting sport family to unite for the benefit of the sport and our athletes. Together, we can help our sport continue to grow in popularity and develop around the world. Furthermore, we have a major contribution to make in helping IOC President Dr. Thomas Bach achieve his vision under Olympic Agenda 2020.”

The Mexican businessman, who had an outstanding career as an athlete and participated in four Olympic Games from 1964 through 1976, said, “now that this appeal against our elections has been dismissed, it is time for all members of the ISSF family to come together in our common cause to promote the shooting sport and its athletes, and to unite behind our common values of sport for all, inclusivity and respect for the human right to practice sport.”

Asian Shooting Championship in Kuwait: IOC Executive Board revokes the Olympic Qualifying Status

During the Asian Championships to be held in Kuwait from 1 to 12 November 2015, there will be no distribution of quota places nor will there be any MQS results recognized and registered.

The International Shooting Sport Federation has been informed by the International Olympic Committee that the IOC Executive Board unanimously agreed to revoke the Olympic Qualifying Status of the Asian Championships to be held in Kuwait from 1 to 12 November 2015.

The decision comes after the designated Technical Delegate from the ISSF, Mr. Yair Davidovich, who was due to supervise the event on behalf of the ISSF, was denied a visa by the Kuwaiti Immigration Department. The denial of a visa is against the non-discrimination principle of the Olympic Charter. The Olympic Charter must apply for all Olympic Qualification competitions.

Another reason for the decision is the fact that the Kuwait NOC is currently suspended by the IOC due to governmental interference against the rules of the Olympic Charter, and the Kuwait Olympic Committee is not entitled to participate in any activity connected with the Olympic Movement or exercise any right conferred upon it by the Olympic Charter or the IOC, as stated in an IOC press release yesterday evening.

This decision means that during the Asian Championships to be held in Kuwait from 1 to 12 November 2015, there will be no distribution of quota places nor will there be any MQS results recognized and registered. However, the Asian Shooting Championships can still be organized under normal conditions but without Qualifying Status.

ISSF, Shooting federation

“The ISSF is very concerned about this development and regrets it in particular regarding our Asian athletes. We will work under full speed to provide a location for another Qualifying Competition and try to find a good solution for the distribution of the 35 quota places assigned to our Asian athletes as soon as possible. This solution should also include some financial support to the participating athletes to cover part of the extra costs.” The ISSF President Olegario Vazquez Raña stated in a letter addressed to all ISSF member federations, today.

The ISSF will monitor the situation and inform its stakeholders about any development in this matter.

Russia’s Vasily Mosin Wins Double Trap World Title In Lonato

The Russian athlete beat Great Britain’s Tim Kneale in the Gold medal match. Kneale claimed Silver and an Olympic quota place. The Bronze medal and the second spot for Rio 2016 went to Kuwait’s Ahmad Alafasi.

At 43, Russian Federation’s Vasily Mosin finally grabbed one of the few awards he was missing: the World Championship Gold medal in the Double Trap Men event. He did it in Lonato (ITA), where he prevailed over Great Britain’s Tim Kneale in the Gold medal match after they both shot perfectly for the first six doubles.

After two mistakes of the British shooter, however, Mosin built a comfortable lead and never turned back anymore, closing the Gold medal match with 29 hits against Kneale’s 26.

“Since I came here for the first time in 1995 I have been dreaming about winning a championship in Lonato,” said Mosin. “Finally, my dream came true. It’s an amazing feeling to win this title in front of my friends, of my sponsors, and the whole shooting sport family.”

“This range is amazing, but at the same time it’s very difficult. I put a lot of efforts into this competition, coming here 11 days in advance to train and to get used to the facility.” Concluded the Russian athlete.

As Mosin had already collected a Rio 2016 quota place in Al-Ain (UAE) during this year’s World Cup, Kneale pocketed an Olympic spot for his country along with the Silver medal.

In the semifinal round Mosin led the group since the first doubles, and despite missing his very last target he still concluded in 1st position with 28 hits, while Kneale, shuttering 19 of his last 20 clays, climbed into the second position and earned his spot in the Gold medal match with 27 hits.

Another tie-breaking shoot-off between three athletes was necessary to determine the Bronze medal match participants, as Willett, Alafasi and Al-Athba all concluded the semifinal with 26 points.

An early mistake from the Qatari shooter opened the way for the Australian and the Kuwaiti, who took part in a third shoot-off to decide the Bronze medallist after they concluded with 24 hits each. Alafasi, the Silver medallist at the 2014 Asian Championship, won the tie-breaker by 4 hits to 3, collecting the second Olympic quota along with the Bronze.

Russia's Vasily Mosin wins Double Trap world title in Lonato
Russia’s Vasily Mosin wins Double Trap world title in Lonato

The 2008 Olympic Gold medallist, United States’ Walton Eller, concluded the semifinal in 6th place with 24 hits.

In the team competition, Kneale, Matthew John Coward-Holley and Matthew French led Great Britain to the Gold medal with a total of 414 points, followed by the Russian Federation’s team (Mosin, Vitaly Fokeev and Artem Nekrasov) with 406. On the third step of the team’s podium, finally, India were represented by Asab Mohd, Ankur Mittal and Sangram Dahiya, with a total of 400 points.

In the Double Trap Men Junior event, China’s Huang Xiaomin claimed the Gold medal after besting Russian shooter Kirill Fokeev in the Gold medal match with a 28-to-27 score. The Junior Bronze medal went to Conner James Gorsuch of Great Britain, who prevailed over another Russian shooter, Kamil Khusaenov, finishing the Bronze medal match with a 27-to-26 score.

The Italian squad composed by Jacopo Dal Moro, Ignazio Maria Tronca and Lorenzo Ferrari collected the Junior Team Gold medal, marking a score of 393 hits, while Russians juniors Fokeev, Khusaenov and Viacheslav Yukhimenko finished in 2nd place with 387. The Junior Team Bronze medal, finally, was awarded to People’s Republic of China, who concluded with 378 hits thanks to the shooting of Gold medallist Huang along with Zhao Shiqi and Cai Jinzhan.

The ISSF President Olegario Vazquez Raña and the ISSF Secretary General Franz Schreiber welcomed the President of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), Giovanni Malagò, who visited the range and attended the two finals.

The World Championship will continue tomorrow with the Skeet Men pre-event training, and it will conclude on Thursday with the Skeet Men final, scheduled at 5:15 PM (GMT+2), and with the Skeet Men Junior final at 6:15 PM.

All finals will be broadcasted live on http://www.issf-sports.org and on the Eurovision network.