Tag Archives: Nigeria Professional Football League Media Managers Forum


Chairman of Warri Wolves Football Club, Moses Etu has received support ahead of his side’s crucial CAF Confederation Cup game against Praia Cruz from Cape Verde.

Members of the Nigeria Professional Football League Media Managers Forum have thrown their weight behind him to succeed as chairman of the club.

Warri Wolves Football Club, NIgeria, Glo NPFL,
Etu, a member of the forum was appointed chairman of the Club a month ago and China Acheru, Chairman of the Media Managers Forum says it is his belief that the Warri Wolves boss will succeed at the club.

“I have known Etu since 2002 and one thing no one can fault in him is his desire to succeed,” Acheru said.

“He is very emotional about the game and expresses it in different way many may not understand but you cannot fault his commitment.

“As a member of the Media Manager’s forum before his recent appointment, we really wish him the best and believe that the zeal he showed in his time as media manager of the club to succeed will be doubled now he is chairman.

“It will also boost the chances of some of us in the Media Manager’s forum who believe they can do better jobs if given the opportunity to serve in higher offices,” Acheru said.

Warri Wolves Football Club Chairman Moses Etu photo credit: Etu Moses
Warri Wolves Football Club Chairman Moses Etu
photo credit: Etu Moses

“I have spoken with members of the forum and we are united in one stance that we want Moses Etu to succeed as chairman of the club and we believe he will.”

Warri Wolves play the first leg game against Praia Cruz on Sunday, February 14 in Warri.