Tag Archives: New England Patriots

New England’s Brady Wins “Deflategate” Appeal

A US federal judge has today ruled that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell went too far in suspending New England quarterback Tom Brady for four games after the infamous “Deflategate”.

The NFL had earlier suspended Brady for an act it claimed “threatened football’s integrity”. Claiming that Brady was “at least generally aware” of the alleged intentional deflation of footballs.

The New England star quarterback had earlier appealed the four match suspension in June but the decision to suspend him was upheld by the NFL.

The court ruling basically means that Brady can now face the Pittsburgh Steelers on the 10th of September when the season kicks-off.

Tom Brady photo credit: Keith Allison https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/legalcode
Tom Brady
photo credit: Keith Allison