Tag Archives: Navy Ground

Cowrie RFC Proves Superiority ‎Over Gosar RFC

Cowrie RFC in its bid to test its readiness for the Cape Town Tens ‎tournament in South Africa schedule for the 6th and 7th of February 2015 at the Hamilton grounds in Cape Town proved it’s superiority over Gosar RFC on Saturday 31st January 2015 after two sets of tens game at the Navy Ground in Ajegunle, Lagos State.

Cowrie RFC ‎won the first set with four tries and later winning the second game with three tries, Christain Ogar of Cowrie RFC gave a good account of him self scoring three tries in both games affirming his status as the star boy of the home based rugby players in Nigeria.

Pictures from the recent friendly between Cowrie RFC and Gosar RFC in Lagos
Pictures from the recent friendly between Cowrie RFC and Gosar RFC in Lagos

Speaking with the media at the event, the Technical Director of NRFF (Fasimoye olatunji) expressed his ‎satisfaction over the standard of the game and the turnout of spectators stating that both teams showed understanding of the game and I like the fact that they gave the spectators a good show of rugby. the event also served as an exibition for grassroot development’