Tag Archives: Luke Harper

Intercontinental Championship Merry-Go-Round Continues On SmackDown

Since Dean Ambrose stole the Intercontinental Championship from Wade Barrett at WWE Fastlane some weeks ago, the coveted belt has had several illegitimate holders in recent weeks and it was set to be held by another Superstar on SmackDown.

At the beginning of the night, The Intercontinental title was in the possession of Dolph Ziggler but it was stolen by R-Truth when a brawl ensued between Ziggler, Barrett, Ambrose and Luke Harper.

Star Dust Bryan
Star Dust Bryan

As a result, a tag team main event bout which pitched Ziggler and Ambrose against Barrett and Harper was arranged for later that evening.

The team of Ziggler and Ambrose won the day but it was what happened afterwards that was most interesting. Barratt attempts to retake his title after attacking both Ziggler and Ambrose after the bout before turning his attention to R-Truth at ringside.

But Harper beat him to it after Ambrose took out Barrett with a top rope attack, however, Truth escape from Harper with a quick hit and run.

Ziggler, Ambrose, Barrett, Harper
Ziggler, Ambrose, Barrett, Harper

Daniel Bryan met Truth just as the rapping Superstar tried to make a get away with the title and he willing hand the title to the former World Champion. But just as the Yes Man was leading the audience in a Yes chant, Star Dust attacked the fan favourite from behind and made away with the title.

The Intercontinental Championship will be determined through a ladder match at Wrestlemania 31.

Shehu Bello