Tag Archives: Jibril Aku

Danagogo, Gumba, Corporate Nigeria Thumbs Up Nff…As Pinnick Espouses Vision At Grand Ball

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Sports Minister, Dr. Tammy Danagogo, First Lady of Delta State, Mrs Roli Uduaghan and the Chairman of Senate Committee on Sports, Senator Adamu Gumba were among the nation’s leading personalities who graced the grand ball organized by the Nigeria Football Federation for Corporate Nigeria in Lagos on Friday.

The colourful event at the Eko Hotel & Suites, Victoria Island was an experiential session by the new NFF Executive Committee, led by Mr. Amaju Melvin Pinnick, to bond with NFF’s partners and prospective sponsors.

In the presence of top government functionaries, corporate titans and political heavyweights, Pinnick espoused his vision with ease, academic and articulate, and it was applause all the way for the young and energetic new supremo of Nigeria football as he enraptured all who were there.

Put together by NFF’s proposed financial consultants, Financial Derivatives, the event afforded participants and media chiefs an inkling into the new direction for Nigeria football, as Pinnick, 1st Vice President, Barrister Seyi Akinwunmi and Chairman of the Marketing, Sponsorship and Television Advisory Committee, High Chief Emeka Inyama harped on useful partnership, mutual respect, accountability, probity and transparency.


Sports Minister, Dr Danagogo praised the idea behind the event and the vision of the NFF, saying he was bowled over by the ingenuity of it all and pledged Government’s full backing for the Federation.

Senator Gumba said he was hugely impressed by the plan for going forward and would get the National Assembly to give total support.

Bain & Co, who will be NFF’s management consultants, talked on NFF Strategy & Restructuring, while the Managing Director of Financial Derivatives, Mr. Bismark Rewane captivated the auditorium with Repositioning of Nigeria Football for Global Competitiveness.

NFF President,  Amaju Pinnick
NFF President, Amaju Pinnick

Messrs Jibril Aku, Peter Amangbo and Ladi Balogun, Managing Directors of ECOBANK, Zenith Bank and FCMB respectively, President of Chartered Institute of Stockbrokers and Group Managing Director of BGL PLC, Mr. Albert Okumagba, Mr. Dere Otubu of Staco Insurance, Idaere Gogu Ogan of United Securities, Mr. Aniri Ojuya of Senforce Insurance, representatives of the Dangote Group and NFF’s partners Emzor were in attendance.

Mr Olufemi Adefope of HRG, Dr. John Agawu, Chairman of Sureline Liftboat and the first graduate to play for the Nigeria National Team and Mrs Nimi Akinkungbe of Nigeria Monopoly also graced the occasion, while Mansard Insurance was represented.

Pinnick promised that a similar event will take place in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja at the beginning of next year.