International Shooting Sport Federation President Holds Meetings In Lausanne

The ISSF President Vladimir Lisin has held several meetings in Lausanne, discussing important matters related to the Shooting Sport development within the Olympic movement. During a meeting with Kit McConnell, IOC Sports Director, and David Luckes, IOC Head of Summer Sports & IF Relations, Mr. Lisin explained his vision and the ISSF plans for the […]

via International Shooting Sport Federation President Holds Meetings In Lausanne — finixsportsblog

ISSF EGA approves Tokyo 2020 Programme…

The International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA) today approved the Tokyo 2020 Shooting Sport Olympic program, and the creation of an open and consultative forum comprising athletes, coaches and representatives from Member Federations to review the shooting events for the 2024 Olympic Games and beyond. The EGA had been called to discuss […]

via ISSF EGA approves Tokyo 2020 Programme… — newfanzoneblog

ISSF: “Olympic Programme reforms best for shooting’s long-term future”

Member Federations arrive in Munich ahead of EGA to discuss reforms… Ahead of tomorrow’s Extraordinary General Assembly (EGA), International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) President Olegario Vázquez Raña today expressed his firm belief that changes to shooting’s events on the Olympic programme are not just necessary, but essential for the long-term future of the sport. The […]

via ISSF: “Olympic Programme reforms best for shooting’s long-term future” — newfanzoneblog

CAS dismisses an appeal against the re-election of Olegario Vazquez Raña as ISSF President

In a decision released on 16 November 2015, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) based in Lausanne, Switzerland, the highest judicial authority for sport in the world, dismissed an appeal against the re-election of Olegario Vázquez Raña as President of the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF).

In a decision released on 16 November 2015, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) based in Lausanne, Switzerland, the highest judicial authority for sport in the world, dismissed an appeal against the re-election of Olegario Vázquez Raña as President of the International Shooting Sport Federation (ISSF) on 3 December 2014. The appeal was filed by the Kuwait Shooting Federation and former ISSF Vice President Sheikh Salman Al-Sabah, who was also a candidate for ISSF President. Their appeal asked the court to cancel the election. The court rejected the arguments brought forward by the appellants and confirmed the validity of Mr. Vazquez Raña’s election as ISSF President.

“I am very satisfied with the decision of the Court of Arbitration for Sport. This decision clearly vindicates us from the accusations made by my opponent in the ISSF elections, who did not agree with a democratic and constitutionally valid ISSF election process,” said Vázquez Raña after CAS announced its ruling. “I wish to express my gratitude to the ISSF family for electing me and for their support throughout all of my presidency.”

Vázquez Raña was elected to the highest post of the world governing body of the shooting sport when he received 165 votes against 128 for his opponent, Kuwaiti Sheikh Salman Al-Sabah, whose Ministry in Kuwait sent several letters to sports leaders in various nations in an attempt to influence their vote and take advantage of his position as Minister of Information and Youth Affairs in Kuwait.

CAS dismisses an appeal against the re-election of Olegario Vazquez Raña as ISSF President
CAS dismisses an appeal against the re-election of Olegario Vazquez Raña as ISSF President

After the ruling by CAS, Olegario Vázquez Raña stated, “It is now time for the entire shooting sport family to unite for the benefit of the sport and our athletes. Together, we can help our sport continue to grow in popularity and develop around the world. Furthermore, we have a major contribution to make in helping IOC President Dr. Thomas Bach achieve his vision under Olympic Agenda 2020.”

The Mexican businessman, who had an outstanding career as an athlete and participated in four Olympic Games from 1964 through 1976, said, “now that this appeal against our elections has been dismissed, it is time for all members of the ISSF family to come together in our common cause to promote the shooting sport and its athletes, and to unite behind our common values of sport for all, inclusivity and respect for the human right to practice sport.”

ISSF confirms that no Olympic Quotas are distributed at the Asian Shooting Championship now taking place in Kuwait

The ISSF confirms once again that the International Olympic Committee has revoked the Olympic Qualifying Status of the Asian Shooting Championships now taking place in Kuwait.

In reference to the ISSF circular letter of 30 October 2016, the ISSF confirms once again that the International Olympic Committee has revoked the Olympic Qualifying Status of the Asian Shooting Championships now taking place in Kuwait. This means there are no quota places for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro to be awarded in this Championship. Further no scores obtained by athletes in the Asian Championship will qualify for MQS status.

The IOC took this decision “in order to protect the Olympic Movement in Kuwait from undue government interference.” The ISSF is very concerned about the competitions now taking place in Kuwait because the organizer has wrongly and without authority informed participants and media that Olympic quotas are being awarded. To restate the IOC decision, there are no quota places to be awarded in the Asian Championship.


To protect the rights of Asian shooting athletes to compete to qualify for the 2016 Olympic Games, the IOC Executive Board directed the ISSF to propose an “alternative event in which the Olympic qualification quota places will be allocated for Asia.” The ISSF already has four formal applications and will announce the location and dates for the Asian Olympic shooting qualification competition as soon as ISSF Executive Committee and IOC approvals are obtained.

Asian Shooting Championship in Kuwait: IOC Executive Board revokes the Olympic Qualifying Status

During the Asian Championships to be held in Kuwait from 1 to 12 November 2015, there will be no distribution of quota places nor will there be any MQS results recognized and registered.

The International Shooting Sport Federation has been informed by the International Olympic Committee that the IOC Executive Board unanimously agreed to revoke the Olympic Qualifying Status of the Asian Championships to be held in Kuwait from 1 to 12 November 2015.

The decision comes after the designated Technical Delegate from the ISSF, Mr. Yair Davidovich, who was due to supervise the event on behalf of the ISSF, was denied a visa by the Kuwaiti Immigration Department. The denial of a visa is against the non-discrimination principle of the Olympic Charter. The Olympic Charter must apply for all Olympic Qualification competitions.

Another reason for the decision is the fact that the Kuwait NOC is currently suspended by the IOC due to governmental interference against the rules of the Olympic Charter, and the Kuwait Olympic Committee is not entitled to participate in any activity connected with the Olympic Movement or exercise any right conferred upon it by the Olympic Charter or the IOC, as stated in an IOC press release yesterday evening.

This decision means that during the Asian Championships to be held in Kuwait from 1 to 12 November 2015, there will be no distribution of quota places nor will there be any MQS results recognized and registered. However, the Asian Shooting Championships can still be organized under normal conditions but without Qualifying Status.

ISSF, Shooting federation

“The ISSF is very concerned about this development and regrets it in particular regarding our Asian athletes. We will work under full speed to provide a location for another Qualifying Competition and try to find a good solution for the distribution of the 35 quota places assigned to our Asian athletes as soon as possible. This solution should also include some financial support to the participating athletes to cover part of the extra costs.” The ISSF President Olegario Vazquez Raña stated in a letter addressed to all ISSF member federations, today.

The ISSF will monitor the situation and inform its stakeholders about any development in this matter.

2014 ISSF Media Report Unveiled: 240 million TVs And 1.5 Billion People Reached By Shooting Sport

ISSF Authorities unveiled today some numbers of the 2014 Season Media Report that will be presented at the ISSF General Assembly, to be held in Munich on the 2nd and 3rd of December.

The TV coverage of the 2014 ISSF World Cup Stages, World Cup Finals and World Championship reached 240 million viewers in over 100 countries, in 2014. More than 100 hours of TV footage were produced by ISSF TV and distributed all over the world, including 30 hours of live transmission at the ISSF World Championship in all Shooting events in Granada, distributed in collaboration with Eurovision. Ten TV broadcasters used the ISSF TV feed live, via satellite, while over 60 TV networks recorded our satellites feeds for delayed playback or downloaded the footage from the Eurovision WorldLink.


Press and on-line news coverage of the 2014 ISSF World Championship in all Shooting events in Granada, Spain, was measured by an independent consulting company, reporting excellent results. Over 600 newspapers from all over the world covered the event, writing more than 3 thousand articles within 10 days, and reaching a potential readership of 1.5 Billion people.

Internet and Social Media have been a key future of the 2014 ISSF communication strategy. More than 200 articles and 2.200 photos were published online on http://www.issf-sports.org, and the Federations’ website recorded 1.6 million visits during the season, 23% more than in 2013.

Videoclips of ISSF World Cups and World Championship were watched 2.8 million times on YouTube, where the International Shooting Sport Federation is offering 1000 videos and interviews recorded on the fields of play. 75.000 Facebook fans interacted with the ISSF throughout the season, and shooting sport content was also offered to thousand of followers on Twitter and Flickr.

2014 ISSF Media Report, credit ISSF
2014 ISSF Media Report, credit ISSF

“The media coverage of the 2014 ISSF Season has been fantastic.” The ISSF Secretary General Franz Schreiber said. “There’s a tough competition among sports for TV spaces, and the international sport calendar is really crowded nowadays, but in spite of it we’ve achieved great results.”

“Numbers tell us that we’re on the right path.” Mr. Franz Schreiber continued. “The communication strategy approved by the ISSF President Olegario Vàzquez Raña tuned out to be successful and effective: indeed we are not spending money, we are investing on the future of our sport, and results are paying off.”

51st ISSF World Championship In All Shooting Events Officially Closed In Granada, The ISSF Flag Goes To Changwon


14 days of competitions, 53 events conducted, 64 Olympic quota places assigned, 306 medals awarded: these are the numbers of the 51st ISSF World Championship in all Shooting events that came to an end in Granada, Spain, today.

The 51st ISSF World Championship in all Shooting events has been officially closed at the CEAR Juan Carlos I shooting range of Las Gabias, Granada, Spain, this evening.

Over 2000 athletes from 94 countries – for a total of almost 4000 starts – competed in 15 Olympic Shooting events and 39 non-Olympic events there from the 6th through the 19th of September.

The ISSF World Championship in all Shooting events takes place every four years (last: Munich, Germany, 2010; next: Changwon, Republic of Korea, 2018), and it’s the major competition organized by the International Shooting Sport Federation.

Sixty-four Olympic Quota places were distributed by the ISSF to the best finalists during the event, opening the qualification path leading to Rio 2016.

The People’s Republic of China finished atop of the overall medal standings, with an impressive tally of 44 medals (19 Gold, 16 Silver, 9 Bronze including also Junior and Team events). Germany followed in second place with 25 medals (15 Gold, 6 Silver, 4 Bronze) while the Russian Federation took the third place with 9 Gold, 13 Silver and 18 Bronze, for a total of 40 medals.

Ten new world records were established and 3 world records were equalled in senior events. Junior athletes also gave their best, setting 13 new world records and 6 new final world records.

focuson, ISSF

During today’s Closing Ceremony, the Royal Spanish Shooting Federation returned the ISSF flag to the ISSF President Olegario Vazquez Raña, who then handed it to the representatives of the Korea Shooting Federation and of the city of Changwon, where the 52nd ISSF World Championship will be held in 2018.

The ISSF President Olegario Vazquez Raña said: “This ISSF World Championship in Granada has been a great sport event: we’ve witnessed excellent competitions, and extraordinary results scored by our athletes.”

“The new finals introduced after the 2012 Olympic Games brought drama and emotion into our sport. The atmosphere during the competitions, here in Granada, has been great.”

For the first time in the history of the International Shooting Sport Federation, junior finals were staged during this championship. And this is just the beginning, according to the ISSF President: “Junior finals are a step forward for our sport, and a great opportunity for the young athletes. I will propose to establish a new separate Junior World Championships, a competition completely dedicated to the youth.” Mr. Olegario Vazquez Raña concluded.

“This Championship has been a festival for our sport.” The ISSF Secretary General Franz Schreiber said. “We are looking forward to the 52nd ISSF World Championship in all Shooting events that will be held in Changwon in four years.

The Wolrd Championship is over, but the ISSF Shooting Sport season continues: the best shooters of the world are now heading to Gabala, Azerbaijan, where the 2014 ISSF World Cup Final in Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun events will be held from the 21st through the 28th of October. There, Granada’s medallists will meet the world cup title defenders and the top performers of this year’s world cup series, aiming at the 2014 ISSF World Cup Title.

51st ISSF Shooting World Championship: To Be Broadcast Live On TV Via Eurovision

51st ISSF Shooting World Championship: To Be Broadcast Live On TV via Eurovision for 15 Olympic events’, ISSF Secretary General Schreiber announced

The ISSF Secretary General Franz Schreiber announced today live TV coverage for the 51st ISSF World Championship in all Shooting events – the first Rio 2016 qualifier for Shooting sport – that will take place in Granada, Spain, from the 6 through the 20 of September 2014.

All the 15 Olympic events in Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun discipline will be filmed and distributed live via Eurovision.

ISSF Secretary General Franz Schreiber
ISSF Secretary General Franz Schreiber

“The ISSF is committed to offer the best media coverage ever for it’s 51st ISSF World Championship in all Shooting events, which also represent our first qualification event with quota distribution for the Rio 2016 Games.” The ISSF Secretary General said.

“ISSF President Olegario Vazquez Raña approved a significant investment to produce and distribute live TV footage of all our 15 Olympic events during the World Championship. We will offer the coverage of all Olympic qualifier Finals via EBU, for technical costs only. Our member federations can contact their national broadcasters, to inform them that the footage will be available on the Eurovision platform.”

The ISSF World Championship in all events takes place every four years, and it’s the largest competition governed by the International Shooting Sport Federation. In 2010, at the 50th ISSF World Championship in Munich, more than 2000 athletes participated in 55 shooting events, including non-Olympic disciplines, and a comparable number of participants is expected in Granada, this year.

Media coverage is a key feature of the championship, as the ISSF Secretary General remarked: “We will offer a full set of services to media in occasion of our Championship. We’ve just re-launched our website, http://www.issf-sports.org, where we will publish live results, statistics and stories, and distribute photos to the press. In the next weeks, we will release a statement with further details.”

“Our aim is to maximize the visibility of our sport in this key moment of the Olympic cycle. Rio 2016 will be an important step forward for our sport. After London 2012, we’ve changed our Finals, we’ve changed the scoring system, we’ve tried to make the sport more spectators-friendly.” Mr. Schreiber added. “The feedbacks we’re receiving from spectators and media are extremely positive, and our grassroots are growing as new young athletes join our sport.”

“Today, we have more media coverage than ever before in the history of our Federation. The Shooting Sport is on TV, press, and social media, and President Vazquez and the ISSF will continue to work in this direction, investing for the future of our sport.”


Last 2014 ISSF World Cup Stage in Rifle, Pistol And Shotgun Events Closes In Beijing

Photo credit ISSF
Photo credit ISSF
Today’s Skeet Men Final won by Kuwait’s Abdullah Alrashidi closed the last leg of the 2014 ISSF World Cup Series, held in Beijing, China.

The last leg of this year’s ISSF World Cup Series closed in Beijing, today and The People’s Republic of China finished atop of the medals standings. Six records were also set here.

The 2008 Olympic Shooting Range was used and there were 550 athletes coming from 35 countries competing in 15 Olympic Shooting events in the disciplines of Rifle, Pistol and Shotgun.

The host country, the People’s Republic of China, finished atop of the overall medals standings of the event, with an impressive tally of 17 medals, including 4 Gold, 8 Silver and 5 Bronzes.

The Italian team followed in second place, with 3 Gold medals won in Rifle and Pistol events, plus 2 Silver and 2 Bronze pocketed in Shotgun events.

The Russian Federation took the third place, with 2 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze medals.

These event had all the top shooters of the world competing here, and Beijing’s shooting range is also regarded as one of the best facilities around the world: no surprises then if excellent scores were recorded during this world cup stage.

Valerio Luchini of Italy set a new Skeet Men World Record of 125 hits out of 125 targets, while his teammate Riccardo Mazzetti established a new 25m Rapid Fire Pistol Men Final World Record with 35 hits.

China’s Yi Siling marked a new Final World Record of 211.0 points at the 10m Air Rifle Women event, and she was followed by her teammate Haoran Yang who shot a new Final World Record Junior of 209.1 points at the 10m Air Rifle Men event.

Beijing’s World Cup Stage closed this year’s regular world cup season. The qualified athletes will participate in the ISSF World Cup Finals, to be held in Gabala, Azerbaijian, from the 21st through the 28 of October.

Find the list of all the athletes qualified to participate in the 2014 ISSF World Cup Finals here: http://www.issf-sports.org/competitions/wcfqualification/qualifications.ashx