Tag Archives: Hope Waddell Training Institute

Eaglets get heroic welcome at Hope Waddell

Coach Nigerian U17 team
Emmanuel Amuneke

The Golden Eaglets have been accorded an heroic welcome by students and staff of Hope Waddell Training Institute in Calabar as the team’s training resumes in full swing.

Following series of renovation and upgrade of facilities in Calabar ahead of the upcoming National Sports Festival in November, the Golden Eaglets were drafted to the ground of the historic 119-year-old institute by the ever-supportive Officials of Cross River State FA.

The Team had a first feel of the pitch on Monday evening and their arrival has indeed elicited huge interest within the school community.

Coach Baron Ikechukwu Okeke, the facility manager at the school, described the coming of Golden Eaglets as exciting, adding that it would inspire their young footballers.

“We are really happy to have you here,” said Baron an alumni of the school who incidentally assumed duties about three months ago.” We are actually doing our best to revive the standard of sport which the school was actually noted for.

“The school has a good football team and most of our youngsters would have the opportunity of learning one or two things by watching the Golden Eaglets at close quarters,” he declared.

Coach Emmanuel Amuneke meanwhile, has said he was impressed with the response of the players to the training even as he enjoined them to be up and doing.

“We just have to continue pushing ourselves because that is the only way we can achieve our target,” stated the former FC Barcelona winger.” You need to be in good condition before you can play good football and you have to observe enough rest in between the training sessions.”

At the moment, the team trains for about two hours twice daily with the morning session starting as early as 6:30am in order not to distract the students while the evening’s is fixed at 4:00pm.