Tag Archives: Heartland Football Club

Up Close And Personal With Super Eagles Player Babatunde Micheal

Babatunde Micheal
Babatunde Micheal

In Continuation of our Up Close And Personal Series Our Man Sola Rogers had a one on one Interview session with New “Super Eagles” Kid on the Block Babatunde Micheal: below are excerpts of the Interview

my name is Babatunde Micheal i am an indigene of Abeokuta, Ogun State, born in Maroko, Lagos but i grew up in Surulere Lagos. Somewhere around Lawanson.

Whats your Educational background?

I attended Itire Pry School. and from there i moved to Community Secondary School Mushin.

When did you Start playing Football.

I started at an early age, we had a lot of fields then in my part of Surulere. we played football in places like Agbebi, Adebayo, Oshiga and Fadairo playing grounds.

I was very active while growing up, i was the Class Captain and Games Prefect, i was part of the Athletics team and of course i played Football for my School.

Did you join any academy or team at any point in time?

I started my football career from a team called New star in Sanya Area of Surulere. From there i moved to “Great Olympic” and from Great Olympic i joined Water football Academy in Abuja.

How long were you at Water Football Academy for?

I played there for quite a few years before joining Heartland Football Club Of Owerri.

Micheal Babatunde

What position do you actually play on the field? we mean your ideal role?

I can play in any attacking position, i can play on both wings but i prefer playing from the right wing.

But you seem to have played a more central role at the Mundial, did that affect your game?

Not at all, in my Club my coach gives me different roles on the pitch, I can play anywhere, I can play the role of a creative midfielder, i can also double as as a Supporting Striker or even as a top Striker.

How long did you play for Heartland FC?

i was there for a year. i met guys like John Owoeri, Kennedy Chinwo, Ike ThankGod, Ikechukwu Ezenwa to name a few, i was very young then but i still got to play a lot of games.

From Heartland where did you go?

I moved to Ukraine, to join Fc Kryvbas from Krybas i moved Volyn Lutsk also in the top flight in Ukraine, We had other Nigerians like Brown Ideye, Haruna Lukman, Taiye Taiwo and Yusuph Ayila playing in the same league with me.

Have you ever experienced any form of Racism?

No, Nothing like that, i haven’t experienced it on the filed of play and even off the pitch, you see am not an out-going guy, i usually go home after training or matches.

Lets talk about the first time you heard that you had been called up into the Super Eagles

To be honest with you i was completely Surprised, i kept on Praying to God to make it happen, football is all i know and to get a chance to serve my country is the highest honour ever. i know a lot of people were surprised that a guy that wasn’t part of the Nations cup winning team was being called up.

So many people were also shocked to see your name on the Coach Stephen Keshi’s final list for the 2014 World Cup so many uncomplimentary things were said how did you feel about this?

I heard so many things, i know people were asking questions like Who is this boy? and where is he from, But this made me strong and more determined to prove my worth. i really wanted to show the World what i could do.

Nigeria Super Eagles starting 11 With Babatunde Micheal at the 2014 World Cup photo credit Reuters
Nigeria Super Eagles starting 11 With Babatunde Micheal at the 2014 World Cup photo credit Reuters

How were you welcomed into the Super Eagles Fold by the other players?

I have a lot of friends in the Super Eagles, Ogenyi Onazi is my friend, Emmanuel Emenike is my friend, Osaze Odenwingie is my friend, Mikel is my friend , all the Super Eagles players are my friends, we were like one big happy family. So joining the team was easy

They all welcomed me with open arms the treatment was great.

Super Eagles fans were not too impressed with the result of some of the Friendly games the team played leading up to the World Cup, how did you guys feel about this in Camp?

While we know that friendly games are important, footballers also need be be careful so as to not jeopardise their chances of making it to the World Cup Proper.

How did you feel Finally getting to put on the Green white Green for Nigeria at the World Cup in Brazil?

Playing for my country is something that i can never forget? i will keep on serving this Country with all my heart, playing at the World Cup is a Big deal for me, it as boosted my career tremendously. there a lot of players out there looking for this type of opportunity, everything in life has its own time and season, and i believe that this is my time.

Micheal Babatunde battles it out with Emir Spahic during a World Cup game Photo Credit AFP
Micheal Babatunde battles it out with Emir Spahic during a World Cup game Photo Credit AFP

You incurred an Injury during the Argentina vs Nigeria game when a Shot from your friend and teammate Ogenyi Onazi hit your hands, tell us what went through your mind?

I was like wow what happened, i just found my self on the ground, I actually thought i could continue that game, i really wanted to continue playing, eventually i had to be stretchered off and later the Doctor told me that i had to go through surgery, this effectively ruled me out of the World Cup. i was devastated. but i guess that is Football for you.

We have seen Footballers suffer much worse fate than this, so i just give God all the Glory. Me and Onazi even joked about it afterwards.

Virtually Every footballer has a Nickname, So whats yours?

They call me “African Messi”. Lionel Messi is my Role Model i love watching him play.

Which Football Team do you Support?

I like Arsenal and FC Barcelona, But i am More of a Barcelona fan

Which Football team do you support in Nigeria?

Its Heartland FC of Owerri for me

Apart from Football you mentioned earlier that you also did a bit of athletics?

Yes i represented my school a couple of times at some athletics tournaments and i also played the drum sets for my church

So should we be expecting a Babatunde Micheal Album or single anytime soon?

[Laughs] No, i think i would like to concentrate on my football career

So which car is your dream car?

i love the Porsche Cayenne or the New Range Rover

2014 porsche cayenne turbo s
2014 porsche cayenne turbo s
2014 porsche cayenne platinum edition interior
2014 porsche cayenne platinum edition interior

Whats yours Favourite Colour?

I like White, i also like wearing Black, But White is my Favourite Colour

Whats your Favourite Meal?

i like Rice and Chicken but i love Pounded yam and Egusi more

The ladies will want to know if Babatunde Micheal is Single or Married?

[Smiles] I am in a Relationship

Any Words for young Upcoming footballers?

First ill like to Thank Coach Stephen Keshi for Giving me a chance to prove myself. And for the young ones i would to say to them that they should work hard, and also pray too, if you train once a day at the moment there’s nothing wrong with increasing it to twice a day, Hard work pays.

Micheal Babatunde, with match officials at a recent game in Lagos
Micheal Babatunde, with match officials at a recent game in Lagos