Tag Archives: Hawksters RFC

South-West League Resumes, As Get Into Rugby Programme Kicks Off Skeletal Operations In Nigeria

Southwest Rugby League 4

After a long break, the Southwest league resumes on the 19th of July 2014, the break was due to the involvement of home based players’ in Black Stallion’s participation at the Africa Cup 1C in Gaborone, Botswana.

The National stadium’s main bowl will host four games on Saturday,19th of July with Hawksters RFC facing their harsh rivals Lagos RFC in the first match of the day, Racing RFC will take on defending champions, Cowrie RFC in a must watch game.

Eco II RFC will play against Royal Stallions of Ilorin while Gosar RFC will take on Police Machines in the last match of the day.

Cowrie RFC still retains their slots at the top of the table with 20 point and trailed by Racing RFC by 17 points while ECO II RFC sits at the bottom of the table with 0 point.


Hawksters RFC VS Lagos RFC

Racing RFC VS Cowrie RFC

Eco II RFC VS Royal Stallions

Gosar RFC VS Police Machines

We call on all rugby fan and lovers to come out to the National Stadium and support their teams.

IRB - Get Into Rugby
IRB – Get Into Rugby

Get Into Rugby Programme:

Get into Rugby Programme kicks off skeletal operations in Nigeria, Trained GIR Coaches have been sent to schools to administer the program, the program is a central part of the IRB initiative to grow the sport as we rejoin the Olympic Games in Rio 2016.

The aim of the programme is to encourage Children to TRY – PLAY – STAY in Rugby, with a target of recruiting and retaining new players and coaches and referees over the next four years.

The programme will promote the values of the game and ensure children are encouraged to try rugby in safe and progressive way.

We are calling on potential sponsors to partner with us in order to establish the programme fully in Nigeria, already we have over 75 schools registered with this programme nationwide.