Tag Archives: Harare

CAVB National Volleyball Information System Course Concludes In Harare‏

Zimbabwe concluded a high profile CAVB Volleyball Information System “VIS” course on August 10, 2015 in Zimbabwe capital of Harare. The course which started on August 7 under the guidance of CAVB Instructor, Mr Hesham Mohammed Sayed was an impressive success.

Participants who took part in the program conceded that it was a very involving but worthwhile experience to be part of the VIS course. Speaking during the closing ceremony, Mr Hesham expressed great satisfaction in the enthusiasm displayed by the VIS course participants.

The president of the national federation, Mr Fredreck Ndlovu pointed out, ‘hosting the course was a giant step towards the development of volleyball in Zimbabwe. ‘We almost thought as a federation that the demands to host the event were too cumbersome for us to meet and to make the course a success. However, we forged ahead with the initiative as we realised it was a colossal step in the growth of volleyball in Zimbabwe.’ The perseverance indeed paid off as Zimbabwe is now equipped with an enthusiastic group of VIS personnel.

Speaking during the closing ceremony, the guest of honour, Mr. Martin Dururu a veteran in volleyball who is also the Development officer in the Zimbabwe Sports and Recreation Commission applauded the participants, ZVA and CAVB for what he termed, ‘a giant step in critical mass capacitation.’ He further highlighted that sport development is highly depended on mass and this step by CAVB and ZVA was consistent with the critical mass tenet of sport development.

The theoritical part
The theoritical part

Zimbabwe Volleyball Association Vice President responsible for development, Enias Kondo chronicled and commended CAVB President Dr Elwani and the great partnership existing between CAVB and ZVA which has seen the former affording ZVA: National Referees Course, National Beach Volleyball Course, National Coaches’ Course and VIS amongst a host of other development initiatives. Speaking at the side-lines of the closing ceremony, Kondo highlighted, ‘our task now as ZVA is to ensure we further train our personnel and we strategically roll out VIS and acquire all the equipment necessary for the project. In addition to that, we need to forge stronger ties with the media to ensure this enormous step in Zimbabwean Volleyball realises the results envisaged in the program.’

CAVB web site: http://www.cavb.org
Twitter: CAVB Tweets
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CAVBVolleyball
YouTube: CAVB Video
Instagram: CAVB_ volleyball

CAVB Volleyball Information System Course Kicks Off In Zimbabwe

The CAVB Volleyball Information System (VIS) course kicked off in Harare on August 7, 2015 and continues until the August 11, 2015.

The course was run by CAVB Instructor Mr Hesham Mohamed Sayed and featured 23 participants enrolled for the program: 22 male and 1 female.

Theoritical part
Theoritical part

Speaking in the opening ceremony, the President of Zimbabwe Volleyball Association (ZVA), Mr Fredreck Ndlovu thanked the CAVB for responding positively to ZVA’s request to host the course. He went on to commend the participants, the guest of honour and the instructor for taking heed of the call to the program.

Mr Ndlovu made special attribute to the fact that the course is a positive development in the expansion of volleyball in Zimbabwe as it stream lines the game to world trends in the era of information and technology. The guest of honour, Mrs Anna Mguni, who is the CEO of the Zimbabwe Olympic Committee spoke highly of ZVA’s initiative to host the course as an indication of good corporate governance which other national federations should emulate in an era where sport growth benefits a lot from advancement in IT.

The CAVB VIS course
The CAVB VIS course

Mr Hesham Sayed expressed great appreciation to ZVA for making everything available for organising a successful course.

CAVB web site: http://www.cavb.org
Twitter: CAVB Tweets
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CAVBVolleyball
YouTube: CAVB Video
Instagram: CAVB_ volleyball

Zimbabwe Organise National Beach VB Refereeing Course In Harare

How to establish the net

Zimbabwe Volleyball Association “ZVA” organised a CAVB National Beach volleyball Refereeing Course in Harare December 10 to 13, 2014.

The course which was running under the supervision of Mr Ehab Nader from Egypt.This is the first of its kind in Beach volleyball Southern African nation.

The panner of the course

It has attracted 29 participants from all over the country. 9 of the participants were women. Masvingo and Bulawayo have the highest representations of 6 participants each, followed by Manicaland and Mash Central with 4, Mash East 3, Mat North 3, Harare 2, Midlands 1, Mat South 0 and Mash West 0.

Beach Volleyball showed a lot of development in the last few years as the Men’s team proceeds last week to the second phase of the second edition of the CAVB Continental Cup.

Part of the theoritical session

South Africa Win Back Africa Rugby Sevens Crown

South Africa’s academy side beats Kenya’s second string in Harare to reclaim the CAR Africa sevens title.

South Africa’s sevens academy side scored a confidence-boosting regional victory at the CAR Africa 7s to underline the country’s strength in depth ahead of the upcoming rounds of the HSBC Sevens World Series in Dubai and South Africa.

In doing so, the side won back Africa’s sevens crown at the Prince Edward School in Harare, which was won by Kenya in 2013.

Featuring seasoned veterans such as Chris Dry and Steven Hunt, South Africa’s second string went unbeaten in the tournament and beat Kenya’s Shujaa in the final 38-5.

Both nations topped their respective pools and went on to reach the final with respective wins over hosts Zimbabwe, 19-12 and Tunisia, 29-5. Zimbabwe, meanwhile, ensured that the home Harare fans went home happy with a morale-boosting 41-5 win against Tunisia to finish third.

Pool A standings: 1 South Africa (academy), 2 Tunisia, 3 Madagascar, 4 Senegal, 5 Zambia, 6 Botswana
Pool B standings: 1 Kenya (Shujaa), 2 Zimbabwe, 3 Namibia, 4 Uganda, 5 Nigeria, 6 Ivory Coast

South Africa win back Africa Rugby sevens crown
South Africa win back Africa Rugby sevens crown

Blitzboks head for Dubai

On the same day their countrymen regained regional bragging rights, Neil Powell’s Blitzbok senior side embarked on the journey to Dubai for the Emirates Dubai Sevens, round 2 of the world series.

Two notable inclusions are Kyle Brown and Rayno Benjamin, pictured. Brown has recovered from the injury he suffered at the Commonwealth Games, while Benjamin was part of the world series-winning side in 2008/09 and his inclusion signals South Africa’s intent in this Olympic qualifying season.

Final ranking CAR Africa Sevens, Harare, Zimbabwe

1. South Africa (academy)
2. Kenya (Shujaa)
3. Zimbabwe
4. Tunisia
5. Namibia
6. Uganda
7. Madagascar
8. Senegal
9. Zambia
10. Botswana
11. Nigeria
12. Ivory Coast

Ntiense Williams,

Ahead African Sevens Championship: Juries Happy With Talents At His Disposal

NRFF, Nigeria Rugby Football Federation

NRFF sevens coach, Fabian Juries has hailed the present talents in the team as they intensify training towards their participation in African sevens championship in Harare, Zimbabwe on the 29th and 30th of November 2014.

Speaking earlier today during their early morning training session inside the Mainbowl of the National Stadium, Surulere, Lagos, the soft spoken coach said, “I think there are couple of good guys in the team, but I believe that there is still a lot of work to be done in terms of putting adequate structures in place to complement the quality players on ground, the team posses powerful and fast athletes which makes up for a good balance between their size, speed and strength.”

The South African Rugby legend who is ranked number 4 try scorer in Seven series in the world cautioned that there are still more work to be done to turn the players into finished products, hence instant success must not be expected from the team because it can put unnecessary pressure on them which is not good ahead of any tournament.

He noted that with countries like South Africa and Kenya also expected at the tournament, there is a need for patience from the federation and also rugby enthusiasts.

Fabian Juries, photo sport24.co.za
Fabian Juries, photo sport24.co.za

“Speaking realistically, we have a lot of quality teams such as South Africa, Kenya that are going to be coming for the tournament, they are world class team and some of their players have already played on the IRB/HSBC Sevens Circuit.” “So if we get to the quarter finals or the semifinals maybe that will be a great achievement.”

Juries who will be taking charge of a senior national team for the first time boasted that he’s not just in Nigeria to pass time or for excursion but on a serious mission to write his name in the sand of time in rugby history in the most populous black nation in the world.
“I played Sevens for a while before turning to coaching, I think I bring a bit of experience from what I have learnt over the years playing sevens rugby”

He advised that for the sport to grow as expected, it is important to start at the grass root level and have structures in primary schools, secondary schools and tertiary institutions.

“When you have those talents coming through primary and secondary schools which provides you a big pool of players that you can pick from, it makes the job easier.”

photo credit NRFF
photo credit NRFF

Juries was quick to reassure the Nigeria Rugby Football Federation that despite the fact that at the moment, there are few rugby athletes in Nigeria, which makes it imperative to start from the scratch, he will still improvise till when all the necessary factors will be in place for a good working environment.

“Although, it is kind of difficult but we will have to work with what we on groundt and make the best of it. So we just need to improvise and work hard which will ultimately take you to the top which is one of my core beliefs in life.”

He also commended the NRFF for their commitment despite the limited resources in their disposal.

CMB Committed To The Sponsorship Of The Independence Rugby 7’S Despite Withdrawal Of Three International Teams

CMB Building

The Independence Rugby 7’s Championship organizers received late withdrawal notice from three international teams scheduled to participate in the Tournament, the news from Alexander RFC, Nigeria Exiles RFC and Botswana National 7s Team came in on Monday 27th October. Although, the story behind their withdrawal was not clearly stated but it has an element of the Ebola controversy.

The CEO of CMB Building Maintenance & Inv. Co. Ltd and the sponsors of the tournament Mr Kelechukwu Mbagwu, affirms that organizers will go ahead with plans despite the withdrawal of the three foreign teams, his brand will focus on the overall picture which is to develop the sport in Nigeria, although the withdrawal of the international teams is not good for the expected brands mileage from the tournament, they are more keen on the development of Rugby in Nigeria.

Tunji Fasimoye

CMB Building Maintenance & Inv. Co. Ltd is the back bone of the Nigeria Rugby Football Federation
NRFF Technical Director and Tournament Director of the independence Rugby 7’s Fasimoye Olatunji in his reaction to the withdrawal of these teams said, “we will not let the withdrawal distract us from the overall goal, although we will miss the international flavor in the tournament but their absence will not in any way affect the standard of the competition, despite the participation of three international teams last year, we witnessed two local teams; Police Machines and Cowrie RFC in the cup final.

Independence Rugby 7s Tournament
Independence Rugby 7s Tournament

We will use the tournament to access our local players and this is an opportunity for players in contention for the trip to the Africa Cup 7s scheduled for 8th-29th November in Harare to put their hands up for selection under the watchful eye of ex springbok 7s star; Fabian Juries”.

Fabian Juries, photo sport24.co.za
Fabian Juries, photo sport24.co.za

Juries is the third highest try scorer in the history of IRB International 7s series and he will be at the tournament to assist the NRFF technical team look at possible players for Black Stallions 7s.

Fasimoye further appealed to the public to come all out to support and enjoy the independence rugby 7’s which will be held at the Onikan Stadium Lagos on the 31st October and 1st of November 2014.

Zimbabwe Picked Ahead Of Kenya As Host of 2014 Confederation of Africa Rugby Sevens Championships


Kenya has lost out on hosting the Confederation of Africa Rugby Sevens championships 2014 to Zimbabwe.

The Confederation of African Rugby awarded Zimbabwe the right to host the 2014 CAR Men Sevens tournament which will take place on the 29th and 30th of November 2014 in Harare, Zimbabwe.

The tournament will be held at the Harare Sports Club and is set to involve 12 countries, Kenya Uganda, Tunisia, Nigeria, Madagascar, Namibia, Botswana, Senegal, Zambia, Ivory Coast, South Africa and the hosts Zimbabwe.

CAR - Confederation of African Rugby

The decision by CAR to award the hosting rights to Zimbabwe was a unanimous one after Africa’s rugby governing body had expressed its approval of the union’s development and administration structures.

CAR had its representative Jean Luc Barthes in the country a month ago and he said he was impressed with the progress that the country had made in its mandate of effectively running the game of rugby.

In view of this development, the Technical Director of the Nigeria Rugby Football Federation, Fasimoye Olatunji, as declared that “Nigeria is going to do well in the championship this year, Nigeria is rated 6th best in 7’s in Africa and we are determined to raise the bar this time” he said.

The Nigeria Rugby Football Federation will use the Independence Rugby 7’s scheduled to hold at the Onikan stadium, Lagos from the 31st of October to 1st of November 2014, to select players that will represent the country at the 2014 CAR Men Sevens tournament.

The Independence Rugby 7’s tournament will feature both home and foreign based players.

Exciting action, delicious meals, a great crowd, is what best describes the Independence Rugby 7s tournament which is held annually to commemorate Nigeria’s Independence anniversary.

The tournament started in the year 2009 and has since grown to be the biggest Rugby 7s party in Nigeria.

The 2013 edition had a wider International participation with clubs from the UK, Egypt and Ghana adding the much needed International flavour. However, clubs from every zone in Nigeria competed extremely well and two local teams made it to the final of last year’s edition.

(Cowrie RFC Lagos vs Nigeria Police RFC). The Police team beat Cowrie RFC 12-7 to emerge 2013 champions.

This year’s tournament will feature Teams from Egypt, UK, Botswana, South Africa, Ghana and eleven local teams from all the regions in Nigeria.

The CAVB National Coaches Course Concludes In Zimbabwe


The African volleyball Confederation “CAVB” organised a 5 day National Coaches’ Course at Saint Georges College in Harare, Zimbabwe July 28 to August 1 in the framework of CAVB Development strategy.

The course attracted a record number of participants as seventy-eight men and women from all around Zimbabwe attended the event which covered topics ranging from practical coaching skills to technical and tactical development training methods.

The Zimbabwe Volley-Ball Association (ZVBA) well prepared all the course facilities for the FIVB instructor Bernard Denis from Seychelles who was satisfied with the course condition and the performance of the participants.

The coaches course participants in Zimbabwe
The coaches course participants in Zimbabwe

A lot of local media covered the event with daily releases beside the work of the social media through the releases in Facebook for the event in the federation’s page.

The Closing Ceremony took place on August 1st as all participants were awarded their certificates.

CAVB web site: http://www.cavb.org
Twitter: CAVB Tweets
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CAVBVolleyball
YouTube: CAVB Video
Instagram: CAVB_ volleyball

Zimbabwe hosts VCP Beach Volleyball Grassroots course

A VCP Beach Volleyball Grassroots course was held at a hotel in the Zimbabwe capital Harare from June 10 to 14.

The course was supervised by FIVB Instructor Yaniv Norman with help from Mr. E.K. Kondo, 2nd Vice President of the Zimbabwe Volleyball Federation.

Twenty-five participants from around the country took part in the course and they showed great application and motivation to learn both the theoretical and practical aspects of the course.

The participants were mainly physical education teachers and volleyball coaches, and for most of them, it was their first experience of beach volleyball.

On the fourth day of the course, a beach volleyball tournament was organized in order to implement some of the topics that had been taught. This allowed the participants to apply their playing, refereeing and organizing skills to game situations.
