Tag Archives: GOLDOC

CGF and GC2018 To Host Largest Para-Sport Program In Commonwealth Games History

The integrated para-sport program for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games will be the most extensive in Commonwealth Games history. The announcement, made by the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) and the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation (GOLDOC), coincides with the international Commonwealth Day celebrations today, March 14, and the launch of the 2016 theme of ‘An Inclusive Commonwealth’.

CGF and GC2018 to host largest para-sport program in Commonwealth Games history

Queensland Minister for the Commonwealth Games, the Honourable Stirling Hinchliffe, joined Australian para-athletes Evan O’Hanlon OAM, Brenden Hall OAM, Madeleine Hogan OAM, Rowan Crothers and Sara Tait at an event in the Queensland capital city of Brisbane to announce details of the program. Later today, in London, para-athletes will attend the annual Commonwealth Day Service at Westminster Abbey and meet Her Majesty the Queen at a special reception at Marlborough House, home of the Commonwealth Secretariat.

“Gold Coast is going for gold to deliver an inclusive Games and will host the largest para-sports program in its history,” Mr Hinchliffe said.

“We will be setting a new record in Commonwealth Games sporting history hosting up to 300 para-athletes and 38 medal events across seven sports, representing an increase of 45% more athletes and 73% more medals compared to the para-sport competition staged at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games.

“I am also pleased to announce that there will be an equal number of men’s and women’s events across all seven para-sports – a further demonstration of the overarching CGF and GC2018 commitment to equality and inclusion,” Minister Hinchliffe said.

Louise Martin
Louise Martin

Welcoming the announcement, CGF President Louise Martin CBE said: “With the largest-ever number of para-sport events in Commonwealth sporting history, we are thrilled that Gold Coast 2018 will deliver an ambitious and welcome growth for the inclusive and integrated para-sport competition first presented at a Commonwealth Games in Manchester 2002.

“Today’s announcement to celebrate ‘An Inclusive Commonwealth’ ensures that the next edition of the Games will enable sports fans in Australia and across the world to support a record-breaking number of para-athletes at a Commonwealth Games”.

The GC2018 para-sport program has been developed by the CGF and GOLDOC in consultation with the International Paralympic Committee and the Australian Commonwealth Games Association (ACGA) to showcase the best para-sport in the Commonwealth. The sports to be contested during the April 4 – 15 2018 event are; Athletics, Swimming, Lawn Bowls, Powerlifting, Track Cycling, Table Tennis and Triathlon. The swimming and athletics program will double in size from previous Games.

GOLDOC CEO Mark Peters said he was delighted to announce that para-triathlon would make its debut at GC2018, building on the great success of the Triathlon competition in Glasgow 2014 and the sport’s increasing profile across the globe.

“Para-sport at GC2018 will also reach its widest ever audience as the first ever wheelchair marathon (T54) at a Commonwealth Games takes to the streets and communities of the Gold Coast as part of the free road events.”

Commenting on the announcement, renowned World, Paralympic and Commonwealth Games champion, Kurt Fearnley AM said: “I am so proud and can’t think of a more fitting way to celebrate Commonwealth Day and ‘An Inclusive Commonwealth’, than this exciting announcement today.”

Commonwealth Games Federation, CGF

Underpinning the new proposals, the sports program innovations in Transformation 2022, the CGF’s new strategic plan, ensures that member associations are supported and subsidised to enable them to send larger para-sport teams to GC2018 than any other Commonwealth Games.

Sir Philip Craven MBE, President of the International Paralympic Committee said: “It is fantastic news for all Commonwealth para-athletes that Gold Coast 2018 will stage the biggest para-sport program to date at a Commonwealth Games. At Glasgow 2014 the para-sport events were extremely popular and I am sure the Australian crowds will turn-out in force to see some of the best athletes in the world line-up across seven sports.”

The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games will be staged from 4-15 April 2018.

Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games To Serve Up Beach Volleyball Competition

In a Commonwealth Games first, Beach Volleyball has scored a spot in the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games (GC2018) sports program.

The historic agreement between the Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF), the Queensland Government, the Australian Commonwealth Games Association (ACGA) and the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Corporation (GOLDOC) will extend the Games sports program for the first time from 17 to 18 sports.

Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk welcomed the decision to include Beach Volleyball in the Gold Coast 2018 Games which was approved by the CGF Executive Board following a special request from the Minister for the Commonwealth Games and GOLDOC.

Commonwealth Games Federation, CGF

“I am proud my Government has been able to work with the Commonwealth Games Federation to expand the sports program and add Beach Volleyball to the GC2018 schedule,” Ms Palaszczuk said.

“The Gold Coast’s beautiful beaches are a huge Games drawcard and Beach Volleyball is the perfect sporting fit for the 2018 program.

“The Games is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to showcase Queensland to the world and with Beach Volleyball now locked in to make its Commonwealth Games debut, vision of the Gold Coast’s iconic beaches will be beamed to an audience of over 1.5 billion people around the world.”

CGF President Louise Martin CBE also endorsed the decision to add an iconic sport like Beach Volleyball to the GC2018 program.

“The CGF Executive Board is delighted to approve the inclusion of Beach Volleyball in the sports program of the XXI Commonwealth Games, which will allow nations to compete in more sports, engage and inspire spectators, broadcasters and commercial partners, and create a spectacular sporting showcase for the Gold Coast, Queensland and Australia on the world stage.

“This innovative, collaborative initiative, undertaken and initiated by the Gold Coast 2018 delivery partners with support from the CGF, is a fantastic example of the collective ambitions set out in the CGF’s Transformation 2022 strategic plan and we look forward to experiencing Beach Volleyball for the first time ever at a Commonwealth Games.”

Commonwealth Games Minister Stirling Hinchcliffe said Games partners are in the process of assessing suitable Gold Coast locations.

“The Gold Coast has some of the best beaches in the world, which is why we have campaigned strongly to the Commonwealth Games Federation to include Beach Volleyball as part of the sporting program in 2018,” Mr Hinchliffe said.

“Games partners will scout a location that showcases our magnificent beaches, but also is accessible and has the capacity to house the temporary infrastructure needed to meet international federation guidelines.

“I am confident that preparations will proceed quickly in full consultation with the community and key partners.”

GOLDOC Chairman Nigel Chamier AM welcomed the decision and said Games preparations were on track with arrangements well advanced on the sporting, commercial and infrastructure programs.

“This announcement is a great outcome that will only add to what is already an exciting program,” Mr Chamier said.

“The people of the Gold Coast, Queensland and Australia can expect amazing venues, incredible sport and a lifetime of memories.”

ACGA President Sam Coffa AM JP was pleased to support the inclusion of Beach Volleyball in the Commonwealth Games.

“Beach Volleyball is a perfect addition to the 2018 program. We know it’s popular throughout the Commonwealth, particularly with our neighbours in the Pacific,” Mr Coffa said.

Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games to serve up Beach Volleyball competition
Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games to serve up Beach Volleyball competition

Volleyball Australia President Craig Carracher said he was very excited about the expansion of the Games program to include Beach Volleyball.

“There is no better cultural fit for this sport than the beautiful beaches of the Gold Coast and this will provide a great opportunity to contribute to the Australian medal tally,” Mr Carracher said.

“We are very thankful for the strong support shown by the Premier and Minister for the Commonwealth Games, GOLDOC, the ACGA, the CGF President and Executive Board, and the International Volleyball Federation (FIVB).”

The GC2018 sports program will include the following 18 sports: Athletics, Aquatics (swimming and diving), Badminton, Basketball, Beach Volleyball, Boxing, Cycling (road, mountain and track), Gymnastics, Hockey, Lawn Bowls, Netball, Rugby Sevens, Shooting, Squash, Table Tennis, Triathlon, Weightlifting, and Wrestling.

The final GC2018 full integrated Para-Sports program will be announced later this month.

The events will be staged across 18 competition venues with 14 sports on the Gold Coast, two in Brisbane (Shooting and Track Cycling), one in Cairns (Basketball) and one in Townsville (Basketball).

The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games will be staged from 4 – 15 April 2018.

2018 Commonwealth Games-Gold Coast Makes Solid Progress

Commonwealth Games Federation, CGF

The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) today concludes its second Coordination Commission meeting in relation to the 2018 Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast, Australia.

This second review has been timed to follow on from the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Debrief coordinated by the CGF last week here in Gold Coast. The Debrief enabled the experiences and recommendations from the Glasgow 2014 Games organisers to be passed on to the Gold Coast Organising Corporation (GOLDOC), City of Gold Coast and the Queensland and Australian governments.

Reporting on the arrangements for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games, CGF Coordination Commission Chair, Mr Bruce Robertson (Canada) confirmed that impressive progress has been made over the last 12 months since the previous review meeting.

“The Coordination Commission is impressed with the venue and infrastructure developments. All is well in hand under the expert control of the State Government in partnership with the City of Gold Coast. We also recognise the recent funding commitment of the Federal Government. Highlights of recent achievements are the opening of the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre and the commencement of site works for the Parklands Development that will host the Games Village.

The legacy plans of all Games delivery partners are taking shape and the CGF is encouraging activation which will cause positive impact for the local community before, during and well after the Games.” said Mr Robertson.

2018 Commonwealth Games

The Organising Corporation is established and has moved forward with strategic planning in 7 key areas such as Security, Transport and Sport. They have recently had the benefit of a comprehensive observation programme the CGF operated in Scotland before and during Glasgow 2014.

“The next six months are critical. When the Coordination Commission meets again in May next year there will be a little under three years to Games time and we will be over half way through the preparation programme. It is now that the very detailed operational planning work must accelerate” said Mr Robertson.

Continuing Mr Robertson said “It is critical that plans are crafted to achieve Games time requirements and to deliver the best possible community impact and legacy. The CGF is committed to ensure the Games deliver real and tangible legacy for local communities and engage the Commonwealth across the globe.”

Mr Robertson also announced that the Coordination Commission has appointed George Black CBE, retiring Chief Executive for the Glasgow City Council. Having overseen City’s delivery of the highly successful Glasgow Commonwealth Games, George’s insight and experience will provide additional support for the CoCom and the Queensland Government and City of Gold Coast.