Tag Archives: FIFA U-20 Women World Cup

FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup: Nigeria’s Falconets Set For Big Win

With the FIFA U-20 Women World Cup on, the Falconets have ensured that they leave no stone unturned thereby ensuring a remarkable outing at the mundial.

Nigeria is one of Africa’s representative at the tournament.

Having made six previous appearances at the FIFA women’s world cup, the Nigerian team is determined to put on a brillant performance.

The mood at the camp is that of anxiety, all prayers are doing fine, And there are No injury worries. But the players are anxious to know who will wear the Nigerian colour for the first match.

Peter Dedevbo, Coach Nigeria Womens Under 20 team. photo credit FIFA
Peter Dedevbo, Coach Nigeria Womens Under 20 team. photo credit FIFA

Peter Dedevbo coach of the team in his latest interview said that he remains confident with the caliber of players at his disposal noting that he has assembled the best legs that can take on any team in Canada.

“I have assembled some of the best players in the country, they are smart and experience. Bringing players from the U 17 team that went to Costa Rica and others from Super Falcons. has brought competion to the team.

He said the team had played a couple of friendly matches as bill up to the tournament .

“Am aware of the previous records of the team, amm confident this time around that my target is to bring home the trophy”.

Speaking on Falconets first match against Mexico, the former Flamingo coach, said the players are physically and mentally ready for the match.

“Am confident with the level of training we have had, mark my words the team will make Nigeria proud”.

Ahead of their first match against Mexico, team captain,Patience Okaeme said the team will ensureit does its best to get victory which she said will boost the psyche of the players.

“We owe it to ourselves to make Nigeria proud by winning not only our first match but all our matches”.


Sarah Nnodim and Courtney Dike say they players are going into the game as a team and will play as a team to ensure victory.

” We are happy the team is not built around any particular player, that unity will give us the needed victory. We urge Nigerians to pray for a good outing for the team”.

The Nigeria/Mexico match comes up on wedesday 6th August by 8pm ,12 midnight in Nigeria. The Match will be played at Moncton Stadium.