Tag Archives: Fédération Française de Football

England Vs France Friendly To Go Ahead As Planned

following multiple terrorist attacks around Paris, France on Friday with the France vs Germany friendly game at the Stade De France also witnessing an attacked outside the stadium during the game that also had french president Francois Hollande in attendance The English FA as decided to go ahead wit plans to play the French National team at the Wembley Stadium.

The FA has taken this decision following consultations with the Fédération Française de Football and the British Government.

Both FA’s have confirmed that the game will go ahead in London as originally planed.

A panorama of Wembley Football Stadium in London, England, U.K photo credit: Ian Wilson  License : Creative Commons (http://creativecommons.org/licenses)
A panorama of Wembley Football Stadium in London, England, U.K
photo credit: Ian Wilson
License : Creative Commons (http://creativecommons.org/licenses)

The FA Chairman Greg Dyke is quoted to have said:

“After consulting this morning with the French Football Federation and the British Government, we have decided together that the match between our two countries at Wembley Stadium on Tuesday night should go ahead. We will use the opportunity to pay our respects to all affected and also to express our solidarity with the people of France.”

The Official twitter of the wembley as also tweeted a confirmation of the friendly game which come up on Tuesday, after tweeting a picture of the stadium which is now adorned in the Tri Colours of France.