Tag Archives: Elmec


FISA , world rowing

FISA, the World Rowing Federation, is proud to announce its new partnership with Elmec Informatica S.p.A. Based in Varese, Italy, the company is a provider of IT services and solutions.

Elmec has been a local partner of the last three World Rowing regattas staged in Varese: the 2014 World Rowing Under 23 Championships, the 2013 World Rowing Masters Regatta and the 2012 European Rowing Championships. The company has helped the organising committee reduce the environmental impact of each regatta.

“This new partnership both supports and complements FISA’s own environmental initiatives and on-going partnership for Clean Water with WWF, the World Wide Fund for Nature,” says FISA Executive Director Matt Smith.

logo_elmec_IT, Elmec Informatica

Acting as World Rowing’s IT Partner, Elmec will assist FISA in the sustainable development, promotion and organisation of the sport of rowing on a local and global basis. This will be achieved through the provision of consultancy services and state-of-the-art video conferencing and other IT equipment to help improve the efficiency of long-distance communications with its local organising committees and executive team, and reduce FISA’s environmental footprint.

“Based in Varese, also the home of one of rowing’s most beautiful rowing lakes, we place great value on protecting our environment,” says Alessandro Ballerio, Partner of Elmec S.p.A. “Our mission is to help other enterprises do the same, so that whatever their industry or purpose, their own footprint is minimised. Through our partnership with World Rowing, we will help to improve the efficiency of their global communications and event management operations. Elmec is proud to be the Sustainable IT Partner of World Rowing.”

“We have come to know and appreciate the good work done by Elmec over three World Rowing regattas in Varese,” says Smith. “Elmec’s name and logo will be seen on televised banners at all our World Rowing regattas and together, we will prepare a ‘living’ case study to explain and show how their knowledge and experience can also help other sports to reduce their impact on the environment.”