Tag Archives: Coordination Commission

2018 Commonwealth Games-Gold Coast Makes Solid Progress

Commonwealth Games Federation, CGF

The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) today concludes its second Coordination Commission meeting in relation to the 2018 Commonwealth Games in Gold Coast, Australia.

This second review has been timed to follow on from the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games Debrief coordinated by the CGF last week here in Gold Coast. The Debrief enabled the experiences and recommendations from the Glasgow 2014 Games organisers to be passed on to the Gold Coast Organising Corporation (GOLDOC), City of Gold Coast and the Queensland and Australian governments.

Reporting on the arrangements for the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games, CGF Coordination Commission Chair, Mr Bruce Robertson (Canada) confirmed that impressive progress has been made over the last 12 months since the previous review meeting.

“The Coordination Commission is impressed with the venue and infrastructure developments. All is well in hand under the expert control of the State Government in partnership with the City of Gold Coast. We also recognise the recent funding commitment of the Federal Government. Highlights of recent achievements are the opening of the Gold Coast Aquatic Centre and the commencement of site works for the Parklands Development that will host the Games Village.

The legacy plans of all Games delivery partners are taking shape and the CGF is encouraging activation which will cause positive impact for the local community before, during and well after the Games.” said Mr Robertson.

2018 Commonwealth Games

The Organising Corporation is established and has moved forward with strategic planning in 7 key areas such as Security, Transport and Sport. They have recently had the benefit of a comprehensive observation programme the CGF operated in Scotland before and during Glasgow 2014.

“The next six months are critical. When the Coordination Commission meets again in May next year there will be a little under three years to Games time and we will be over half way through the preparation programme. It is now that the very detailed operational planning work must accelerate” said Mr Robertson.

Continuing Mr Robertson said “It is critical that plans are crafted to achieve Games time requirements and to deliver the best possible community impact and legacy. The CGF is committed to ensure the Games deliver real and tangible legacy for local communities and engage the Commonwealth across the globe.”

Mr Robertson also announced that the Coordination Commission has appointed George Black CBE, retiring Chief Executive for the Glasgow City Council. Having overseen City’s delivery of the highly successful Glasgow Commonwealth Games, George’s insight and experience will provide additional support for the CoCom and the Queensland Government and City of Gold Coast.

Glasgow 2014 Prepared for the Games

The Commonwealth Games Federation (CGF) today concludes its sixth and final Coordination Commission (CoCom) meeting in Glasgow, overviewing progress towards the XX Commonwealth Games to be staged in Glasgow, Scotland from 23 July to 3 August 2014.

The review meetings were scheduled over the period from Wednesday 26^th to Friday 28^th March. The Glasgow 2014 Organising Committee, Glasgow City Council, Police Scotland, Scottish Government and Commonwealth Games Scotland reported on progress for Games wide planning and delivery of all aspects of the Games.

Bruce Robertson, Chair of the CGF’s Coordination Commission, said:

“As the Organising Committee and Partners enter the final 15 weeks of mobilisation and preparation before the athletes commence arriving on July 13^th, they are very well prepared to deliver a successful Commonwealth Games”

“Since the previous CoCom review in October last year, there continues to be significant progress across all aspects of preparations.

very successful Queens Baton Relay continues its journey around the Commonwealth. On its 160^th day, it is currently in the Caribbean. It has 14 more countries to travel through in the Caribbean and Americas regions, and then it arrives into the European region on its last leg before returning to Scotland on 14 June.

“Glasgow and Scottish community engagement is at unprecedented levels. The clyde-sider volunteer positions were oversubscribed and all required positions and back up roles have been filled. The process to select up to 4000 people to carry the Baton in Scotland has been extremely well-received with successful baton bearers about to find out about the part they will play in the countdown to the Games, and the additional release in February of 4000 tickets for Netball Finals sold out in just three hours.

“With 33 corporate partners secured, and more to be announced in coming weeks, the Games’ sponsorship programme is in great shape.

“The most visual indicators we have seen during this visit demonstrating the progress achieved in the past 6 months were the Commonwealth Games Village and Hampden Park. The Village construction is now complete and the Organising Committee is the manager onsite and has commenced bump in of temporary overlay, furniture and fixtures.

“Hampden Park now has a grass infield in place on the raised deck and this iconic stadium is starting to look like an athletics arena already.

Through strong financial management, the Partners are now well positioned to turn the plans for a successful Games into the best ever Games through refinement of the services being delivered for the Games clients.”

extent of detailed planning presented by the Games organizers has provided a high level of confidence for the CGF that all aspects of Games delivery will be fulfilled. The remaining period to mobilise the operations and determine readiness will, however, be challenging.”

CGF Chief Executive Mike Hooper, said:

“There is a lot to be done, and one of the challenges to delivering a Games is managing the activity in the final weeks when installation of temporary overlay, training of the workforce
and installation of equipment, mobilisation of transport, security, spectator and related services, and conduct of readiness events all converge. It is complex, and there is limited time, but this mobilisation period is being well planned and we have every confidence that the challenges will all be met”

“There are on-going exercises and activities across the Games theatre for training, rehearsal and testing of Games time procedures and processes. For key decision making and overall Games time management, the CGF is confident the strength of the partnership across the Glasgow 2014 Organising Committee, Glasgow City Council, Police Scotland, Scottish Government and Commonwealth Games Scotland remains robust. This has been developed over 6 years of hard work together and will position the Partnership well to manage the range of issues that will arise in the coming weeks and at Games time.”