Tag Archives: Chelsea Foundation

Chelsea FC Announce £23.1m Loss But Club Maintains Financial Fair Play

Chelsea FC yesterday announced its annual financial results for the year ended 30 June 2015. The group turnover figure of £314.3m was down compared to last year’s all-time record of £319.8m.

The £23.1m loss by the club is largely due to the performance of the blues in the champions league last season which saw the team crash out at the round of sixteen as against the previous season were they made it into the Semi-final stage.

According to the Club’s Chairman Bruce Buck This year’s return of £314.3m is actually “the second highest turnover figure in the club’s history despite the Champions League campaign ending at the earliest knockout round”

The chairman explained that the Chelsea’s “growing fanbase around the world” and the Club’s “programme of partnering with world-renowned and innovative market-leaders is accelerating and the beneficial impact made by the Chelsea Foundation in more than 30 countries continues to set the top standard”

Chelsea are Champions of England 2014- photo credit: Caricato da Dudek1337 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/legalcode
Chelsea are Champions of England 2014-
photo credit: Caricato da Dudek1337

The next current year looks good for the Blues according to the Chairman Bruce Buck and this is powered by new commercial deals, like the Record Shirt deal with Yokohama, the Premier League championship-winning season, “revenues related to this season’s Champions League which improve due to entering as Premier League champions and an increase in TV revenue for English clubs”

So its not all doom and gloom at Stamford Bridge. Meanwhile the current Champions of England who are currently placed 15th on the Premier League table will take on Maccabi Tel-Aviv away in the Champions League Group stage Today at 8:45 PM at the Sammy Ofer Stadium in Tel-Aviv Israel.