Tag Archives: Asian Shooting Championships

ISSF confirms that no Olympic Quotas are distributed at the Asian Shooting Championship now taking place in Kuwait

The ISSF confirms once again that the International Olympic Committee has revoked the Olympic Qualifying Status of the Asian Shooting Championships now taking place in Kuwait.

In reference to the ISSF circular letter of 30 October 2016, the ISSF confirms once again that the International Olympic Committee has revoked the Olympic Qualifying Status of the Asian Shooting Championships now taking place in Kuwait. This means there are no quota places for the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro to be awarded in this Championship. Further no scores obtained by athletes in the Asian Championship will qualify for MQS status.

The IOC took this decision “in order to protect the Olympic Movement in Kuwait from undue government interference.” The ISSF is very concerned about the competitions now taking place in Kuwait because the organizer has wrongly and without authority informed participants and media that Olympic quotas are being awarded. To restate the IOC decision, there are no quota places to be awarded in the Asian Championship.


To protect the rights of Asian shooting athletes to compete to qualify for the 2016 Olympic Games, the IOC Executive Board directed the ISSF to propose an “alternative event in which the Olympic qualification quota places will be allocated for Asia.” The ISSF already has four formal applications and will announce the location and dates for the Asian Olympic shooting qualification competition as soon as ISSF Executive Committee and IOC approvals are obtained.