Tag Archives: Anil Khanna

ITF To Elect New President At 2015 ITF AGM

The ITF will elect its new President at the 2015 ITF Annual General Meeting in Santiago, Chile on Friday 25 September. The AGM programme will be hosted by the Chilean Tennis Federation at the Santiago Marriott Hotel on 23-25 September, with over 280 delegates, partners and staff from National Associations, Regional Associations, Foundation Members and Recognised Organisations.

The following four candidates are standing for the position of ITF President for a four-year term from 2015-19. The new President will replace outgoing ITF President Francesco Ricci Bitti, who has decided to step down after 16 years in office.

David Haggerty (USA)
Anil Khanna (IND)
Juan Margets Lobato (ESP)
Rene Stammbach (SUI)

Francesco Ricci Bitti, ITF President, photo credit ITF.com
Francesco Ricci Bitti, ITF President, photo credit ITF.com

Elections will also be held for the new ITF Board of Directors for a four-year term from 2015-19. The following 26 candidates are standing for 13 positions on the Board:

Katrina Adams (USA)
* Tarak Cherif (TUN)
Martin Corrie (GBR)
Goran Djokovic (SRB)
* Sergio Elias (CHI)
Ismail El Shafei (EGY)
Jose Luis Escanuela Romana (ESP)
Luisanna Fodde (ITA)
Rodolfo Garcia Muriel (MEX)
Bernard Giudicelli (FRA)
* Jack Graham (CAN)
* David Haggerty (USA)
* Stephen Healy (AUS)
* Anil Khanna (IND)
Ulrich Klaus (GER)
Thomas Koenigsfeldt (DEN)
Jorge Lacerda da Rosa (BRA)
Celia Patrick (NZL)
Aleksei Selivanenko (RUS)
* Rene Stammbach (SUI)
Predrag Stojcevic (CRO)
Marina Tauber (MDA)
Stefan Tzvetkov (BUL)
Ayda Uluc (TUR)
Bulat Utemuratov (KAZ)
Karin van Bijsterveld (NED)
* Incumbent Board Member

The Draw for the 2016 Davis Cup by BNP Paribas will be held during the AGM at the Santiago Marriott Hotel on Wednesday 23 September at 19:00 local time (22:00 GMT). At Friday’s AGM, nations will also vote on the introduction of fifth set tiebreaks in Davis Cup starting in 2016.

Ahead of the formal AGM, Regional Association meetings will be held on Wednesday, while Key Issues sessions will take place on Thursday. Awards for Services to the Game will also be presented during the week.

ITF Confirms Nominations For ITF President And ITF Board Of Directors


The ITF has announced the nominations for the elections for the ITF President and ITF Board of Directors that will be held on Friday 25 September 2015 at the ITF’s Annual General Meeting in Santiago, Chile. Both the President and 13 other members of the Board of Directors will be elected for four-year terms from 2015-19.

Nominations for the position of ITF President have been made by Class B Member Nations who fully meet ITF constitutional criteria. The following nominations have been received by the closing date for resolutions for the 2015 AGM, 25 May:

David Haggerty (USA)
Anil Khanna (IND)
Juan Margets Lobato (ESP)
Rene Stammbach (SUI)

Francesco Ricci Bitti, photo credit ITF.com
Francesco Ricci Bitti, photo credit ITF.com

The new President will replace outgoing ITF President Francesco Ricci Bitti, who will step down after 16 years in office.

Nominations for election to the ITF Board of Directors have also been made by Class B Member Nations who fully meet ITF constitutional criteria. The following nominations have been received by the closing date for resolutions for the 2015 AGM, 25 May:

Katrina Adams (USA)
* Tarak Cherif (TUN)
Martin Corrie (GBR)
Goran Djokovic (SRB)
* Sergio Elias (CHI)
Ismail El Shafei (EGY)
Jose Luis Escañuela Romana (ESP)
Luisanna Fodde (ITA)
Rodolfo Garcia Muriel (MEX)
Bernard Giudicelli (FRA)
* Jack Graham (CAN)
* David Haggerty (USA)
* Stephen Healy (AUS)
* Anil Khanna (IND)
Ulrich Klaus (GER)
Thomas Koenigsfeldt (DEN)
Jorge Lacerda da Rosa (BRA)
Celia Patrick (NZL)
Aleksei Selivanenko (RUS)
* Rene Stammbach (SUI)
Predrag Stojcevic (CRO)
Surendran Subramaniam (SRI)
Stefan Tzvetkov (BUL)
Ayda Uluc (TUR)
Bulat Utemuratov (KAZ)
Karin van Bijsterveld (NED)

* Incumbent Board Member

The length of term for Board members has been increased from two to four years after a motion was passed at the 2014 ITF AGM in Dubai.