Tag Archives: Alexander RFC

All Is Set For The Biggest 7’S Rugby Tournament In West Africa

Tournament manager of the Independence Rugby 7’s Championship ‘Fasimoye Olatunji’ as affirmed that despite the withdrawal of international teams, the tournament promises to be of top standard, 13 teams from all over the regions in Nigeria will be competing for Cup, Plate and bowl silverware.

The tournament which will be staged at the Onikan Stadium Lagos on the 31st October and 1st November 2014 from 10am – 6pm on both days will feature defending champions,

Independence Rugby 7s Tournament
Independence Rugby 7s Tournament

Police Machine and last year’s runner up Cowrie RFC.

Other teams are:

Hawkster Athletics,

Racing RFC,

Gosah RFC,

Covenant University RFC,

Royal Stallions RFC,

South-South RFC,

Abia Buffalos RFC,

Zaria RFC,

Barewa RFC,

Plateau Tigers and Abuja RFC.

The tournament promises to be a fun filled one and entry into the venue is free. Fasimoye as has called on all rugby fans and the general public to come out en-mass to support and enjoy the tournament.

CMB Committed To The Sponsorship Of The Independence Rugby 7’S Despite Withdrawal Of Three International Teams

CMB Building

The Independence Rugby 7’s Championship organizers received late withdrawal notice from three international teams scheduled to participate in the Tournament, the news from Alexander RFC, Nigeria Exiles RFC and Botswana National 7s Team came in on Monday 27th October. Although, the story behind their withdrawal was not clearly stated but it has an element of the Ebola controversy.

The CEO of CMB Building Maintenance & Inv. Co. Ltd and the sponsors of the tournament Mr Kelechukwu Mbagwu, affirms that organizers will go ahead with plans despite the withdrawal of the three foreign teams, his brand will focus on the overall picture which is to develop the sport in Nigeria, although the withdrawal of the international teams is not good for the expected brands mileage from the tournament, they are more keen on the development of Rugby in Nigeria.

Tunji Fasimoye

CMB Building Maintenance & Inv. Co. Ltd is the back bone of the Nigeria Rugby Football Federation
NRFF Technical Director and Tournament Director of the independence Rugby 7’s Fasimoye Olatunji in his reaction to the withdrawal of these teams said, “we will not let the withdrawal distract us from the overall goal, although we will miss the international flavor in the tournament but their absence will not in any way affect the standard of the competition, despite the participation of three international teams last year, we witnessed two local teams; Police Machines and Cowrie RFC in the cup final.

Independence Rugby 7s Tournament
Independence Rugby 7s Tournament

We will use the tournament to access our local players and this is an opportunity for players in contention for the trip to the Africa Cup 7s scheduled for 8th-29th November in Harare to put their hands up for selection under the watchful eye of ex springbok 7s star; Fabian Juries”.

Fabian Juries, photo sport24.co.za
Fabian Juries, photo sport24.co.za

Juries is the third highest try scorer in the history of IRB International 7s series and he will be at the tournament to assist the NRFF technical team look at possible players for Black Stallions 7s.

Fasimoye further appealed to the public to come all out to support and enjoy the independence rugby 7’s which will be held at the Onikan Stadium Lagos on the 31st October and 1st of November 2014.

Independence Rugby 7’S Championship: Barewa Rfc And Zaria Secure Slots

After an highly contested play off in the Northern Region this weekend, Plateau Tigers RFC, Barewa RFC and Zaria RFC have secured a slot in this year’s Independence Rugby 7’s championship, Also, Royal Stallions RFC of Ilorin secured a slot after Marlins RFC of UK withdraw from the championship.

Following this development, the tournament manager Fasimoye Olatunji who is also the Technical Director of the Nigeria Rugby Football Federation confirmed that sixteen teams will be participating in this year’s edition:


Alexander RFC of Egypt,

Cosmos Buffalos of Ghana,

Botswana Vultures,

Nigerian Exile RFC of UK,

Police Machine of Lagos (Defending Champions),

Cowrie RFC of Lagos,

Racing RFC of Lagos,

Hawkster Athletics of Lagos,

Gosar RFC of Lagos, Zaria RFC,

Barewa RFC,

Plateau Tigers RFC of Jos,

Abuja RFC,

Buffalos RFC of Abia,

South South RFC

and Royal Stallions of Ilorin.

Independence 7’s: Hawster Athletics, Racing RFC And Gosar RFC Grab Playoffs Spot
Independence 7’s: Hawster Athletics, Racing RFC And Gosar RFC Grab Playoffs Spot

Fasimoye further stated that the teams will be grouped into four groups consisting of four teams each and they will play for CUP, Plate, Bowl and Shield.

Exciting action, delicious meals, a great crowd, is what best describes the Independence Rugby 7s tournament which is held annually by the rugby community to commemorate Nigeria’s Independence anniversary.

This year’s edition will be held at the Onikan Stadium, Onikan, Lagos on the 31st of October and 1st of November 2014.