Tag Archives: A World at School Global Youth Ambassador

No Barriers: Cross River Promises Additional Funding To Cover Exam Fee Cost

The Cross River State Universal Basic Education Board (CR-SUBEB) on Monday said it will take responsibility for the cost of exam fees in all public schools in the South-Southern Nigeria State beginning from 2015.

About 360,000 children learning in Cross River schools pay 150 Naira (a little below $1) each session, but divided into three terms to enable them sit for examination. Authorities say about half the number usually do not comply.

In a meeting with 1 GAME Founder and A World at School Global Youth Ambassador, Philip Obaji Jr. in commemoration of Day of the African Child, Chairman of CR-SUBEB, Joseph Ebam gave the backing of his board for the No Barriers Campaign with a pledge to be responsible for the cost of exam fees in public schools from next year.

Ebam said: “We already have in the plan of the board to take away any iota of fees, whether exam fees or purchase of books from the schools and from the pupils. We intend to include that in the next budget. “

When asked if the proposed budget will be endorsed by the Cross River State Governor who gives the final approval before it is presented to the legislature, Ebam was full of confidence in his response.

“I’m sure that with the passionate nature of His Excellency (the Governor of Cross River State) to education, there’s no way he would not approve that. We are very optimistic that His Excellency will approve.”

A little above 50 million Naira (about $300,000) will be needed annually to cover for the cost of setting exams in Cross River schools. Though the figure seems relatively high for a state that has not so much in terms of resources, Education Campaigner Philip Obaji Jr. says it is worth sacrificing for every child.

“Nothing is too much to sacrifice for our children. Any government that invests on its children, invests on a secured future,” Obaji said.

“No child should be excluded from basic education because of cost,” he added.

Monday’s meeting was organized to coincide with the Day of the African Child which is celebrated every year on June 16, to honour those students massacred in their struggle for equal education in apartheid South Africa.

1 Game, #NoBarrierstoeducation