Adam Johnson Found Guilty Of One Count Of Sexual Activity With A Teenage Girl

Former Sunderland midfielder Adam Johnson have being found guilty of sexual activity with a 15-year old girl and faces up to 10 years in jail.

Johnson was convicted of sexual activity with the 15-year old girl but was cleared of another count in which she was alleged to have performed a sex act on him.

The judge Jonathan Rose told Johnson a custodial sentence was “an almost inevitable outcome” when he is sentenced in two to three weeks at Bradford crown court.

He said his preliminary view was that the case fell into the category of a five-year prison sentence with a range of four to
10 years.

Judge Rose told Johnson as he was granting him bail that he should use the opportunity to “say goodbye to your daughter” because “you will not see her for some time”.

The judge said: “You must understand when you return here at the end of March that it will be to receive a substantial prison sentence. Do you understand that?”

Johnson nodded in the glass dock, flanked by two Police officers. The judge told Johnson he must observe a 7pm-7am curfew and also said to him that “you would be well advised to stay well away from social media” before he is jailed.

The jury of eight women and four men deliberated for nine hours and 42 minutes after which they found Johnson guilty of one count of sexual activity with a child.

They returned with a majority of 10-2 after failing to reach a unanimous verdict.

The jurors convicted Adam Johnson just half an hour after acquitting him on another count of sexual activity with a

Adam Johnson photo credit:
Adam Johnson
photo credit:

Johnson had denied all four of the allegations until the first day of his trial, when he pleaded guilty to one count of
grooming and one count of kissing the schoolgirl.

He continued to deny that he did anything further than kiss the teenager and disputed her allegation that she performed oral sex on him and that he penetrated her with his fingers..

Adam Johnson’s counsel Orlando Pownall told the court that there would be an appeal against the guilty verdict.

Paul Ayorinde

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