Nigerian Rugby Football Federation sees a better 2016

With all serious-minded Federation already taking stock of 2015 and planning for 2016, the Vice President of the Nigerian Rugby Football Federation, Olatunji Fasimoye says better times await the federation next year.

Speaking over the weekend in an interactive session with journalists, he said after several meetings between the President of the Federation, Sir Edward Fom Pam and the Director General of the National Sports Commission, Mallam Alhassan Yakmut, there are indications that the NSC will pay a better attention to rugby next year.

In his words, “The President of the federation is actually in talks with the DG and I think there is hope because the DG has shown more interest in Rugby.”

We hope by next year, they will invest more in rugby for us to take our position on the world map.

He appealed to Nigerians to be patient with the new Minister of Youth and Sports, Barrister Solomon Dalung considering his recent actions in office.

Fasimoye who is an astute administrator in the private sector revealed that the minister who is not up to two months in office should not be expected to perform miracles immediately as there is need for him to consult with likeminded stakeholders before making moves.

Tunji Fasimoye – VP NRFF,
Tunji Fasimoye – VP NRFF,

He also mentioned that the CMB Sponsored league department of the Nigerian Rugby Football Federation has concluded plans to host the Super cup this December as to determine the ultimate champion for the 2014/2015 league season. With the 2014/2015 already ended and Cowrie Rugby Football Club of Lagos and Barewa RFC of Kano emerging champions of their regional leagues, there is a need to know the national champion.

Despite the venue for the annual championship not yet finalized, Abuja and Lagos are presently in the early lead to host the event.
He assured that come 2016, the leagues will kick off and with all programmes also resuming in earnest.

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