The sports loving people of Anambra State have expressed their appreciation to the awarding winning energy drink BULLET ENERGY DRINK for giving their kids the opportunity to play basketball.

The populace showed appreciation when they troop out in large numbers to watch their children play the game they love so much.

Bullet Energy drink also rewarded some exceptional kids with gift items.

Bullet Energy Drink Samuel Oguche youth basketball camp.,

Meanwhile Samuel Oguche is confident the Bullet Energy drink basketball youth camp will continue to foster the growth of basketball in Nigeria.

Speaking at the 3rd day of the Bullet Energy drink basketball camp in Onitsha, Oguche expressed satisfaction at the influence the camp has had on fledgling basketball talents- most of which he said have would go ahead to play for Colleges in the US- in Nigeria and other African countries.

He stated that the aim of the annual camp is not to develop and take kids abroad but for them to fit into the Nigeria and other African countries league system.

Bullet Energy Drink Samuel Oguche youth basketball camp.-
The 3rd edition of the camp, which began in Onitsha on Monday, saw kids from South east Nigeria with instructors drawn from Nigeria and the United States of America. Two foreign coaches Anthony Gorham and Patrick Greg Brown took take participants through the rudiments of basketball.

Anthony Gorham stressed the need for the participants to take their education seriously, as it was not possible for all of them to be drafted into the National Basketball Association (NBA) league even if they play at colleges in the US.

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